I am new to the group. I thought I would try to connect here as I am feeling extremely down about my job (teach college) in the midst of the current world setting. Wearing a mask makes me extremely anxious, but my job is requiring it, not just a face shield. So I am reduced to actually wearing a hazmat hood. Extremely angry and very upset to the point that I am just done with life in general. Love my dog and she is the only thing really keeping me going right now.
New to the site: I am new to the group... - Anxiety and Depre...
New to the site

Welcome to the community.
This is a great place to share your thoughts.
The current scenario is not at all pleasing for anyone. We were not prepared for these unprecedented times. Therefore, it might drive us crazy.
The best thing to do is to hold yourself together and believe that you're not alone in this. Keep posting so that you can get insights from other people.
Thank you for the welcome. Just trying to hold it together right now. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Welcome. What is it about the mask that makes you anxious? Do you panic about not being able to breathe or something? I‘d be more anxious about wearing the hazmat suit than the mask, if those were my options. But I’m not downplaying your anxiety about the mask. Something that seems so small to others can mean everything. I have friends with some extremely debilitating phobias
Can't stand something right up against my face. Makes me feel like I am smothering. Yeah, I know intellectually that it won't, but doesn't help the feeling.
I understand how hard it is, because my friend is claustrophobic and can’t even get in a plane or in an elevator.. And people never understand how you feel so that sucks.
I wonder if you could try easing yourself into it ie wear the hazmat for most of the day but try to wear the mask for half an hour only, to ease yourself in.
A community college in Springfield, MO