rudeness: people keep saying im ugly... - Anxiety and Depre...

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169 Replies

people keep saying im ugly. also ive been bullied my whole life. also im adopted ive been in 13 foster homes. i got taken back to my biological family 3 times to see if they would change but they didnt. i also have traumatic brain injury. im missing my bio family. i wished they changed but they didnt. this article is about me. im the one on the left in the white and blue flowery dress.

169 Replies

i just dont get it they should know what i went through but they dont. they should know how hard my life has been

thats hard because i feel like my bio family doesnt love me . they didnt stop what they were doing to keep me. also i was a drug and alcohol baby

Tillymay profile image

Bless you.The people that say your ugly are the ugly ones and that can’t change for them as they are ugly on the inside for saying such horrible are beautiful because you are a nice person.

in reply toTillymay

awwww thank you are you sure about that😢😭

Tillymay profile image
Tillymay in reply to

Oh yes I’m sure I would always say the most beautiful person in the world would be the ugliest if they said horrible things to people to make them feel don’t need people in your life like that!

in reply toTillymay

yeah i dont. im sorry if this made anyone cry. i have another post also about a car accident😭😭😭😭😭😭

I’ve heard how ugly I am my whole life. I grew up with attractive people.

Many people tell me that is called haters.

Do you know how many times people told me sowmthing was ugly and and then you see the person dating the guy or girl? Or wearing the dress lol. And. Ugly I though turned out to be in style. My friend would make fun of my style. To find that he style became in fashion after she said that lol.

People feel like shit inside and these people will feel better by hurting you with pain or violence. Ffff. Them.

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i dont do to well with bullying because of my past

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Pray for the haters. To be removed. And tell yourself everyday that you are loved. And well the looks I’m working on. All we can do is eat well. Exercise. And try and create an image that we like the reflection.

If we all looked the same this world would be so annoying.

Man is made in gods image. Perfect. That means.

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yes thats so true

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I think that you had a hard life. Being from home to home had a bad effect on me so, it must have you.

It’s hard to love ourselves when other push us away or neglect us.

I learned we are born and die alone. We only have god. That’s all we need and if we can meet some cool people on our journey. Cool.

Those people that make others feel ugly pick up on our energy about our self worth or esteem. F them. I’m done being peoples Matt.

We have to put the foot down. And stand up for ourselves.

If you think you look weird or ugly. You can change some stuff like hair style. Clothes. Exercise. Change diet.

Mostly these people have explained to me we need to self accept ourselves. Inside is what is very important. Our shell protects the inside. Our heart and organs are all inside without the inside we die.

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Tracey chairman has a nice song. Called. All that you have is your soul.

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i will listen to that song

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i tried to do all that but nope they still bully me

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At school? Or home?

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at school mostly but home also

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I guess you are young. Well I’m a tell you. Even when you get older people make fun of others. Being beautiful. I always wanted to be more beautiful. I feel like pretty people are treated better. I notice when I wear heels. And make up and stuff I am treated differently compared to my yoga attire

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i am 17 years old

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Ya just a baby. Yay. Lots of shity people out there. I know lots of them. You will meet gems. Find the beauty in you.

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i try to and then i get forced to vape. also when im older i wont be able to drink because i would get addicted right away to it

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Oh no. You don’t need to smoke love. No.

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they forced me to and these high schooler who did that to me

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That's horrible. Now I feel like the big brother who wants to protect his little sister.

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Stay away from them bad people. They are not good people.

Probably because they hurting too.

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I hate feeling ugly. I know we shouldn’t compare ourself with others but it’s hard not too.

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yeah it is hard

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I think you could be an inspirational speaker. Inside find the light. To help you over come the feelings.

You been through hell. You have lots to share and with the world

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i dont if i could do that

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Do you exercise ? Yoga?

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i barely exercise. i do just dance 2021 sometimes

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Exercise will make you feel like a million bucks.

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how would it do that

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When you can. Go on YouTube. Face yoga.

You can see results.

Exercise will change physical look of body. And brain will be much happier. Of course talk to dr. About brain. Do not wanna upset me. Smart brain.

