Fear: New to this site. But had very... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Traveller24 profile image
14 Replies

New to this site. But had very bad panic attack and bad thoughts two months ago. Big crisis happen. Couldn’t work for a month. Got a bit better with meds. Anxiety and fog and fear is still there. Meds numbed me which is making me feel worse. Lost tons of weight couldn’t eat: feels like something awful will happen. Any tips on how to be positive? A lot of stuff going on. Thanks

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Traveller24 profile image
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14 Replies
FearIsALiar profile image

Welcome to the group! Love the username 😊 I’ve always wanted to travel but I have flying anxiety..

I’m so sorry a crisis happened. I hope things are a bit better now.

Focus on the present is my advice to being positive and list 3-5 things you are grateful for each morning.

Traveller24 profile image
Traveller24 in reply to FearIsALiar

Thanks, I write 5 things I’m greatful for every morning. Breathe, pray, little excercise. I lost tons of weight and a lot of muscle. It’s scary

Agora1 profile image

Hi Traveller24, Once we have a Panic Attack, it may leave within a short time but then leaves us with the memory of what happened. I'm sorry you were off work for a month.

Yes meds can help but to leave one feeling numb which in turn can affect the anxious feelings.

Until the big crisis that happened is addressed, this feeling may continue. When things happen in our lives we do need to leave the negativity behind and focus on the positive things in your life. Many will say that there aren't any but if you look around, you will see

life is full of positives.

Each day when I wake up, I tell myself "I'm Back" :) I start positive meditation with Affirmation and Breathing for 10 minutes before I get out of bed. Mid afternoon, I find

a quiet time to myself and meditate once again. And then before bedtime, another Meditation, Relaxation and Breathing and I fall asleep. These meditations done daily,

leave our Mind and Body in a more prepared state should a crisis arise. It also helps with

feeling the peace and calm throughout the day, making life a little easier to bear. :) xx

Traveller24 profile image
Traveller24 in reply to Agora1

I have a lot to be greatful for. Wife and kids and amazing family and supportive family. I feel numb and still alone in the world. Feels like they will eventually get tired of me and move on. I have very low self worth even tho others don’t view me that way. I’ve always been negative and self critical all my life. Everything is an effort. I always have issues with doing anything in life. It’s like I just haven’t grown up. Medication make me feel even more disconnected. I lost fizz for life; my hobbies etc. Feel like me health is spiralling down too. I breathe in morning, tried meditation but don’t think it’s for me. I listen to positive things, read positive things, pray. It just seems like nothing is helping.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Traveller24

Traveller, it takes time to find what works best for us. Don't give up. We just don't want to stay stuck but continue to go forward, small steps at a time. :) xx

Traveller24 profile image
Traveller24 in reply to Agora1

Thanks for kindness, I sort of feel that ima almost scared to get better too. Because I’m afraid that just around the corner I’ll have another breakdown. Or things will go bad again. My mind is very negative. Hope you are well

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Traveller24

This is very normal Traveller in that we fear the unknown. And getting better can be the "unknown" for us. As much as we don't want to stay in this position, we wonder what it would feel like to feel better, to feel normal once again. Afraid in having another breakdown comes from the lies Anxiety tells us called the "what ifs"...

What if this, what if that takes away us living and leaves us only existing.

Negativity does that. Did you know that our mind is divided into 2 parts. The rational mind is only 5% and the subconscious mind is 95% of everything we take in daily. The subconscious mind does not differentiate between good/bad or right/wrong. It absorbs everything like a sponge and then plays it back while we sleep..

Retraining the brain is possible to rid ourselves of the negativity and replace it with positive thoughts. YouTube has many training videos on any subject and it may help you find some methods that will help you to go forward.

I'm glad you are here Traveller...This forum is learning experience for all of us. Take care :) xx

Hatelife34 profile image

I to feel that way a lot and panic attacks or the worst I feel terrified leave my house and after being raped I’ve been traumatized to the core I don’t know how to think positive cause I feel like giving up all the time and nothing seems to work I’ve tried online consulting crisis chats nothing stops me from feeling empty 😞

Traveller24 profile image
Traveller24 in reply to Hatelife34

That’s terrible I’m sorry. Maybe support groups for survivors? I don’t know. I’m totally new to this as well. Everyone is different some people are stronger than others in different circumstances. Just keep getting help and support if you can. Seems like everyone out there is suffering. Sending positive vibes your way. Take care

Hatelife34 profile image
Hatelife34 in reply to Traveller24

Thanks idk any support groups that can help

momofjust2boys profile image

Some great ideas listed here-I hope you find something that works for you. For me, exercising helps, especially outside when the weather is nice. Have you considered aroma therapy? There are paid professionals who do this, but you can also just invest in some essential oils and a diffuser. I found this store: aromatics.com/ Please post back and let us know how you are doing!

