I so happen to definitely experience anxiety from time to time. I've been managing through it ever since high school. But I'm curious to hear about anyone else's coping strategies who suffers from the same thing and what kind of support do you get from this if you do?
How do you deal with your anxiety? - Anxiety and Depre...
How do you deal with your anxiety?
My anxiety gets really bad before an event: anticipation anxiety. Especially when it’s a waiting game, I have finished all my preparations and final touches and it’s just a matter of waiting around till the time to start. As far as coping, I just try not to fight the anxiety and not to focus on it. I have to just take it for granted and carry on regardless. Otherwise it will take over my mind and make me feel exhausted before the event even happens!
That’s what I am going through right now. It’s very hard to control... it’s so bad at the moment that I can’t even sleep and I feel sick in my stomach.
So sorry you can't sleep. That has to be the worst. Makes the day SO long, with no break in sight.... I sleep with the help of Xanax, but doctor will cut me off soon. I will soon be in your boat....
To help with sleeping, Celestial Seasonings has a herbal tea called Sleepy time. It helps me when I feel anxious to sip on a hot cup of hot tea at bedtime. It could also be soothing for a nervous stomach. Can’t say it always solves the problem for me, but sometimes it helps.
Fatima, in regards to your sleeping issues have you tried taking melatonin? I also find Lauren's sleep talk downs and music on youtube very soothing and relaxing when I can't sleep. Here's her youtube link youtube.com/channel/UC3lLvT...
I've been listening to her for about a year now! I hope this helps somehow at least! Take care of yourself xo
You're strong just remember that <3 sending much blessings and love your way
I look at diversions or hobbies I enjoy that will prevent and help me move on away from my negative problems
If you are able to understand what is causing you stress or low mood try and approach your problems in small bites and work through what is causing you negative feelings
Thank you !! What kind of hobbies do you do?
We have a fruit orchard of about forty trees, we are in the midst of cropping at the moment. We will soon be preparing trees etc for next year.
I have my own library full of picture books and where we have been since I was in my early twenties. I have problems with memory so the books take me back to when I visited the areas, so I remember my past holidays
I am very interested in Geography and history so those books connect to my books from above as I am now seventy years old now and my memories are important to me.
We also have large borders of plants and flowers in a different area that we can sit outside in the summer. We also have our Collie called Pax and we take him out for walks on the beach and woodlands. We are also Life members of the National Trust English Heritage and Historic Houses we generally travel the countryside visiting associated properties.
I visit sites on here and that also keeps me busy. I used to be on various NHS THINKTANKS although now I only attend my GPs Patients Participation Group. So I manage to keep busy.
It is important we keep busy even if we need to ho to work, that only cuts some time away from your Diversions. I suffer chronic depression associated with my disabilities so keeping busy with things I love to do helps with my low mood
Thank you, Bob.
When I am strong I can push it away and stop it but when I feel broken like I am now I had an attack that lasted 9 hrs and didn't end until I got a text from my wife who left me a week ago if I feel one coming on I try to get out of my mind by going for a jog
I have a sort of constant low-level anxiety marked by spikes that seem to occur randomly. Since it's always there in some form I guess I've become somewhat accustomed to it. When it spikes I sometimes become extremely fearful and nothing seems right, I feel dizzy or hyper-aware and then I start worrying about all of the things that could be wrong with me. That part is the worst, so if I feel a spike coming on I try to do something physically, like walking (even in place, in my room). It's really hard to focus on anything so the movement is about all I can do much of the time. Other things I try are to eat something healthy (usually a protein for the slow burn, rather than a carbohydrate which burns fast) and drink lots of water because low blood sugar and dehydration can cause anxiety spikes.