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what do you mean upset you. also i cant do yoga because it goes against my religion

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You said you have a brain injury. So before exercise make sure doctor says it’s age to exercise. Face yoga can structure your face how you wnat it. It’s like cardio for the face hahaha.

I’m just saying. You don’t like hair change the colour. You don’t like clothes. Get new ones.

You don’t like shape of body exercise and etc.

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Make sure your allowed to exercise

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what do you mean make sure. i also have autism and adhd

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They say before you exercise talk to doctor first.

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i wonder why that is

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Your almost done school. You are a survivor girl. You will oneday move yourself to a better housing situation.

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i hope i can . i also hope i can find the right person for me also

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Seven billion people. On earth. You can find someone. Someone foot everyone. You deserve to be happy and have. A good life. Ok.

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i have to find a good Christian man

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Wait I’m Christian. We are not allowed to do yoga??? Oh a beautiful Christian is in the world for you.

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yeah we are not suppose to do yoga.

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yes i have traumatic brain injury

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You’re so brave.

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how am i brave

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It takes time. You are young still

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im not young , im almost a adult

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Wish you could find a home first that is safe. And well I’ll be honest I feel like people are bullies at school still even at my age. I’m 37. I have kids that will talk to me like I am stupid because my gramma essay is not as good as theirs.

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Just know everything is temporary. I hope you have positive people somewhere around you. Reach out. Try and move and know high school is almost over.

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im a senior this year

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Yayyyy. You’re almost done and moving on to something better. New experiences. Yay

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i hope its new experience

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More to life then we see.

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i hope it is. i hate my life right now.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Do you have a faith.

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what do you mean by that

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Do you believ in god

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yes i believe in God. i got baptized 3 times

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People are nasty. And I’m angry. And I have been nasty. I have been treated nasty. It’s because of anger and pain. It’s not even about us. Half the time.

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why are you angry is it because of me

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Why would I be angry at you ? I do not know you dear. Of course I’m not angry at you.

i hope so

Hello. Wow, you have been through so much. But you know what, you're still here and you are a survivor. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't let what other people say bring you down. Live your life for you.

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has everyone seen my other posts

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Can I follow you on here? I want to know why you feel the way you do. I have a relative who has the same feelings you have.

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ues you can

VDC1 profile image

We all get dealt different hands in life and I’m really sorry you got dealt a bad one. That’s a whole lot to deal with. Life is hard enough for the best of us, who haven’t had the challenges you’ve had. People are cruel and deal with their own insecurities by picking on others.

You can’t choose your relatives, but you can choose who you spend time with. The closest people in my life are not relatives. Your family probably loves you but maybe has too many struggles or their own to support you the way you need.

I really hate bullies and it makes me angry to hear that. If it’s a school situation where you’re being bullied, definitely report them. It’s unacceptable

in reply toVDC1

i do but they dont do anything. also the person who is bullying me says if you snitch you will get stitches

VDC1 profile image
VDC1 in reply to

If anyone has threatened you then go and report them to the police, then they will get in trouble, but also your school’s principal/teachers will also get in trouble. Collect any evidence, if there’s any online bullying etc. Bullying is not to be ignored

in reply toVDC1

my school just ignore it and says deal with it

VDC1 profile image
VDC1 in reply to ( if you’re in the US)

Check out what they have to say.

in reply toVDC1

what do they say my school wont care and yes im in the us

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i just feel like hate me and i actually cut my wrists and my knuckles before because of this

VDC1 profile image
VDC1 in reply to

Here’s what I suggest you do, write an email to your school’s principal detailing these things. And if they ignore it, you have evidence. Then report it to the school board and police. Then the bully will stop and your principal could even get fired.

in reply toVDC1

ive tried that nothing happened

VDC1 profile image
VDC1 in reply to

You reported to the police?

in reply toVDC1

yes i reported to the police and the police on my campus

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ive been trying not to cut my knuckles and wrist but its nots working

VDC1 profile image
VDC1 in reply to

Please don’t do that. Here’s a resource I found for you, That’s specifically for those self harming

in reply toVDC1

im trying to stop and im getting there

VDC1 profile image
VDC1 in reply to

That’s never okay though. I’d rather you went to the emergency as opposed to cut yourself

in reply toVDC1

okay im sorry please dont hurt me

VDC1 profile image
VDC1 in reply to

Only here to try and help.

in reply toVDC1

i know i just have a bad life

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Record them on your phone.

