Well being 60 and maybe my taste buds are failing me, I think most of the " normal " food hasn't got any taste anymore, that includes meat, root vegetables, tomatoes and probably many more that I've missed. Obviously there's your organic foods which taste superior to most foods, however with the everyday rising costs that brand isn't in my budget unless there's a yellow sticker reducing something I like, they say frozen veg is best, but even a bag of cabbage taste watery , and fish has become very expensive, even the " cheaper " mackerel is becoming a designer fish, possibly GM modified crops are producing a vast amount of food, abd maybe the amount of processed food is affecting children's diet, along with spending numerous hours on various electronic devices, the ticking time bomb is there to see, which leads to lack of exercise and children becoming obese and facing bullying in the classroom, the risk of using injections to try and help themselves is a dangerous path to tread , the lack of quality food and affordable food is creating a unhealthy future, is this another burden that the NHS can afford , maybe my way of thinking isn't always the best, but my common sense tells me otherwise 🫡
Do you think food tastes the same??? - Anxiety and Depre...
Do you think food tastes the same???
Cb1963, a good post. You're right in that the Organic foods taste better but more
expensive. You just have to look around to see what the chemicals in foods have caused
long term effects. We all need to eat but now a days, eating at home costs what eating
in a restaurant use to. Now both are so overly expensive that it is easy to turn to high
processed junk food to fill that hole in our stomachs. Unfortunately, our emotions
suffer as well. You are right on target CB. xx
I found a microwave vegetable steamer...i prefer to steam my vegetables...meats I usually use some type of seasoning or marinade on so they have flavor....a lot if it boils down to how it is seasoned and how it is prepared
Yes, I'm undecided with seasoning in certain food, like tinned soup they just taste bland compared to what they were years ago, possibly the salt and sugar has been removed and hence we get the salt and pepper shakers out, and then perhaps adding more than required, especially salt 🧂 😉
I hardly ever use salt any more....on a rare occasion when I actually cook pasta on the stove....I will add salt to the water......main thing i struggle with is wanting to add butter to all of my vegetables....kind of defeats the purpose
Yes, my mum lives near a local abattoir, but even there locally fed cattle are tasting the same, possibly forcing grass to grow with more fertiliser is a problem , my old work colleague rest his soul, he told me a story when his father went round selling a butchered pig, this was in the second world war mind you, and after he went round selling other black market items all the customers said it tasted of fish, yes it'd had been fed on remnants from the local fishermen, and it definitely shows you are what you eat !!!
Herbs, spices and sauces help me but even these can be overpowering sometimes to me. I love it when people get the ripest and best(organic/farm grown) food. There is local park to me that has farmers living next to it. And they sell the best. I will now that you reminded me to go and get something for the family, one day. Frozen is usually the way I go or pulses or tinned. Would definitely like something to taste good for me. Lovely thoughts in your posts and at least got me thinking. Thank you for that. Wish nhs could do alot more and doctors understand and social services promoted and helped with good healthy food more.
Thanks for your reply 👍
I believe age and medication is a big factor in the taste of food. We grow our own beef and pork so it’s the best there is and it’s not tasty to me.
I understand...probably part of why it tastes so bland is you probably eat so much of it and your taste buds have "gotten used" to the flavor....my gf has recently got me to eating lamb...try to eat different proteins every day...that way.....my taste buds don't get overworked....try to use different seasonings too
I thought I'd read GM food was outlawed in the UK. You've got that now too?
food that require less water or nutrients. Last I heard about it all
No , it's used mainly to feed cattle or chickens, but it's also used in sauces and biscuits, however I'm unsure about certain other foods like vegetables etc, this is something that may not rear it's head for many years, I come from a farmers side my grandfather worked in a milking shed and used to sell mik directly from the churn, I ALWAYS knew that giving cattle feed from sheep carcasses was an extremely dangerous practice, how many times have you seen a cow eat a sheep!!! And yet the mad cow's disease was man made, even fish ingesting various plastic particles or raw sewerage isn't something I'm keen on eating, I'm disgusted with our water companies, they want more money for victorian sewers, heavens above everyone knows the population is expanding, and to pump sewerage into our rivers and oceans and killing our wildlife should be an automatic jail sense, yes that's my rant over with 🫣🤣
Agree with every point you make. But it's out of our hands.
