For most of my life, I’ve struggled with these conflicting feelings of being very depressed and doubting if these are even real. Part of me feels like my sadness is uncalled for, and I’m just being overly sensitive and weak. I can’t make up my mind of how I’m feeling and what I’m supposed to feel.
But when I open up to my friends, they’ve either told me I’m overly clingy or too sensitive or they’ve told me that it’s too much and they can’t handle it. I mean, I don’t blame them. Who wants to deal with someone who’s always talking about killing themselves and being down on themselves?
At my new job of the last three years, I’ve made a friend who’s been incredibly understanding and helpful. She went through some pretty bad situational depression and was on meds for a while. I felt like she understood a lot of my struggles, and she’s been there when I needed help. But every time I talk to her about this conflicting aspect, she tells me about how this isn’t a “it just is” kind of deal. And while I understand and accept that many parts of my depression come from life “trauma” and bad coping skills, I don’t think it’s completely due to that. I believe it’s rare to have a purely physiologic depression that has nothing to do with their lives, but I do think many who are very depressed have a genetic disposition to be. And sometimes there’s no reason do it. I think we disagree on this, and I always feel invalidated when we talk about it. I already struggle so hard to accept that I’m depressed and what I feel isn’t my fault; I know she’s trying to put more power in me than in my feelings, but it just reads to me that I’m not trying hard enough; It’s my fault; whatever I’m feeling isn’t real. It’s not like cancer or schizophrenia where there’s an organic inherent abnormality. It’s just my personal flaw. Too weak to deal with the world.
She texted me this below. And I don’t know why I’m so bothered by it. And I don’t really know how to go about expressing this to her either ...