I feel like overtime depression gets harder to deal with. I thought it gets better for some reason but I was wrong. Life just seems like a nightmare.
Worse : I feel like overtime depression... - Anxiety and Depre...
Depression is a strange thing. If you have a good time then there will be times when it is just plain difficult to manage the day. If you are like me and find your brand of depression is treatment resistant (tried drugs from all groups) then thank your health provider for doing their best as far as scripts can go. Working out the plan that works for you on the bad days is important. Remember that it is okay to say today is not my best day. Keep note of these days and see if they are connected with events in your life. I seem to be incredibly sensitive and reactive which makes the struggle to cope worse. My coping plan is still a work in progress with my psychiatrist.
All the best
Hello,I agree with Windsorgardener5087 about depression and not all days being the best. I've been diagnosed pretty recently but I suspect I've struggled with it for awhile though. Sometimes I feel this emptiness that life is never going to be better and I am going to be stuck in one place forever. I think that journaling helps let this out as well as speaking to my therapist. It is important to have places to express myself where I can be open and not judged and release some of the pain. I hope this helps.
Keep up the battle. There will be good days and bad days. Try to say positive things to yourself each day. Remember you are a special creation.
Thank you so much for your response. I will try to remember these tips