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i don't have a phone

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You need to remove yourself from these people.

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There are alternatives to attending a high school that is causing you such uncomfortable feelings. You can find a social worker in your community. An advocate. To help you get situated in a new housing placement. Soon. You will be 18. You have things to look forward to. Moving from these people. And finishing high school. College and university is very different. Of course pwople suck everywhere. But this is your life. You choose what you wnat to do with it. How you respond to people and situations.

kenster1 profile image

people who tend to bully are people masking issues probably bigger than the ones they bully.rise above the ignorance you will emerge far stronger for it.hopefully one day you can re connect with your family.

in reply tokenster1

i wont be able to. i was a drug and alcohol baby

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to

hey sorry to hear that face to face meetings with them will bring you more hurt but could you keep writing to them even send them information about rehab and counselling with elder drug users the penny usually drops and many go on to be clean and rebuild lives for themselves the hardest part is accepting they have a problem.

in reply tokenster1

i sent them a picture book and they didnt send anything back

i also have been in and out of houses since 15 months old and i got adopted at 6 1/2 years old and my biological brother got at 3 years old with me

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Trauma informed approach. There is information on this. I think you can get a worker to help you access these treatment programs. You are young you have a good chance to experience a better life then you feel now. And you deserve to be happy. Our past doesn’t need to define us. It makes us stronger. That’s why I say you are brave.

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i hope i can get over the hump of missing my bio family

God is your parent. If you don’t have a faith. Know that the universe is your parent. And loves you. All of you. If you put your hair down. You look like the blonde legally blonde actress. What’s to complain about that.

The people around you are probably most definitely traumatized themselves. That’s why they like that. They feel different themselves so they want others to feel different. They feel unloved themselves. So they are unloving and want others to feel unloved.

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yes he is and yes im religious . im Christian

these days are hard for me and tomorrow im going to get a sleep study done on me and im super scared, nervous, and anxious.

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You need to find a social worker. Or Counsellor. Or an advocate in the community. You need to find good people. There are resources. If you need some help. Pls inbox me main location of city. I will send resources for you.

Do some push-ups. Volunteer. Get a job. After pandemic. Lol. Find passion on something. Push-ups help. They make us stronger.

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If you have a belief start praying for the beauty you want.

There is a movie called the secret. It’s on YouTube. It might help.

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OK thank you for that. i will look it up

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im scared, nervous, and anxious about my sleep study tomorrow

Hells18 profile image

I think ur beautiful 💕and anyone who can’t appreciate how strong and beautiful you are don’t deserve you’re time

in reply toHells18

awww thankyou. also did you read my other posts

Hells18 profile image
Hells18 in reply to

Not yet I will have a look now xx

in reply toHells18

oh ok

Very good post and response.

Yes. And, we all can feel similar emotions. We are humans. We all can connect in one way or another.

pam4him profile image

So sorry for what you've been through. Keep in mind that often when people say things like that, they often think it about themselves, even if they don't say it out loud. Hang in there. All life has purpose and a reason for existing. It may take some time to discover that purpose, but you'll find it when it's time. Prayers for peace, strength, and loving relationships.

in reply topam4him

thank you for that pam

13ga profile image


i'm little late to the party; another bookmark i'm catching up on...

i gotta tell you - i looked at that pic after you said people called you ugly - and BEFORE i knew which 1 was you....

this was my reaction: What TF are they talkin about - there's not an ugly 1 in the whole bunch!! i had noo idea which 1 was you until i read more...

anyone that called you ugly, has their head up their butt. and did so because it is they who feels ugly, and needs to make you feel ugly so they can feel better about themselves.

