Pain everywhere : I am very upset. I’m... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Pain everywhere

brokenankle75 profile image
15 Replies

I am very upset. I’m so depressed. I have degenerative disc disease, bulging disk, osteoarthritis, many different mental diseases, my L5 in my spine is narrowing (can’t have anymore injections cuz they only do procedure so many times) fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal probs since I was a little girl. I have many issues with this. This sounds kind of gross but I take three laxatives a night and I still can’t go in the morning very often.and I might have another kind of arthritis in my spine That causes severe pain in your lower back which I’m already suffering from probs from listed above. It fuses to some thing in your spine. I’m not exactly for sure but I carry the gene so the only way I can find out if I have this arthritis is if I get an MRI and my insurance won’t cover it.but Now I have severe pain when I walk in my groin. I have a psych doctor, rheumatologist doctor, dermatologist, Pain Clinic doctor, neurosurgeon, G.I. doctor. So yesterday I was stretching before I exercise and got into a runners longe and screamed because of the pain in my groin I’ve had a little bit of issues with my groin but ii was able to still function. Exercising is my mental health and I have to go to the doctor today but this is tearing me up. My body is just falling apart. my pain is constant. I can only stand for a certain period of time. I get this pain in my left lower back that radiates down. Sometimes it goes all the way to my foot. and I will have to drop everything and sit down cuz it’s a little less intensifying but such horrible pain. The best way I can describe it is it feels like a Charlie horse but way worse. I eat muscle relaxers like crazy. Plus a bunch of other meds. I got prescribed pain pills if that lets you understand the pain I have. There’s a bunch other stuff but the list goes on and on. it’s just one thing after another

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15 Replies

That sounds really rough to deal with. I think as people get older a lot of people have back problems. I'm 50 and sometimes my lower back really aches and I'll use a heating pad. And I'm starting to have arthritis in my left knee, if I walk a lot it really bothers me. But that's nothing compared to what you're dealing with. Try to focus on the positive and what you still CAN do. I really need to exercise more besides walking. I need to start doing sit ups every day, I have a gut, I'm a woman and it bothers me. I've been doing too much lying around in bed. Do you try to focus on your diet and only eat certain foods???

brokenankle75 profile image
brokenankle75 in reply to

I am addicted to exercising and right now I can’t do it. I go to the doctor today to see if they can figure out what’s happening but this is just ruining me mentally and physically. I used to totally watch what I eat I got down to 134 and now I am at 150. Because I can’t stop eating junk food. I get to the point to where I say in my head starting about 2 o’clock in the afternoon who cares it’s not like you have anyone in your life to impress and then I think you’re not doing it for them you’re doing it for yourself. And I have pictures of when I was at 134 and it totally depresses me because of how I look and how my body feels to me now

in reply to brokenankle75

Well I don't happen to think 150 is that bad. I happen to weigh over 200 right now and I hate being so overweight myself. I try to walk a lot but I don't know what else to do. All you can do is do what you can and listen to what the doctors say. Be good to yourself.❤️

brokenankle75 profile image
brokenankle75 in reply to

I workout to YouTube videos. Walking is very good for you. Actually when I first got back into exercising I did these walking video’s at home. They have them on YouTube. To Get the best results listen to what the trainer is telling you how to do the moves and go all out. My neighbor does them n says they r so easy but they’re not if you do them correctly. And you can go at your own place and over time you will feel the results in the weight loss in your body and stamina but eating healthy is the way you’re going to achieve your results too. Extremely important

brokenankle75 profile image
brokenankle75 in reply to

So the past couple days I have done good with my diet. I use an app called lose it. You put in your starting weight and then you put in how much you want to lose and the app will tell you how many calories you can eat a day to reach that goal. So when I get on my totally healthy eating I watch the ingredients. Like trans fats I can’t remember what else but I will look for all natural ingredients. I research a lot about it I have it written down but I haven’t looked at it for a long time because I have been on this binge. And I watch YouTube videos about right foods to eat recipes I do research online about diet exercise and things like that. As far as wise as exercising and trying to lose your stomach weight you can’t just focus on your stomach by doing sit ups. you have to do full body workouts then you incorporates the abdominal exercises when you do a full body workout. I exercise to YouTube videos. I love it. HIIT workouts have very good results because you still burn calories after you’re done exercising. As if you did like aerobics you stop burning calories right after you’re done. Lifting weights also does the same thing as HIIT workouts. They are extremely hard. But it’s great to feel Your stamina grow. You can stop the videos whenever you need a rest.

in reply to brokenankle75

Thanks I will look that up. The thing is that where I live I just get YouTube on my phone, I don't have that on a television set. I do have a DVD player however. I kind of miss some of the older workout stuff like Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda. I have a pilates DVD that I used to like to do a lot, I think I just got tired of it.

brokenankle75 profile image
brokenankle75 in reply to

Honestly the only reason I gave it on my tv is cuz my neighbor lets me use her Wi-Fi. That’s all I use for quite a while was my telephone I would prop it up so I could see it at an angle and just fall along

sophie4 profile image
sophie4 in reply to brokenankle75

I wrote to you a few minutes ago but forgot something. Please don't stress too much about your weight. Part of the gain, I suspect, is that muscle weighs more than fat.

