Hi, I'm Crystal and I'm new to this site. I've been looking for help for a long time now, but everyone turned me down because I didn't have enough money. I've been to just counseling, however I hated going because she never talked and helped me through what I'm going through. I did all the talking. My depression and anxiety has got so bad that I've lost an extremely large amount of weight. I'm at a very unhealthy weight of 85lbs. I'm too the point that I don't even know how to get my weight back and know what's ok to take from other people. My family has never been there for me and all of them just honestly turned their backs on me. Im staying place to place and haven't had a place called home in bout a year. That alone is a killer for me. Everyone takes advantage of the situation I'm in. I'm ready to fix me I want my life back regardless who is in it. I want a place to call home. I want to know the real me. Please help.
New to this site seeking help immedia... - Anxiety and Depre...
New to this site seeking help immediately.

Hi Crystal, is your weight loss intentional or just lack of interest in effort, energy and taste to eat? I've suffered with the latter when my anxiety got elevated... I don't lose much weight though. You need to take care of yourself, have you tried to focus on that to distract from the anxiety or thoughts troubling you?
Hi Crystal, I too can't eat when my anxiety is high. One of the dr's I saw gave me clonazepam which helps with my appetite, but I don't have much, and my GP won't prescribe it. If you can get to a dr. ask for something to ease the anxiety. I also can't sleep. The clonazepam helps with that also. I don't have health insurance, and I haven't been able to work lately. I am scared to death of losing everything because of this state I have gotten myself into. Coming here has helped me. Hopefully it will help you.
I can relate to everything you have said however my weight loss is from a rare GI disorder. I know that even in a good place emotionally with support that when I've lost a lot of weight it is very difficult to get it back. My doctors have me on synthetic marijuana (marinol) and when I lived in a medical marijuana state they had me on drops to help with my appetite, energy levels, anxiety, and even insomnia. I'm not sure what state you live in but if it's one of the 20+ legalized ones perhaps it would be a less expensive alternative to explore in the interim. I know I can't deal with the emotional stuff or day to day stressors when I'm not doing well physically.
Excellent points have been made: is your weight loss due to anxiety? or another problem? Have you seen a doctor about it? Will you consider an anti-anxiety med such as clonazepam for your anxiety? Have you researched clonazepam and it's side effects such as memory loss if you take it long term? Are there any other questions you need to ask yourself?
I have been there. I still am there In many ways. I'll be happy to talk with you and try and share what's helped me.
Lost79, if you want immediate help, then go to a hospital emergency room now. The weight you have lost and the desperation you are feeling are reasons to go and get things checked out right away. Your life is worth saving and you can make it through this!
This is an awesome reply! Its really touching.
I agree with Windy 101 - That is a large amount of weight loss and you should be checked by a doctor. Going to an emergency room might be a good start.
I am so sorry for what is going on with u. I definitely want to show my support. U r so strong to b going thru all that u are. I admire that. The points others made here are good ones and I hope this all helps u. I know that feeling of severe desperation, I have it now bc I don't want to say the wrong thing, and it's hard to get through. Also remember that u are strong. It may not feel that way bc of the anxiety, trust me! But u are still hanging on! I hope all of this helps! Best to u!