Beevee profile image

Hi Traveller24!

When reading your post, I felt that we have alot in common. Married with kids, trying to hold down a job yet feeling fearful all day, every day, for no apparent reason. Everything seemed such a chore, making life feel extrenelt difficult to say the least. Constant negative thoughts that scared me to death, along with a myriad of physical symptoms which also frightened me to death.

Fast forward a few years and here we are, free from inappropriate kevels of anxiety.

How did I do this? A friend lent me a book published by the late Dr Claire Weekes which, over a period og time, became my bible, my reference book. It expmained all I needed to know about anxiety and how to recover by following 4 simple principles (face, accept, float past, let time pass). Whilst the principles sound easy, the road to recoverg is bumpy but if you apply those principles, you will recover.

I have posted alot of stuff on this forum about my recovery and experiences along the way and all related to those 4 principles. There us no quick win and there is no magic pill to make it all go away. You just need to understand what is happening to you, why it is happening to you ( alot of it is self inflicted ) and learn to accept it all. Learn to be Ok about not feeling ok. Rolling with the punches and doing nothing to change any of it.

When you stop trying to fix yourself and just go with the flow, things will improve and positivity will return all by itself.

Best wishes


Traveller24 profile image
Traveller24 in reply to Beevee

Thank you, it’s hard. I can imagine how people don’t understand others dealing with mental health personal issues, etc etc. I sort of use to think of it as strange not realizing that i actually was dealing with it myself. Where it caught up to me now. And I’m in the same boat as anyone else struggling to see positive change. Living in fear. Afraid of death. It’s just tough I don’t know what else to do. Keep going it just sort of feels like i don’t know if it will get better. Crippling anxiety, not knowing if meds are helping or not. Medical system is sort of flawed in a way, psychiatrists, meds, etc etc. I don’t really want to take meds. They make me feel awful in a lot of ways. I am doing psychotherapy and obv finding out I got a lot of issues. Thinking I’m an awful person. But yet others don’t think so. I don’t even know what to feel or think. I’m sort of existing. It’s just crazy. I also feel like people that are close to me will eventually get sick of my bs. I use to be different. Now I’m looking in the mirror don’t even know who I am in a way. Nothing interests me. No matter what I do or try.

Beevee profile image

I felt exactly the same way. Questioning everything. Serious doubts about anything and everything. My ability to be a good Dad was a good one. A showstopper and one of many. I was even scared of my own wife!! At the time I just didn’t understand how anxiety could make me think and feel the way I did and believed all the crap it was spewing, stressing me out even more. A change in wind direction had me spiralling downwards. The book I mentioned will help all the pieces you are struggling with fall into place.

You are not broken. If my experience is anything to go by, those multiple issues you think you have are likely to be the figment of an over anxious mind...creating nothing but false anxious thoughts. Creating fear where it previously did not exist before you developed anxiety. It took me a while to see through the lies that anxiety spins but once I truly understood what was happening o me and why, I just let all the negative crap wash over me and did nothing to stop it. I accepted it all and the symptoms just disappeared. Peace of mind returned along with my resilience ( which had all but disappeared when anxiety came along) and confidence. When fear rules the roost, there is no room for any good feelings but all that returns when fear is removed.

I started off with meds but had similar fearful thoughts including whether or not recovery would be down to my efforts or the meds. I flushed them all down the toilet and went solo. I decided that no tablets would help me to face and overcome those fears. I had to do it myself.

The beautiful thing is, even IF I were to fall down that big dark hole agin, I know exactly what I would need to do to get myself out (literally nothing) because I’ve been there before and know my way out. That’s a big if too because I now have the inbuilt tools to stop that happening in the first place. The book teaches you this. It shows you how to lose your fear of the symptoms, providing many examples of those fears along the way. It’s the best book I’ve ever read or will ever read. No question.

Please feel free to ask me anything else and will be more than happy to help.



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