I’ve seen lots of posts about people having trouble with relationships and family.
We can’t always choose what happens, but we can choose our response. That is probably a broken record by now 😂 but it’s so true. The way we respond is very important.
There’s always another side to the things that happen in life, especially in interactions. No matter what people do or say to you, those people are still important There’s another side to the story, their side. Let’s say you continually have bad fights with family or someone you’re in a serious relationship with and you tell yourself that they’re toxic. I don’t believe people are toxic, although their actions may be. Most of the time people behave badly because of stress, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The more stress, the less control of temper. You may not like what they do, but they are human and worthy of love just as you are
Yes, you definitely don’t have to stick around when they make poor choices, but treating them with hate makes your actions ‘toxic’ too. There are ways to remove yourself from a situation/relationship with love.
Whatever your circumstances, rise above the inclination to respond to hate and pain by inflicting more hate and pain. When somebody says or does something that offends you, take a step back and calm your mind. “Don’t fight fire with fire” as they say, respond with love Try to understand their side, think about what they’re going through, their upbringing, traditions or culture, try to see why they would act the way they are, and strive to help them if you can. You don’t know everything though, so ask them to share their side of the story so you can understand better. They could be under a lot of pain and/or stress, and don’t you want help when you’re in that situation? When in doubt, act with love
Imagine the good that would happen if everyone stepped outside their own world and tried to help others and understand, and respond with love rather than hate. We’d all have a happier world
I challenge and encourage you all to take on this goal: Always act with love and immediately expel any hate that enters your heart and mind.
This is a goal, so it’s okay if there are bumps and bruises along the way, just do the best you can I wish you all the best!