people that do that - that's the truest ugly of all. and there's alot of people out there with that kind of ugly in their heart and mind.

they feel better when they can poison your mind into thinking like them. don't take their poison.... it's total BULLSPIT.

i've gone back and looked at your picture several times now - and i have a very discriminating, and detailed eye. i can honestly tell you i can't see a darn thing wrong.

you're a very pretty lady. you've endured some really bad, and traumatic events. in addition to looking beautiful - anyone that's been thru what you've gone thru, and can look at a camera and smile like that, has some rock solid... guts. i see your beauty plain as day.

also - that's a pretty dress; i think it suits you nicely!

in reply to13ga

awww thank you

in reply to13ga

That's right!! BULLSPIT!!

Ashlae profile image
Ashlae in reply to13ga

Everything she just said. Bullies are cowards. They are so afraid of their vulnerabilities being exposed that they seek out vulnerable people and verbally, and many times physically beat them into the ground. They call you what they feel they are inside. They'll never admit it. It's not about you at all, Honey. It's truly all about them.

You are enough just the way you are, right now. You were enough the day you were born. You have everything you need right there inside you. You have more power than you can imagine. You don't need a man. You're a whole person all on your own. Anyone who comes along is just a bonus. You're incredible the way God made you, and you don't have to change anything to be loved by anyone whose worth your time.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply toAshlae

well said, Ashlae!!

Ashlae profile image
Ashlae in reply to13ga

Thank you. 💜

in reply toAshlae

have you read my other posts

Ashlae profile image
Ashlae in reply to

Yes. 🌻

No you are not ugly. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. People who say that are very insecure about themselves. My parents use to take in foster kids and when they left they were still brothers and sisters to us. We are a family we stick together. I'm not the greatest looking person but I find the one thing that makes me beautiful to me. Whether it's a talent I have or my goodness in my heart to help people who need help. Anything that will make people take notice that I belong. Looks means nothing. Your heart is what shines thru to make you look beautiful.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

sun - really liked your reply...

only wanted to tac on a slight bit...

none of us perfect - we are a sum of the good and the imperfect.

a slight disagreement tho; looks DO matter - especially when there is absolutely nothing else that's attractive. so what am i saying? people that have only ugliness on the inside - have nothing left but looks to judge by.

i'd be dishonest, if i said looks don't matter to me. but i also look at the whole package. if the looks are there, but nothing else is.... i'm not interested. so looks do matter to me on some level - and that means - if i'm being bluntly honest - on some level - i have some shallowness. i think we all do.

all that said - i MAY have some flaws (only 1 tiny 1... 8-) ) - but 1 thing overall can be said about beautiful people - regardless of how much shallow they may have - they ALWAYS try their best to respect others, and to see the beauty wherever they find it.

- and kitten - my shallowness is a bonus to you. now you know i can be shallow about looks - and I STILL think you're beautiful. inside and out.

hmmm... maybe i need to adjust my definition of 'slight bit'.... :-)

in reply to13ga

Yeah nobody's perfect. There is nothing wrong with kitten at all. These are just rude people. They are taking advantage of someone they can bully. I had a best friend in school that was bullied. He never retaliated back at them. He was the most wonder person I ever knew until.kitten came along. Now there are 2 wonderful people I know. I know there are more.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

i sure as heck there are more than 2!!!!!! but i also fear, you could be right.


in reply to13ga


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in reply to13ga


1. Looks don't matter to everyone.

2. Your shallowness is not a boon to this 17 year old girl, no matter how much you try to twist it.

3. Here we go again- A young person expressing heartbreaking frustration and you write multiple paragraphs talking about yourself.

