I've been feeling a bit sick the past few days. Not physically, at least i don't think its physically. I'm just tired and depressed. Sometimes I feel like I settle for things that I shouldn't and other times I think maybe I'm just being too picky, you know? A close friend of mine, and also currently the guy I'm interested in told me that one day he wouldn't mind trying mushrooms a second time.
Let me give you a bit of history on my end. My first boyfriend was a drug dealer who was trying to escape the drug world. I loved him more than anything, especially because he was trying so hard to leave that life behind. However, we broke up because he cheated on me and kept lying about stuff. Since then, pretty much every guy I have been with has been a druggy and alcoholic. Yet, I have never done drugs myself and only heavily drank for about 3 months then quit. I hated that life and never want to go back to that life.
Back to my close friend. I grew up with this guy and I trust him with my life. Even if we aren't supposed to be together, I would want him to be happy. He is a good guy and doesn't do drugs; however, he did do some in the past when he was in middle school. One of which was mushrooms. So, he told me that he would like to try them again, and this really bothered me. I guess its because I never thought I would need to have a conversation about drugs with him, and to be honest, that is a conversation I never wanted to have with him either. I have so much love and respect for him, first and foremost as my friend. So, him saying he wants to try it one last time messed with me a lot. Probably because of the crap I've been through with guys who do it all the time. I can't even compare him to those men because he is nothing like them. Anyway, since we are currently talking about getting into a relationship, I told him that I would not be okay with him doing it. Because I see no point, he tried it before and he had a bad expirence. I don't see the point of him trying it again, and I don't think it is healthy or worth the risks. He claims there are no risks with it; which sounds like garbage if I'm being completely honest. It's a hallucinegen, there are ALWAYS risks with some like that. He also says it is legal in the U.S. Which I have never heard before, so that also sounds like garbage, but i don't know because I didn't research it yet. Anyway, if what he said is true and it didn't have risks and its legal, I told him I would only be okay with it if it was once, and he was doing it in a controlled environment with scientists who are studying it. I said this to find middle ground with him, but after thinking about it more I realized that I really wouldn't be okay with that. I feel like I got into the habit of compromising because I want to try and make things work. And God know's I've tried. And out of anyone I feel he deserves my trying as well, but I feel like trying isn't the same as compromising, and that it should be different. For once, I would appreciate a guy trying too, especially on this subject and knowing my history with men and drugs. I mean, is it really unreasonable to ask a guy I like to not do ANY drugs?
I feel like I'm blowing it out of proportion, because he agreed to only do it under the circumstances I told him and he said it would only be once. Yet, I still have this bad feeling about it and it's gnawing at me. Am I being unreasonable?