I feel so dissapointed in my own self. It almost feels like i am the one to hurt myself and let myself down every time. My life isnt the way i want it to be; and knowing i am the one responsible for that just hurts even more. I have got to point where i just HATE MY GUTS. Everything from school; relationship with parents; religious obligations; to procrastination are weighing down on me. I am only 16 years old and i feel like a complete mess.
LOW SELF-ESTEEM🌻: I feel so... - Anxiety and Depre...
Maybe u expect urself to be super humSn for others or hate letting people down orcwant or have very high standards
But remember. If u blow a hole in yur boat u can’t be thre for the people u feel
U disappoint
Secondly they might be failures to u
Tiny sma things or whatever
But real-time others they would scrStch their head
So when was the last time u drove yur car so fast u killed yur date
Or ran over someone’s dog or kid
Kill any one lately by accident??
Fly ur 747into a mountain and kill five hundrd people ??
Kind of being brutal but for a point
Why throw away all yur potential to do things for other people or society over tiny flaws
At our age
Remember reliable employees feeling like they aren’t doing anything
Are our hero’s
Our point of view
See what im saying ??
WhSy about the other 98.9999 percent of that u do well??
Cut yursekf some slack
Ur only 16
What person what animal
Doesn’t make mistakes or regrets when they are young
Are they supposed to be born with a crystal ball
Name one leader in history that had a perfrct track record
Good luck because it doesn’t exist
U out shooting up neughborhoods ??
Or u failed to not cure poverty at 16 ?
See my point try not to be tooo hard I’m yurself
Ur future is out there
And someday
I’ll step in harms way and save some old lady from a bully or theif
Or yur girl
Can’t if yur ur own worst enemy
They need u pal
Ur day of being needed
Will come
What a lovely name you have. That's one thing going for you. Also at 16, (I remember it well), you are in a transition age and your hormones are flying. Learn a valuable lesson I learnt in therapy at age 42. Do Not punish yourself. I used to hate myself, my therapist taught me to like, love and respect myself. We All make mistakes it is a part of growing up (which can last a life time), the key thing is to learn by our mistakes, they are lessons for us.Thomas Edison said it took him til his 1000 try before he made the light bulb!!! So take a good look at yourself, pretty hair, lovely eyes, great skin, look for all your assets. Look at what you know, and what you can do, are you good in sports (I was not), I was a good cook - still am at 78. Be patient with yourself, it takes time to develop, I have found talents I did know I had, learnt to drop things I did not like, and would not be forced into doing things I did not feel comfortable about. Is there a counselor at your school you can talk to? The more you talk about the way you feel, will diminish it and open up new avenues for you to explore. Keep a journal, they are great, I have a pile of them I have written over the years, they are fun to go back and see how I have grown and changed. Write to us here, we will listen, offer you love and support with Big Hugs......Sprinkle 1.......
You have your whole life ahead of you and far from a complete mess. Be patient with yourself and know that this is all temporary. This too shall pass. That’s something I’ve been going through as well and have been putting a lot of things off because of how I’ve been feeling. It’s okay to take a break in everything on our to do list. We are not robots like some people make it seem. I hope this brings comfort that you’re not alone in this.
I wish I knew at 16 years old what I know now. I would tell my 16 year old self, that all the people who you believe are important will not matter ten years from now. I'm referring to those either friends, family or otherwise who are either have neglected your needs, been abusive or made you feel this way. Be thankful you have this platform to reach out and share how you feel. When I was your age, I had to suffer in silence when I was hurting. There is good and the bad of not having social media available when I was in high school. The bad comparing your life to others and believing that other people are better or prettier than you. That is myth number 1. And the need for constant immediate gratification. Without delayed gratification, we are not allowed to process our thoughts and feelings. We immediately think something must be wrong because the internet says so. The positive about social media, is finding like minded people just like you. Tell yourself how wonderful your life is by having a social network of those who care about you and will support you.
Do you have parents who you can talk to? Do you have siblings? If I had the internet at 16, I would have been the smartest person alive. Having so much valuable knowledge at your fingertips, gain knowledge. And use that knowledge to empower young people like yourself. Learn something new and different every single day. Change the channel of negative thoughts.
This is what you do today... for every negative thought, tell yourself two positive traits you have. You probably have at least five hidden talents. You have not lived long enough to uncover them yet. Here are a few things to research and/or try... You may be great at Iditarod racing, foreign language expert, oil painting, unicycle riding, stage acting, poetry writing, tap dancing, medical care to others, volunteering, fly fishing and so much more. Can you guess which one I have not tried?
Make a conscious effort to squash the negative thoughts. Tell the thought, "you will not control me." The best is your life is yet to come. Please enjoy being a teenager, explore and be excited about how much you have to learn. Someday you will look back and think, why did I worry about silly stuff when I am so fabulous. You got this, go be fabulous.