Bet you enjoy chocolate! I know I do.

sophie4 profile image


I just read your message from 4 days ago. I'm VERY behind in answering posts and offer you my apology.

Certainly you are to be commended for maintaining exercising!!! I know this is very helpful for mental health problems but nevertheless you are courageous.

I understand all that you wrote for two reasons. My sister has everything wrong with her back that is possible. She had surgery about 9 years ago leaving her with even more agony. She was being treated at a very reputable pain management center, however they had to take her off the opiate that was working so well. She's in constant extreme pain (agony) and has not been able to sleep in a bed since the surgery. Instead, she sleeps in a recliner in the living room...not very comfortable and the one she has is old so she desperately needs a new one. Financially this is not possible.

She is 75 years old and suffers more as each year passes. I take the very best care of her than I possibly can, however I am not trained in any form of pain management so all I can do is everything from cleaning to laundry to so many other things a list would probably bore you.

And there's the second reason. Two years ago I was in my first auto accident (I'm 70). A car was driving on the shoulder as I was making a right turn and plowed into me at about 45, 50 miles per hour. Let me preface this by admitting that I am a trusting individual...much too trusting and extremely naive even as I grow older.

Anyhow, she convinced me that the accident was my fault because I had my left turning signal on. I DID NOT!!!! I'm obsessive about making certain I have the correct turning signal on, always have been.

The police report clearly stated that I was not responsible for the accident. The other driver was given multiple tickets. I felt fine immediately after the accident and didn't go to the hospital but the next pain throughout my body, especially my back and neck. Forgot to tell you...she was so convincing that the accident was my fault as well as helping me write my statement that my last sentence was, "I am extraordinarily sorry for causing this accident."

I hired a very excellent law firm. For the following 8 or 9 months I was given every test possible. Every one of my discs are herniated. I have neck damage that causes daily headaches. I am sure I also have sciatica...that really hurts. I take coated aspirin but it doesn't help.

Long story shorter...I was seen by a fantastic chiropractor for about 8 months. This helped somewhat. My medical health manager from the very well-known law firm told me to expect a very impressive settlement. Note that when I hired this law firm I told them about what I wrote. They responded that they only go by the police report. Well, when my medical case manager sent the multiple reports to the legal department I received a letter saying I wasn't eligible for any settlement because of the last sentence I wrote on my statement. And, that's the way it goes. Nothing will keep me from walking my two dogs but I have to stop frequently...good time for them to enjoy sniffing.

Gee, I seem to write on and on...very sorry for taking up too much of your time.

BTW, I related to your Charlie horse metaphor!!!

You obviously have so much courage! I salute you!!!!

What pain medication are you on?

Please try to praise yourself for your courage and tenacity. if it's OK by you, I'm going to borrow some of your courage.


brokenankle75 profile image
brokenankle75 in reply to sophie4

Awe you sweet thing. I’m so sorry you and your sister have to live this way. I’m behind on my messages too.

I’m scared to death to have surgery cuz of what your sister is experiencing. I’ve heard horror stories way more then good ones.

It makes me soo angry that they took her off the opioids. Especially if they are working. Be different if they were in there shoes. I give you as much courage s you need. My back totally intensifies when I exercise but hasn’t stopped me yet. Have you ever thought about water aerobics or therapy. Maybe give that a try definitely can’t hurt hopefully.

Hugs 🤗

sophie4 profile image
sophie4 in reply to brokenankle75

I'm worried about you. PLEASE think very, very carefully about having surgery. Maybe I have it're having surgery or thinking about having surgery?

My sister has tried every pain relief option we know about. Yep...tried water aerobics...and physical therapy...and the list goes on and on. NOTHING helped with the exception of the opiate she was taking. I'm so furious she can't get an RX for an opiate. You bet!! If they were in her many people are living with agony simply because they no longer can get the right medication. I can understand if someone is abusing these meds but to make it a law? The Opiate Epidemic, indeed!!!!!!!!!!

