I have panic attacks everyday. Most days multiple times. I have tried psychologists, meds, acupuncture, massage. Nothing seems to last or work at all. I am a constant state of worry. Thinking something bad is going to happen especially at work. I think someone is always listening to my conversations and will take them to my boss. I hate feeling this way. My quality of life sucks. I feel like a have nothing that makes me happy anymore.
Panic Attacks All of The Time - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic Attacks All of The Time

That sounds really hard and draining. I’m sorry. You are doing the right thing by trying different interventions to reduce your anxiety. Fear and anxiety can be tough to manage. It’s been recommended to me that I schedule time during the day to worry, rather than worrying constantly throughout the day. Maybe that would be a helpful strategy for you as well.
Have you watched any of Dr. Claire Weekes' videos on YouTube regarding anxiety and panic attacks? Her books are even better. She suffered from this herself, and developed a way to overcome them.
Theres always help out there. Don't give up and you will find the help you need. Dont ever give up finding a cure was worth the time & energy I put in to heal myself. You can do the same. Find the right therapist and the right med. Keep trying. Life is too short.
I was just reading posts about Xanax. Well, my doctor used to be ok with me taking .25 whenever I needed it to take the panic edge off. She then left to teach at an university (without letting her patients know). I have been going to a new doctor for over a year and she won’t fill any more than 5 pills for a month or more. Even though I told her it worked.
Some of the doctors are restrictive with the benzos because of the crack-down by the Feds. There are a lot of doctors out there who will still do what is needed for people in pain. I would suggest finding one who meets your needs.
Find a new psychiatrist. Some are very conservative. I have one. You don't deserve to live that way every day. Get some medicine relief and then you can find out with a counselor what is causing them in the first place. Once that's solved you would be able to get off the anxiety meds. It may take a couple therapists until you find the right one too. It might seem like a lot of work to get it right, but it's definatley worth it and you will figure this out and feel better. Keep fighting the fight!!!
That's me I'm sick n tired of being sick n tired. I've been suffering off and on for almost 36yrs. Finally found a medication that helped but Not completely. I was suicidal, so that's something. I never told my doctor for fear he could have me committed. Maybe you need to switch out doctors and Medication? It took several times of doing that, it's worth a try?
You and I have so much in common. I have googled so many times sick and tired and similar searches. I just found this site yesterday because I’m sick and tired of being stressed, tired, overwhelmed, in fear, anxiety, depressed, and hating life. Do u mind sharing what med you are on? I have tried a lot of them.
I've tried several different ones too, the one that finally worked for me was Mirtazapine. But the doctor took me off that because it was making me gain weight. Now I'm on Trazdone, It was suppose to help me sleep, it's Not and told her I tried it before, but this doctor is SO arrogant that she didn't care. Just like my medication, I've changed doctors also.