I am completely new to this website so I guess I want to just write about why I decided to join. I have suffered with depression and anxiety my whole life. I was diagnosed with bipolar I about 6 years ago when I had a manic episode. I have been able to prevent another episode since. I was on seroquel for the past 5 or so years which caused me to sleep ALOT and gain a lot of weight. For a long time I was in denial about my diagnosis however not enough to go off my meds for fear of having another episode so I never did. I never really understood my diagnosis until recently because I thought I was supposed to get mania sometimes but I suppose not with bipolar I. About a year ago I got fed up with seroquel and decided to see a psychiatrist and change my meds. I am now on a anti-epileptic medicine called topiramate which can be used to treat bipolar, which helped with the drowsiness and extreme hunger.
My only thing is, I fear that while the prevention of my manic episodes is under way ... I don’t feel like my depression or anxiety are being treated. I am seeing a therapist but I’m not sure how much that is working either. I have so much social anxiety and trouble with motivation and negative self talk. I had a very traumatic relationship with a guy right before my manic episode that I’m not sure if I’ve fully dealt with. I’m constantly comparing myself to my friends and other people. And I just am so lost in my life. Not much makes me happy. I’m sure that’s just the depression but it feels like that’s always been the case. I try and set goals in my head and then I just don’t do them. I feel like when I am around people I don’t know how to be positive since I am always so negative in my own head. And that makes me anxious and not focused on what’s going on around me.
I just really want to stop living so much in fear and negativity and finally change my life around but it’s so hard when it feels like this has been who I am for so long .