The idea of forgiveness struck me this morning.
Forgiveness is powerful. It allows us to let go of grudges and anger, it’s a path to healing and peace The way I see it, people don’t have to apologize for you to forgive them, I call it an unconditional attitude of forgiveness. No matter what people do, never allow anger or hate to take root, and don’t hold grudges. All those do is eat you up from the inside. Instead, always live with a heart full of love
When people wrong you, I encourage you to think about their side of the story. Oftentimes they’re just dealing with a lot and either lost their temper, aren’t thinking clearly, both, or more. No need to get upset over that, right? Anger in response to anger produces more anger, pain, and division. I understand that there are people out there who will intentionally and knowingly wrong you, but anger and grudges won’t help you. If you let anger and hate take root, darkness wins. Learn to let go. Hate and anger is the path to the dark side (I’ve been watching a lot of Star Wars lately 😂😂).
Other times people are just stubborn, but we still need to let go, and choose to magnify love instead. They have the ability to make choices, and what they choose to do is up to them. Understand that they have their reasons, and although you may not understand, trust that they do. All we have to do is focus on our part to make the best decisions we can.
Some people act (or don’t act) and have no idea that they offended you. When you approach someone in this case and tell them how you feel, they get to see your side of the story and you give them a chance to reach a mutual understanding and make things right. Just make sure you approach them with love, if you have an outburst of hate when you approach, chances are it won’t go too well 😅 There is the possibility they won’t want to hear what you have to say, but be sure to respect their wishes. If you tried, you tried. You did your part, and it’s time to let go.
When people fight with fire (hate/anger) and you respond with water (forgiveness; love), you give them a chance to let go and allow you to help them put out the fire. If they don’t accept your water, they’ll have to deal with the fire without your help. At least they can know that you’re willing to help and perhaps seeing that will help them let go of any anger or grudges directed at you.
I hope you’ll consider choosing to live with an Unconditional Attitude of Forgiveness. It’s worth it, I promise if everyone responded to fire by offering water, imagine all the fires of anger we could put out
we’d be making the world a happier place!
I wish you all the best! I hope you have a wonderful day