Speaking from experience, a grown man telling a 17 year old girl that "looks DO matter" can be very detrimental to her mental well-being. Everything you've written after that statement to try and justify your opinion is gibberish. Please either edit your response to something coherent and less dangerous to the psyche of a young girl, or delete your reply.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

CJ -

i only wish you would TRY giving me the benefit of the doubt.

i had a pointed reason for saying what i did.


and if you need me to spell it out for you...

i was trying to say - that she WAS beautiful ANY way you look at her.


i was being sarcastic, as well as honest. anything i said about me - was pointedly, and purposely intended to increase the impact of what i said to and about kitten.


i'm sorry if you don't appreciate my sense of humor, or the manner in which i try to help others.... kitten certainly DID.

she's very nearly an adult, and i treated her like one - with respect, and honesty about people out in the real world.

.if you weren't so busy looking for the negativity in how others may do a crappy job of trying to help - you just MIGHT see that there's some positivity in there!!! or at least - the attempt.

have you given any thought to why it's important for you to find negativity, where there is none in intent???


in the very least, you could give me an occasional TY - for at least trying. clearly i don't measure up to your standards - so in the future, might i suggest, when you see '13ga' - just skip ahead, to someone that's as perfect in their positivity and delivery as you are!!

as always, TY for taking the time to tell me how you feel.

in reply to13ga

"sarcastic" but "honest" in a post about a young girl's looks... Not helpful. Not humorous. Not worth a thank you. And not something that I will just scroll by without addressing, especially when it's geared towards a teenager.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

kitten is practically an adult - any may not appreciate being referred to, or implied that she's immature. most ''kids'' do not appreciate, and in todays world grow up a lot faster than most give them credit for.

honestly, i only starting replying to acknowledge i read your reply.

not worth my time and aggravation to continue... we clearly disagree and have different ideas on what and how to help others.

i wasn't asking for a ty (nor would i EVER). i was only was eluding [sarcastically] - that i thought we agreed that each of us was trying to help others, and has good intentions. if we disagree on that as well... it is was it is. i can't, and won't - try to convince you who i am or what i'm about. only you can decide. read all my replies - i think my intentions are clear.

and to be crystal clear- i'm not asking you to read my replies - clearly i'm not worth your time or aggravation. i'm just saying my intentions are laid plain for anyone to see.

sarcasm is built into me - that's MY programming since birth. while i acknowledge it's not always taken well, and try to change - i am but an imperfect human - presumably, just like you.

in reply to13ga

You literally said "in the very least, you could give me an occasional TY" in your reply to me, and then in the next breath: "i wasn't asking for a ty (nor would i EVER)" So please... unless and until you can keep your story straight, don't lecture or try to 'educate' anyone else. Kthxbye.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

OMG, cj - what part of sarcasm don't you get!?

i LITERALLY said i'm sarcastic!!


in reply to13ga

And that is a GREAT example of how your "sarcasm" doesn't translate. So maybe lay off it when commenting about things that are personal or difficult for another person.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

CJ; again - i recognize, and agree with you, and i sincerely appreciate you're taking the time to point that out. it's clear you're a caring person - you would not have engaged me for so long otherwise!

and trust me; i am trying... but after a lifetime of being programmed to be this way - i often have mis-steps on my road to recovery.


i've read many of your other replies to people, and i genuinely think you are trying to help others... sometimes you're better than others (IMHO). i hope at some point, you might see me in a similar light.


as it is - when i post something - i literally - re-read my post a dozen times; trying to pair out unnecessary bla bla; trying to make sure my message is - on point; well said, and clear. there is hardly a post i spend less than 10 min rereading before i hit send.


i truly am trying.... if you have any further suggestions on how i can stop reverting to sarcasm - i'm all ears.

you have to understand - it's so ingrained in me, i could read 1k-x and still miss sight of it.

i've tried my best to keep this free of sarcasm... but if any slipped past - i aplogize in advance...

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to


CJ, it also occurs to me; in sensitivity to kitten, as well as your own feelings on the matter...


that we've been having a conv that's moving more about us, and less so kitten; as this is her post.

maybe we should move our conv into a DM, or separate post... i'll leave that decision to you... if you wish to continue...

if you start a post - if you'd mention me in it; so i don't miss it - i'm happy to continue.

in reply to13ga

everyone can be in my posts

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

thank you for saying so, kitten. i really appreciate that.

but i also know that Hidden may not like when replies go too far off the original poster's ideas.... and i'm trying to respect her feelings as well.

in reply to13ga

im sorry to say this but she needs to get used to it

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

i understand you, kitten.

but we all have our troubles; and we're all not perfect.

and we all should really try harder to understand each other better.

