****If you are triggered by the subject dealing with hostile confrontation or harassment (or any form of harassment), please, put your mental health first and do not read the rest of the post.***
Hi Everyone!
I hope you all are okay, and that you are taking it one step at a time.
So, let's get to the story...
I work retail for the time being and I've had two incidents where a customer did not understand the word "no". At my store there's no security, there's mall security, but they're usually roaming around. We have our stations where we occupy an area of the store so we can abide by the 6 feet rule. I was stationed in the front. If a customer needed help, I was to walkie the person in the section that the item was located in. If the item was in my location, I would have to assist them. A customer came in and as store policy, I said my greeting "Hi, how are you today?" Usually customers would say "Hi" back and go about shopping, or ask for help. But, this guy took my greeting as a whole other sign. He began to say "Hi, my beautiful black queen", "Can I take you out?". The comments got worse. He then began to say "I love you", trying to prompt me to say it back. Then he began to say something on the lines of "I want to lick you up and down" and compared me to a fruit salad. I obviously didn't respond the way he wanted. All of those comments were just plain uncomfortable. I was polite when I answered his question about taking me out, which was a no. He asked me why and I said "I wasn't interested." Mind you, I said it as politely as I could. I didn't want to encourage him any further. It didn't go as planned. I tried to get back to work because I had tasks to complete. He said he was joking, but then he started to repeat all of his previous comments. I might be naive but people who are usually joking don't repeat the same thing, especially to a stranger, and if the joke isn't landing for the other person. I began to feel irritated because I'm at work, and there were customers who might truly need my help. He made no indication that he was looking for anything, and he was not browsing the store because he was standing in the front trying to talk to me. He never asks me to help him find an item. I told him that I was going to finish up my tasks, but if he needed anything everyone on the floor would be glad to help and, I can walkie anyone to let them know what you need. He got irritated and start saying how he was going to buy something but I was being stuck up. I responded, "You're making me uncomfortable." He walked out, and say next time we talk "I'm going to come at you correctly" or something similar to this. He said it in a way that indicated that he wanted a specific response, which he didn't get. I went back to doing my work. A couple of hours later, the guy passes the store. I had walkie my MOD and informed them I was coming to the back. I had already told them what transpired the first time and a male coworker was sent to the front. Sometime later, I asked my coworker if the guy came in, and he said the guy had said something about me. I didn't want to know what was said. I was happy that he was gone. It was a very strange situation and very unnerving. I've never had an interaction with a male who conducted himself like this. I know little boys who can catch a clue better than this obvious adult male. My anxiety was at an all-time high, and I was super alert. When the day was over I was so happy to go home. Now, some might say I'm overreacting, and there might be others who say I should have given him my number (or fake number) and blocked him. The problem is, he can always come back to my store and come in to look for me. I informed my managers of the situation, but it left me feeling defensive and a little unsafe. There was something about that guy that screamed: "Fragile Ego and Dangerous if rejected too much".
I had another situation, where a guy (I honestly think it was the same guy), started calling me a “b***h” because I didn’t answer a question he asked. I'm on meds that help me with ADD, so when I'm concentrating on one task. I get tunnel vision and sometimes I zone out everything. So if anyone was talking to me, unless they were in front of me I wouldn't notice at that time. It doesn't always happen. I missed my meds one day and went back on them the following morning. The store manager verified he did not ask a question and that the entire staff thought he was stealing. (I didn't know this because I was in the front, yet again, and everyone was in the back)I’m not looking forward to going to work, and I’m looking for another job. I'm going to ask to be stationed towards the back, so I can have my coworkers around. This has become overwhelming for me.
I feel as though I tried to be as polite as possible, and I listened to my instincts. I know it could have been worse and that this a special case when it comes to people. It was still very uncomfortable.