Poultry with breasts too large to fly, well, as a bird lover it breaks my heart. We don't know the long term consequence of what we're doing.
Chicken meat is now more moist, tender, and has larger portions than previously.
We, the consumers decide what we'll pay for. To some degree, "manufacturer's" listen.
By the way, I HATE reading the labels on poultry. Grown and harvested in the USA.
Plants are harvested my friends. Birds get slaughtered to feed us.
Yes, I do eat meat. Mindfully.
Yes some of the chickens reared look like they've been on steroids, I worked on a small holding and the chickens there were free roamers, it was a privilege to eat their eggs, golden coloured yolks, it was a bit of a hide and seel with them as during the day they would run into the hay barn, and often layer eggs I'm the straw, even cleaning the muck and feathers off the egg was a task I enjoyed knowing that these wonderful hen's left us there " gifts " awesome 👌
Even beer companies are putting more water in the ingredients can't go branded food from supermarkets apart from tinned veg rather be skint knowing i ate decent branded food.
I bought some After 8 mints yesterday .Some tasteless chocolate with just slight touch of mint in the creme now. I don't want to eat them- now that is most unlike me where chocolate is concerned, so they must be bad lol .There was a time when I could eat at least half the box in one go.
Bazzak - no comments from you thank you , if you read this 🤗
I'll take them then even though I had 2 boost bars earlier.
As they say you are supposed to eat them after eight they taste lovely then 🤗
Yeah right.
Oh come on, how about when you told me you dated a Baker once and dumped him because he was too kneady.
Oh dear🥴🤗
More like do you fancy a bun in the oven 🤣
And don’t mention cream horns 🤗
I'm more of a muffin man myself 🤣
My local bakery has started selling 'cruffins' a sort of cross between a muffin and a croissant . Filled with a caramel cream. Yummy !
Manufacturers make things as cheaply as possible for the highest profit margin. If you look at the ingredient list on prepared food, they're not things grandma had in her pantry. Cane sugar is often replaced with high-fructose corn syrup, maybe dextrose...
If food doesn't taste as you remember it when you were young, it's not you. Farms are mega corporations now. Ready food companies are corporations.
I believe people started with the best intentions, figuring out how to increase crop yield. Read Rachel Carson's Silent Spring to trace the history of where that led.
I just couldn’t stop myself from buying a box of candy corn. Yes I know, pure sugar, but I love them . Well these must of came on the Mayflower!! They are horrible!
Yes i think food tastes different and in my case i think its partly due to only be cooking for one now, I used to enjoy my food and cooking, but now i find it a chore ,and after i've cooked a meal i rarely enjoy it, and end up throwing half of it away for the birds......they like it.😁
Saying the above i still adore Lindt Lindor chocolates , they taste the same.😀
Ah yes, I'm not cooking anymore, microwave meals mainly, and I've bought food in, and yes the bird population needs to go a diet here as they get well and truly fed by me, I'm throwing money out of the window 🫣😬
I’m not there yet, I’m still with food with lots and lots of salt vegetables. Season with fat back or meat Coca-Cola ice cream chocolate milk I could go on. I love it all. I know it sounds irresponsible, but I look to my blood pressure and cholesterol medicine to keep it in check. What little bit of a life I have left I want to enjoy!
so strange, I was saying this to someone a few days ago. Fruits and veggies seem to taste different. For me, even if they say organic I often don’t see the difference in taste, except for bananas. I would love to eat vegetables without adding seasoning but they don’t taste right. Good quality meat tastes different to me too.
I was told that snack food companies add more salt (maybe more sugar idk) to products made for Canada but I don’t know if that’s a myth or not.
The UK bands certain dyes in food too, don’t they? This is very smart. Ok, I may be digressing now lol, but I do agree that food is changing and it makes sense since nutrients are depleting from our soils.
Have a great day
Thanks for your reply, as with many food items I'm sure they contain different ingredients or artificial materials, I can't drink diet coke as it leaves an after taste in my mouth, each country has its own rules, but I wouldn't fancy a chicken that's been washed with bleaching agents, oh well I'm having an Indian takeaway tonight, that should taste pretty good 👍