Scared of blood test results. Please ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Scared of blood test results. Please give me support.

sunrisesunset profile image
20 Replies


I got some blood tests done. I'm scared of the results.

I've had night sweats before my period for around 2 years. I also started having more blood clots. I hoped that it was just PMS, but my last two periods have been light. Now I'm terrified that I am in early menopause at only 31 yrs old. I have no partner or kids. I don't want to be infertile at my age. I can't afford to freeze and store my eggs. And it might be too late to do that.

My health anxiety has also convinced me that it might be some kind of cancer. The doctor added many things to the blood test form. I'm worried that it could be something life-threatening. I'm worried about colon/bowel cancer (have constipation sometimes), bladder cancer (I have pain when I pee), thyroid cancer (get hot easily), blood cancer (night sweats), etc.

I've had health anxiety since I was a teenager. My biggest fear besides cancer has been early menopause. I'm scared that my fear is about to come true. I haven't told my family because I don't want to worry them, but I can't keep this to myself. I need someone to talk to. I'm not sleeping throughout the night. I can't get the scary thoughts out of my head. I'm dreading a call from the GP because it could be bad news.

Help me, please.

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sunrisesunset profile image
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20 Replies
Afrohair profile image

Your health anxiety sounds out of control do you take any medication to help with these thoughts it’s highly unlikely your infertile I feel this feeling stems from another worry of you not having a partner or kids which is a natural feeling for someone your age ready to settle down so please don’t worry about that a lot of people have these thoughts till a baby comes along lol most people don’t go through menopause till there 50s or later

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply to Afrohair

The worry has definitely grown since my mid-twenties. I have social anxiety, so it makes it hard to meet someone. I have felt like time is running out.

It seems unlikely to be early menopause, but health anxiety convinces me that I'm the exception to the rule. There's a low chance of bad things happening, but bad things do happen to some people. I always feel convinced that I'm one of the unfortunate ones.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to sunrisesunset

I’m so sorry you have all these worries if you could only manage them you would be on the right path and be able to enjoy life could you find how all these emotions started and address them?i know it may not be important to you but I watched a programme on things like this before I also am trained in body language and behaviour and it usually stems from something what happened a long time ago when you address these things usually you can manage it better you have to go through a series of steps not sure what therapy you have had but through reading your posts I can see it may have started from a scare in your life possibly from more than one thing I hope your getting the right care the social anxiety is now triggering health anxiety it’s a viscous circle you worrying about meeting someone is making you worry about you being infertile and so forth you will meet someone and have children just have faith and keep going for your therapy to help you with that x

Sangu_Langu profile image

Hi, I'm in no position to give you advice now because I just had a very bad episode last week where the suicidal thoughts nearly got the better of me. I'm still feeling fragile but I do feel better now, though. What I can say though, is that the fact that you're scared is normal. Any person would be scared. So, don't be too hard on yourself about feeling scared.

My advice to you is to tell your family. Their support during this time is so important. During my episode last week I told my mother and my best friend. They came to my aid immediately. If it wasn't for them, including my husband, I might have completely lost it. They keep you sane during the most difficult times in life. And you certainly do not have to go through this alone. All the best...

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply to Sangu_Langu

I might tell my best friend. She's my only friend because of my social anxiety.

I'm glad you're doing better!

Lucia_1 profile image

Please try to relax and be positive ok, I know it sounds difficult to be calm but you have to. You will be fine and I hope the test result comes out well. Bless you dear 🧡

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply to Lucia_1

Thank you.

Ladybug9 profile image

Would you do me a favor? Don't worry until you have a reason to. I say that because 99% of what we worry about never comes to fruition and worrying before you have a reason to, is causing you unneeded stress on your body and it's not healthy. Please let us know what you find out if you don't mind!

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply to Ladybug9

Health anxiety has convinced me of so many things. You're right that 99% of time we are wrong. Besides a harmless cyst, nothing else has ever come up on my tests in almost 20 yrs. I hope this test comes back clear too.

I'll update. I hope it's with good news!

ceelovestea profile image

I’m sending good thoughts and support your way ❤️

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply to ceelovestea

Thank you.

Health anxiety is one of the toughest anxieties to have. It’s not really possible to look at the positive side of the equation when your so set on negative outcomes, but try your best to look at it like this, your doctor is being very thorough, he’s actually taking your health complaint serious and will able to get you the reasons for what’s happening, try to have faith in your doctor he’s taking very good care of you.

Cancer is usually a top health anxiety scare, your’re very young, very unlikely anything eludes to cancer. Hormonal imbalances are curable, if you have out of range vitamin deficiencies, change in diet and supplements will fix these, etc. What you do need to do is discuss your anxieties with him such as you are having now as stress in itself isn’t healthy on the body, do talk to him/her about this aspect of your health.

sunrisesunset profile image

Trusting doctors is hard for me because the health anxiety uses malpractice and missed illness stories to scare me. I need to learn to trust the doctor more. She was right about cyst I had before. She said it would probably go away, and it did. You're right that she does a thorough job. I feel like she listens. In the past, some doctors seemed to brush me off. Without an actual test or check, my anxiety was left to escalate.

I'm currently seeing a therapist for social anxiety. Once the therapy ends, I'll refer myself for health anxiety therapy too. Thank you.

Operalady profile image

Hello I know how you feel! I went through a period a terribly intense period of time like what you are going through. It helped me to keep busy and write my hopes and strengths in a journal. Everyone goes through times like this! Your doing great by reaching out! I am here for you!

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply to Operalady

Thanks for sharing. I don't write in my diary like I used to. It always made me feel better. I should start doing it again and stick with it this time.

sunrisesunset profile image

Good news. My blood test results came back normal. I'm so relieved!

I've been referred for an ultrasound scan to figure out why I have pain when I urinate. Fingers crossed!

Thanks for all the support. I appreciate it.

Operalady profile image

Hi how are you? How did the tests go?

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply to Operalady

The blood results came back all normal. I've got an ultrasound next week. Fingers crossed!

Thanks for asking!

sunrisesunset profile image

My ultrasound was all clear. My urination pain has gone too. Now I need to work on my health anxiety. This was the worst anxiety episode I've ever had.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to sunrisesunset

Happy to hear test results came back clear. :) xx

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