Mom in the frontline : I’m so miserable... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Mom in the frontline

44 Replies

I’m so miserable, I’m not sleeping, I know doctors are supposed to save lives especially with this virus getting out of control and killing people,it’s just a different feeling when it’s my mom in the frontline, I can’t even touch her or hug her, I’m without my safe person my comfort place is gone and I feel lost and she knows what this is doing to me and told me if I tell her to quit she will and I want her to I don’t care how selfish it might sound I don’t care but at the same time what about these sick people, I know they need her but so do I she’s my mother why should I be in panic day and night not being able to have her here cause she have to stay away. These patients don’t love her like I do and their lives won’t stop like mine will if she’s not around I hate this

44 Replies
mrmonk profile image

I know thoughts and hopes can't protect your mom, but I will be thinking and hoping for her safety, anyway. May she come through this and back to you safe and sound.

in reply to mrmonk

Thank you mrmonk i hope so too

Starrlight profile image

My heart goes out to you and your mom. During this difficult time may your path lead to ease peace and happiness. Lots of hugging too. ❤️

in reply to Starrlight

Thanks love 🌻

Celtic27 profile image

Hi there my friend just wanted to add I think most people with depression are struggling so it's nothing to be ashamed of! I thing even when this is all over it may have lingering effects on some people! Regards your mom offering to stop work would it make you both happy could you manage with out your Moms wage it's a thin tightrope to walk! talk it over with your mom and see if it's feasible. I wish you and you mom a long health and happy life take care david 🙏🙏

in reply to Celtic27

We could manage without the wage I just don’t know what to tell her yet since she’s waiting for an answer, I’m sorry for these people but I want my mom safe wit me

Celtic27 profile image
Celtic27 in reply to

Danielle there's nothing wrong with wanting your mom home with you and safe after all she's your mom your acting out of the love a daughter has for her mom! Take care david

melbrown profile image

Big warm hugs Beautiful Sunflower. Right now is such a scary time & I can only imagine how scared you must feel now. I wish I had some advice to give... I hope you & your mom are taking good care of yourselves & each other. What you are feeling is totally natural.... I think we all are hating this. We have been on shelter in place since March 17th & they just extended until May 3rd... I miss my people so much. You, your mom & family will of course be in my thoughts... a big thanks to her for what she does.... hi Spidey ❤

in reply to melbrown

We’re on lockdown here until further notice they don’t want anyone out unless you have a strong reason, sending you and your family hugs and give Hans some kisses for me

bluestars725 profile image

I can’t imagine what this must be like to go through with your mom being out there on the frontline of this crisis. I would be scared too. My heart goes out to you. We’re on lockdown here until further notice too. Here for you, my friend. 💚

Agora1 profile image

Danielle, sending my love to both you and your mom. Thank her for all

she is doing . Stay strong for her, lean on us right now. You've got Spidey

to comfort you as well. :) xx

Celtic27 profile image
Celtic27 in reply to Agora1

Hi agora how are you my friend hope your keeping well and coping with this Isolation I hate it but I know it's necessary to save as many people we can God bless you agora love and best wishes david

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Celtic27

Hi David, I am keeping well and keeping busy while at home. Stay well, stay strong my friend :) xx

in reply to Agora1

I’m definitely needing the people on the site right now, I hate this agora

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

I wish I could tell you it's going to be okay. Only time will tell.

We must all stay positive and believe that we will all get through this.

I know the close bond you have with your mother. You need her and

I understand how difficult it is to share her in your time of need.

Try to stay strong by leaning on us right now. Know that we all care

about each other on this site and together there will be strength in

numbers. I'm here for you anytime. Agora :) xx

Newgirl48453 profile image

You are not alone. You have this community of compassion and companionship to help you through this. Your mother is a hero to all she is helping as she is to you. This whole thing is scary. I cry every time I watch the news. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

in reply to Newgirl48453

🌻🌻 it really is scary and it just seems to keep getting worse and thank you for the prayers

Mireyaozzieg profile image

I personally believe in the Power of Prayer would i would do is Pray for your mom every day she goes to work and Pray for Peace on any Decision you guy's make what is best for the Both of you.

in reply to Mireyaozzieg

Thank you so much

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Can’t Blame You for feeling that way It is your Mom after All, I would say you didn’t Care if You didn’t? She’s A woman with a Big Heart ❤️. You can’t bubble wrap her, just Pray for her🙏

in reply to Want2BHappy3

I just want this whole thing to end before I lose my sanity

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to

So do I, Trust Me. During this time I’ve found and heard from someone else that there has been discrimination against seniors ? A doctor I called for an appointment asked how old I was? After I said it she was like wow is this urgent because seems like they didn’t wanna see me ? So I stood my ground and got a appointment Monday

Dear this is what she’s pledge to do. I know she’s your mother, but most likely she won’t get it,just ask her do you protect yourself every single day. I do believe when it’s you time, it will happen with anything, not just this virus.❤️

in reply to

I know it’s what she’s pledged to do but these people on the frontline have families, mom have kids, I cannot lose her

in reply to

Honey if she know she does have any underline condition, which I’m sure you know she is healthy. Even if she did get it ,she would be fine. I know I worry about a lot of things too, and I get a lot of anxiety from my worries, but I will tell you, nothing usually does happen for all the worrying you do. It’s the unexpected that happens, when your not worried about someone, or something. Please don’t make yourself sick about this. You mom would not do anything that would make you lose her. She loves you more then anything in this world.❤️Have faith, and courage!

SusieSquirrel profile image

My heart goes out to you and your mam.

You brought tears to my eyes. The only thing I want to do right now is cuddle my daughter.

You are both in a very difficult place. Your mam is a hero but I know you need your mam right now during all of this.

