The other day, I saw my counselor and I keep telling her how bored I am. Her response? Go outside for a walk.
First of all, that was always my mother's response to everything. Bored? Go outside. tired? go outside. Hungry? go outside.
When I was younger, I really didn't mind , anything was better than being in the house! But, Even then, I was constantly criticized: What are you doing? Why? Are you going outside looking like that? on and on. It didn't matter who said it either: Parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, friends of siblings, neighbors... everyone had something to say to me, about me, In highschool ( yeah, I realize how long ago that was)my best friend got this really cute jumper. I got the same thing in white. She laughed at me and said it looked like I was wearing a diaper.
Walking down the street one of my brother's friends yelled out his front door to mock me. Walking down the street another time, Some guy was driving down the road and opened his window to yell something at me and laugh.
I've been picked on by student and teachers in high school, coworkers at work. family, friends all my life. Some have come back years later to apologize - so , no, I'm not being paranoid. Now, I have a neighbor who comes out everytime I go out of the house. She questions and criticizes everything I do. It's a n ever -ending nightmare.
I mentioned in another post that I created a medical journal. I didn't tell anyone about ti until it was finished. It has been available on Etsy and Amazon for a few months now. No views, no comments, no sales. I stopped posting on social media because let's face it people are only friends when you can do something for them.
When this topic came up in conversation with my daughter, she couldn't understand. So, my question is: Am I overreacting and being totally paranoid? Has this happened to anyone else? If it did, what did you do about it? I tried ignoring it, it doesn't work. It has happened too many times to not be real. Or have I completely lost my mind?