How do you all cope with anxiety at night? It seems that mine always gets worse at night when i'm in bed. I'm constantly on FaceTime with my best friend, which helps a lot but at the same time I can't alway rely on someone else to help me feel better. I feel like almost every single night I have a panic attack and I feel like I'm dying. Most of my anxiety comes from my health. I've had so many tests done on my heart and my brain and many blood tests. Things come back normal but I still question whether or not I am going to be okay. Heart attacks, strokes, and fainting are my biggest worries. I am so afraid of dying and I have never said that publicly but I just wish I could relax and live life normally. I don't think that's ever possible, but I can only hope for the best. Please give me some tips and insight to this madness! Thank you all so much.
Anxiety gets worse at night.. - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety gets worse at night..

I've had this problem for a long time. Being with people makes me anxious but being alone makes me depressed. I've found that working nights quiet my anxieties and depression and meeting people in the afternoons briefly makes life a lot easier. I hope this is helpful to you. Good luck x
I have dealt with similar issues and it is hard but you can get through this. I was taking medications and seeing a counselor but now I am better and no longer on medications. If you ever need to talk call me 806 777-8142.
I know exactly what you are going through, I used to feel just like that but your mind is like a car when it starts racing you need to learn to apply the brakes and slow down. You determine where your mind goes don't let your mind control you. I am available to talk or text if you need to talk. 806 777-8142....Calvin.
Yes it definitely does get harder at night. Do you take any medicine for it?
Merely a suggestion but try excercise in the evening before bed. You don't need a gym. Something simple like walking a few flights of stairs will do. Try to get your heart pumping and blood flowing through your brain and body. Sometimes when I get attacks, I'll do push-ups in the middle of the night just to get it out. We have natural anti anxiety chemicals in our body. Blood flow will release them.
In addition I've found that avoiding caffeine, sugar and alcohol are very helpful
No trying to exercise in the morning I found out people with the same problem exercise late but them in a panic attack an hour after
And for night time that works for me is breathing techniques and get on YouTube and find some calm relaxing music concentrate clearing your mind
As with you, my anxiety gets much worse at night. A common contributor is that during the day we are occupied with tasks and the light from outside stimulates the brain so there is less of a capacity for anxiety. Anxiety itself preys on time when you are less likely to be doing something to cause a distraction, such as laying in bed, watching a movie or reading. I like to keep myself busy up until I go to bed, and when I'm falling asleep I have an intensive meditation process that improves my anxiety and helps me sleep.
I really understand what you are saying. like me, you wake up every morning... health anxiety is a literal pain in the neck!
Hi! I experience something very very similar. My anxiety gets much worse at night and it is horrible if I happen to wake up around 3-5 am which I normally do. Something I have started doing is dancing and singing along to music in the evening. I dance like crazy to the point where it's a bit of exercise. It tires me out, lets me focus on something other than anxiety and my heart beat, and it puts me in a good mood. After that I might take a lavender bath, drink some tea, and so on. I usually take melatonin to help me fall asleep since it's natural and very mild. I watch something lighthearted like Bobs Burgers until my eyes start to close and then I try to sleep.
Im sorry you are going through this. It helps knowing that you are not alone in this. I pray a lot when im having an anxiety attack. It does help. I do better with the attacks now at 51 then when i was in my 30's. Try to keep a positive attitude and make sure you cut out certain things like caffeine, sugars right before bed. Put something calming on your phone like rain or thunder storms. That helps me a lot.
Hi I just joined. I feel similar your not alone. I sometimes wake with chest pain just as I drift off to sleep I wake up it goes away and repeat. I've gotten better and staying calm it woke me twice last night. Use to keep me up for hours. I too have phobias about my heart and health all test results have been good.