You shine like a bright star in a dark, dark sky!!!! Knowing that nothing is going to get you down...that you continue to exercise regardless of intensification of pain? Well, I was thinking about you this afternoon. My sister and I have two angelic little dogs. One is a 5 or 6 pound Teacup kind, intuitive, loving, forgiving, FUNNY, and this little soul is remarkably smart!!! We also have our rescue. She's an 11 pound thing I know for sure...she definitely has the face of a Poodle. OMG was this darling ABUSED. UNBELIEVABLE, but we all know that animal abuse is very believable. It took over 2 years to earn her trust. We'll have her 4 years in January...I think it's January. I use the word 'gentle' with "will you give me your gentle paws?" when it's time to put on her harness.

She is my shadow now. She's almost overly attached to me. Regardless of the increasing level of my pain I take them out for a fun, healthy walk every single day, weather permitting. And I sing to them throughout the walk. If I stop singing they stop walking and look at me with an expression like "Hey!!!! We were having a great time. Do you think we can have fun with your silence?"

Sometimes I have to stop and stretch. They look at me with amazing support and they stop and wait patiently until I can get myself going again.

These angels are saving my life. Literally.

Take extra wonderful care of yourself!!! During a particularly painful time you have set the example I need! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

brokenankle75 profile image
brokenankle75 in reply to sophie4

I’m not going to have surgery. I only have a50% chance for it to be successful. It is totally ridiculous about the opioid law because you’re right people are out there suffering and they don’t care. Tylenol and ibuprofen just don’t cut me and when they don’t work it’s like oh well. it makes me very angry and I would like to see them in my shoes

ThatMeans a lot that you thought about me. I was supposed to do the

water aerobics acupuncture things like that but my insurance won’t cover it.

I am so glad that you have these little babies in your life. I have one myself. She’s a morkie so smart. I teach her tricks but haven’t been for quite a while. I get withdrawn and it’s hard to function every day life even though I pray about it . Pray to be able continue on with my day even though what is happening in my life. I’m so sorry to hear about the abused dog that you have and I can’t believe that it took two years to earn her trust. She must’ve been abused so bad. At least she has you now and she feels safe and you have that bond together. Lol my dog is my shadow gets to be to much sometimes because she’s just like a little baby even a behavioralst told me that. She said to try medications and so did my vet and I tried her on three different ones but it didn’t help her at all. She has major separation anxiety. I’m sure she’d go through doors if she was big enough she started scratching the linoleum in the bathroom and it’s started ruining the linoleum. I have tried many other things to get her to stop. So now I have let her have the run of the house when I leave but I have to Put a diaper on her when I leave because she will poop. I’m so glad I have her. I think you so much for caring. Because I am all alone except for one person and it’s actually terrifying to me and heartbroken

sophie4 profile image
sophie4 in reply to brokenankle75

Hello my friend,Whew, am I ever relieved to learn that you're NOT HAVING SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!! Do we ever agree and think the same about the opioid law!!!!! I can't even begin to tell you just how angry I am. I watch my sister having to contend with such suffering and I'm feeling so inadequate as to helping her. Like to see them in your shoes??? I have this theory...I'll bet they ARE NOT IN YOUR SHOES!!!! I think SOME people have access to opioids in a legal sense...oh the privileged ones!!!

Hey!! OF COURSE I'm thinking of you!!! A lot!!!!!!!!!

Before I forget...what's a Morkie? I think I may have known...guess I'm really losing it!!!

My darling Chloe (my oh so abused sweetheart). Abused hardly describes her suffering. But we're the best of pals!!! She experiences true happiness now and that brings me great joy. She's getting her bath today!!! AND SHE LOVES IT!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my, do I ever relate to having too many days of hardly being able to all.

You and I have something else in common...I too have only one person in my life. Without my sister, I am 100% ALONE in this world. The reasons have actually broken my heart in tiny pieces. Yes, I'm terrified too. Not a soul gives a hoot whether or not I'm alive. I don't allow that to alter my utter compassion for has amplified it!!!

I'll be thinking of you most especially this Christmas. We are two peas in the same pod!!!

Sending you supportive and warm vibes!!!


brokenankle75 profile image
brokenankle75 in reply to sophie4

You can definitely have some of my courage. That was terrible of that person. I don’t know how they sleep at night.

I see a pain management dr too.he prescribed me Lyrica and another one that I can’t remember the name but it didn’t work so he just stop there didn’t offer anything else only got four injections which you can only have so many. So I have to go back to see him and get another infection. I take meloxicam and gabapentin also.

FifLove profile image

Hi brokenankle75,

I unfortunately have the same lumbar spine issues. I used to have the pain down my left buttocks, hip, and calf, similar to what you’re describing. Thankfully that’s passed, but the lower back pain stops my from living my life (along with this pandemic). Have tried physical therapy and accupuncture. Need to lose weight, but just walking is painful, and I then eat when anxious (which is all the time). How do you manage to exercise, what do you do?

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