Some young guy was behind me in line st the store. Trigger Warning he was oozing alcohol from his pores and he had a bottle of liquor in his hands and i felt sorry for him i know he drinks because he was struggling I wish i could of did or said something for him. I know he provably hasnt made as many mistakes as i have. i wanted to tell him he was still very young and he gad a big duture ahead of him. I was afraid he would get angry
Wanted to help someone today - Anxiety and Depre...
Wanted to help someone today

I understand how you must have felt at that moment. There are times when I see someone in the neighborhood (much younger than I) and I desperately want to ask him to sit a while so we can talk. But I fear offending him, sounding preachy or even making him angry. Brakes my heart because I wish someone would have done that with me when I started drinking. Maybe my life would have turned out better, maybe.

Thank you, Obsolete. I wish i could have been there for you. Wish you the best🤗
You did the right thing by not saying anything.
He probably wanted to get out of there inconspicuously and
as fast as he could...
The time just wasn't right. xx
sonetime you have to take a chance and offer positive words or whatever I have been on both sides of that coin. It's a gamble but worth it
I will not answer about that particular case as I think you did the right thing for your self-preservation.
However, I will answer about regrets. It's a feeling I know very well. How many times did I want to do something but didn't dare do it? Sometimes things as simple as saying hello to someone, or as serious as refusing a project/friendship/job opportunity. Regrets are like punishing you a second time for a missed occasion. But this punishment is a long-term one. In my case, I can regret words spoken–or not spoken–years after it was forgotten by everyone except me.
I know regrets are symptoms you "live in the past". And that a saner approach is to acknowledge things as they were and move on looking forward to improving your response next time. All that is easier said than done, unfortunately.
When someone is that loaded, chances are very high he won't even remember any conversation you would have with him. The best time to reach an addict is those unfortunately rare moments when he or she is sober and shaking.
Felt bad to see someone in pain
I think you made the right choice in this case. There are times when a word or deed is appropriate and times when silence is better. But your concern for another speaks volumes about you in a very positive way.
🥰 Thank you