CJ and i have had our differences - but i still respect her.

i know she's trying to be the best person she can be.

and i'm trying to be the best person i can be.

sometimes we both make mistakes...

probably won't be the last time either.... mistakes happen.

we just have to keep trying to do better.


and you need to keep up the hope for your brother. keep letting him know - however you can - that you're thinking about him, and that you miss him.

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im so confused

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Don't even worry about it Faith. This was a side conversation. Hope your brother is doing ok 🙏

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no hes not doing better. hes still in the hospital

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Oh man 😔 I am so sorry. This must be so tough. I hope he is getting good care at the hospital. Please keep hanging in there 🙏

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i will try

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i won't even see him for christmas

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I'm so sorry hun 😔 I know it's not easy to be away from someone you love during the holidays. I hope that even if you can't see him on Christmas, you'll at least get to see him very soon ❤️

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You keep being strong and I'll keep praying for you and your family 🙏❤️

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i'm sad because i have a Christmas present for him and i can't even give it to him.😭😭😭😭😭

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Honey, it's ok. You can give it to him after Christmas. I know he'll love it just the same as if you gave it to him on Christmas day ❤️

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i hope does

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He will! You're a wonderful, thoughtful sister 😊

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i try to ne

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

are you able to visit with him? can you let him know you miss him, and are thinking of him?

in reply to13ga

no i can't visit him or anything. he's already been in the hospital for a week or so now.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

wow - i'm so sorry you can't visit him. a week sounds like a long time.

can you write him a letter that a nurse or someone can read to him?

i'd bet he'd really love to hear what you're thinking about!!


or maybe you could record what you want to say on a phone, and have someone play it back for him! ??

then he could hear it in your own voice!!

in reply to13ga

i can't do that either because of covid

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

you can't even get a letter to a nurse to take in and read to him?

that doesn't seem right - surely there's some way to get a message to him....

have you talked to your parents about doing this? maybe they can help find another way....

in reply to13ga

i've tried everything and my parents have also. all they say sorry can't take that and all that other stuff

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

hi kitten - wow - i can't believe there's no way to get a message to him.

that's terrible! i know how incredibly frustrating that is, and how helpless that must make you feel.


but you're not alone. everyone that reads your posts is thinking about you, your brother, and your whole family.

i know that many more read your posts than those that reply to you - and i know they're thinking of you and your family too.


never give up. don't give up hope. but most importantly - don't give up trying to get a message to him!! keep trying!!

keep calling, or going to the hospital if you can - keep trying. ask your parents to keep trying.


kitten - write that message to him in a letter anyway! AND record it on a phone or recorder!! DO BOTH. have them ready to send to him -or to give him when he gets out!!

i know he'll appreciate reading it and listening to it even after he gets out.

and if you keep trying to get them sent to him - maybe - just maybe - someone will come to their senses and take them to him.


kitten's to-do list:

write your message down;

record your message;

keep hoping; keep thinking good thoughts;

keep trying to get the messages to him. and don't stop trying until they're taken to him or he gets out, and you hand them to him yourself!!

also - keep reminding yourself - as long as he's in the hospital, he's getting treatment - he and his team of caretakers are working to get him better! and that's a good thing.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

way past my bedtime... but i'll check back in the morning for any more replies....

in reply to13ga

ok thank u

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

kitten, i'm soo sorry to hear your brother hasn't gotten better yet...

my fingers are crossed, and i'm hoping he does get better soon!!

in reply to13ga

i hope so also

You are definitely not ugly, you look beautiful. People tend to say these horrible things because it’s their own insecurities talking. The best thing you can do is rise above it and know you are beautiful. I’m sorry you’re biological family didn’t change, sometimes it might be for the best to not be in that toxic environment. Is your adoptive family caring, looking after you?

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yes they are

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