Your both have my best wishes

in reply to SusieSquirrel

Thank you for understanding, mothers are sacred

ragstogod profile image

Precious Danielle, Do know that your feelings are legitimste. Do you have anyone else you can subsitute , just for s short time , ? Neighbor or family member, even if you can only sit across the strert from each other, you can still connect. I have found the more I share myself and my fears the easier it is to get through. I have very ofen found the person I am sharing with has the same feeling. Anxiety and depression sucks. Bring yourself out even for just a few minutes by watching silly video. Laughing just a minute helps. Do some silly crazy things you did as a small kid. I went outside with a spool of thread and made a huge spider web. Maybe someone will walk into it. Ps on my own property. Please stay connected.

in reply to ragstogod

Thank you for understanding where I’m coming from, I really am trying my fears just paralyzing me, I’m use to always have her when I’m in a bad place and now I just feel lost in the storm

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

❤️ ((((((((((hug)))))))))) ❤️

Vinniet profile image

I 100% feel this post. My husband is a frontline doctor. Trust your mom on the no hugging front. My husband seems to have the immune system of a cockroach, me not so much. I am lying in the basement separate from my kids and pets, sick (not too sick, but definitely sick). A number of Covid carriers are asymptomatic, this might have been my husband and despite all the measures he took to keep it away from the house it still got in. Not sure how to homeschool my kids in grades 1,3 and 6 from my basement or what's going to happen when they really need him in again. He took phone calls only Thursday and Friday, but this weekend he is supposed to be in the Urgent Care...I have been keeping everyone home since schools ended and my oldest daughter and I went out 4 times to check on the horse we board. No one at the barn is sick and we were vigilant about cleaning surfaces and hands, so we really have been doing everything to keep safe.

The best thing you can do for yourself and your mom is to do some house things that bring joy. Wether that is making cookies for each other. Lighting some candels and ditching phones for an hour to hang. Bring hugables like pillows or large stuffies while you talk without touching. I miss my kiddos hugging me everyday, I bet your mom misses your hugs to. It is hard have the person in war be your loved one, so write her an old timey letter, just like in WWII and spend time writing about a memory you share. You can give it to her or better yet read it to her. Less transmission possiblity and more love.

I wish you all the love in the world while you are worried. Doctors, nurses, health care workers,fire, police, soldiers, and even grocery store clerks are all choosing to be on the front lines because they are special people wanting to help and protect. It's one of the qualities that make them so loveable and special, but especially so to those of us in their families.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Vinniet

Vinniet, what a beautiful response honoring all those front line warriors x

I'm also proud of you too. Holding the fort down while loved ones are away.

I hope you start feeling better soon. Wishing you well, thanking your husband. :) xx

in reply to Vinniet

Thank you I didn’t want to sound like I didn’t care about the sick people that needs her I’m just not use to this. I don’t do well with changes, thank you for the great advices

Vinniet profile image
Vinniet in reply to

You got this and you are not being selfish at all. It's hard to find ways to support your mom and yourself when you're worried. I get it! My husband is on daily call and every day they don't need him in, I definitely can relax more easily.

meredithr profile image

Your feelings are so important and warranted. Do not feel bad for expressing them, your situation is very tough and scary. Trust in your mother and trust in the good she is doing. I know that doesn’t really help. Nothing can. Be strong and sending ❤️

in reply to meredithr

Thank you hun ❤️❤️

Afrohair profile image

Firstly I appreciate your mother for what she is doing she’s a very brave soul and heroic please know that what she is doing is saving lots of lives and we all acknowledge that.i may not be in the same situation but my feelings are similar when my partner goes to work they are not adequately protected and I’m scared every day I beg him not to work he asked if he could step down but they said if he did he won’t be able to come back permanently for work when everything blows over which would put us in financial difficulty know that at this point in time we are all at risk even just going to the supermarket but your mum is on the frontline where there are already very few nurses working to meet capacity your mum was born to be a nurse and to help others I’m sorry you are having a difficult time this will all be over soon x

in reply to Afrohair

thank you, I hope your husband and my mom get out of this safely. Sending you hugs

kingn1628 profile image


I completely understand & i feel the same way everytime my mom leaves out the door to go to work. Don’t feel bad about expressing your feelings everyone needs to vent. I pray you & your mom make it through this safely. If you need to talk we’re here for you.💕💕

in reply to kingn1628

🌻❤❤❤ thank you hun, I hope your mom will be safe and sound after this crazy virus is over and done with

SpeakUp5694 profile image


As you have heard from others commentary already you are in a tough spot. It is not wrong of you to have mixed feelings toward this situation as your mom is trying to help others get back to their best self during this hardship, yet you are concerned for her safety and want her to be with you all at the same time. In a situation like yours what I find helpful is writing down how you feel into a mini story with chapters of what you plan to do each day or week. Or you can even write poems to express your feelings to help relax and cool down so you can focus on other aspects of your day. Having family on the front lines makes you have bigger and greater personal internal battles in which you may not know how to handle leaving you to wonder when the final day will be for your family to be all together again. I understand that we have people to fight for our freedom, yet at the end of the day we find that war does not solve problems between countries yet instead it causes more stress in so many aspects of our society. Again I will lend my hand, heart, and ear to you as I am behind you with any support you need. Thank your mom for her service and tell yourself everyday that everything is going to be okay and think of her often as she I am sure thinks of you to help brighten the days as they pass.

in reply to SpeakUp5694

Thank you so much for your advice, writing does help and I try to keep my self busy so my mind won't make up things, I hope you're doing okay and staying safe

Starrlight profile image

Hey just stopping by to see how you are doing. Love ❤️ peace ☮️ and joy ☀️ to you.

in reply to Starrlight

🌻🌻🌻I'm doing okay taking it day by day, things are still the same here. I hope you and your family doing okay

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