My family is getting together for Mother's day. I have 7 siblings. There is no way they will all stay 6 feet away from one another and with all their spouses and children it will be way more than 10 people. Only a few of them will wear masks and my mom has issues work her lungs. My mom misses her children and we miss her but it doesn't feel safe. I don't want to disappoint her but this is not safe. I already deal with coworkers not washing their hands or keeping their distance. I work with people with disabilities and one of my individuals is on a respirator. I have to get in her face to care for her so I am trying to be very carious right now. I have family members her work in the health field who being their children around to visit. What is wrong work people? Sometimes I feel like I am just being rigid. Other times I feel like very few people I am around follow the rules that will help this pandemic be less severe and lift the band to stay in sooner. Your thoughts please?
Family gatherings?: My family is... - Anxiety and Depre...
Family gatherings?

What country are you in as different rules apply.
Well if the lockdown is lifted in your state then they won't be breaking any rules, except common sense ones of course. If your mum is high risk then surely the family will realise they need to keep their distance to protect her? If your mum decides not to then of course it is her decision.
As you look after vulnerable people I would explain to them that you can't risk catching it and passing it on.
We can't live in fear. It eats us alive. So we create as normal of a routine as possible. As far as seeing friends and family. Just follow the CDC guidelines and we should be fine. If it were me, I would just make everyone stay away from your mom as she is at greater risk. But the truth is, you can tell them but you can't make them. All you can do is your best. I don't think you shouldn't go. Just keep your own distance, but enjoy the FaceTime. If your mom will let you protect her, then do it. But if not, your hands are tied. Find peace knowing your doing your best and be grateful in the ability to see loved ones from 6 feet away.
In the UK we have to isolate to the number of people living at that home address, we can get fined if we do anything else. You mention your Gran has problems with her airway ? With that an age She may be Shielded.
She is old and someone could be carrying this virus, in the UK they were discussing children and the virus, they can be blind carriers, You cannot say hand on heart no-one is coming down with this virus

Oh I agree, people are definitely getting it. But I think we are more frantic because it's new. People who are elderly or have immune deficiency also are in more danger with the common flu. But that doesn't stop us because it's familiar. Approx. 62,000 have died this season alone due to the flu. The media had us way more freaked out than necessary in my opinion. I suggest avoiding the news and media all together, as does my therapist.
I totally agree
We have been in very stringent lockdown for 45 days.. everywhere you it's just covid19
It's nerve-racking
So I,be decided to stay away from situations where I'm exposed to too much info
Rather watch a movie..listen to music..Praise and Worship
We know it's there
We know the symptoms
We know the neccesary measures to protect yourself and others
We don't need to fill ourselves with gloom and doom every day
Trying to survive financially in an ever failing world is bad enough
Baby steps.. one day at a's all we've ever had..tomorrow is'nt promised
Hello Eagle where are you. All countries are different
I live in the UK
As long as your mother understands the risks, it is her choice. My husband and I r retired, overweight which puts us in higher risk. We have been sheltering in place, not shopping, following all guidelines. Yesterday for the first time 6 of 7 grandkids came over snd we started out distancing outside and ended up in the house. They were willing to stay out but Im the one who was over it. Tomorrow they are all coming for mothers day. I decided life isnt worth it if I have to live in fear of my two adult kids and families. I will continue to be cautious in public but Im done not interacting with grandkids.
Wow!!! I think this a TERRIBLE idea, that they are all getting together , especially because of your mom. I haven't seen my daughter since March 15th, and I thought I would go up to her house tomorrow for Mother's Day.. I'm STILL afraid, so it's not happening, and I'll be home alone. ☹
Sounds VERY SELFISH...God forbid if you’re mother catches the virus Plus she’s High Risk. I have 8 brothers and sisters we Care Too much for our mom that we will just give her our Love by phone. We want her around as long as God allows her to be here. Why is your mom allowing them to Risk her Life? Sounds like they don’t Care enough about your mom to be satisfied with a phone call? 2 of my daughters that don’t live with Me are going to come by in their cars and staying their distance to Wish me a Happy Mother’s Day, No Hugging or Kissing. They call it “Zooming By”. Sorry for your mom🙏
You are right, don’t let anyone think you wrong. Don’t go ,tell your mother you love her, she’ll know why you are doing this, for her, yourself, and others. I don’t know what’s wrong with others, I have experienced so much in my life with my birth family, and others. That I I can tell you, people are selfish, unloving, uncaring, don’t care about anyone else but themselves. Yes you are right this virus won’t slow down, unless everyone does what their supposed to do. You are one of the few good, caring persons in this world. ❤️
Hi all.
We celebrated Mother’s Day early due to one son’s work schedule. We decided to have a “virtual “ dinner together a couple days early. We sat the I pad where our son normally sat at the table and connected with him using FaceTime. We all ate dinner together but apart.
Except for the hugs it was like having him with us. I was surprised at how close to normal it felt. A sort of abnormal normal and fun . You may want ant to give that a try. ❤️