So I'll start the ball rolling, there's different types of comedy, I remember the likes of Dave Allen, Dick emery , Benny Hill , Frank Spencer, and of course John Cleese and Co, then we had also the Goodies, as I've got older only certain ones make me laugh, Lee mack is quick and very witty, I suppose Peter Kay and Micheal Macntyre also included , some " comedy "shows are pretty average, I find Mrs brown boys toe curlingly painful, but also I enjoy Mick Miller, the noddy drunken alcoholic is absolutely hilarious , do throw a few more at me and see if I've forgotten some quality comedians 🤣
Whos your favourite comedian??? - Anxiety and Depre...
Whos your favourite comedian???

You've forgotten Tommy Cooper 😊
Sebastian Maniscalco is my all time favorite!
His TJ Maxx skit was HILARIOUS 🤣
Hmmm... why am I not remembering that one?🤔 Did you see his skit from a while ago about when he was growing up and people would come to the door?! I find him hysterical!
Lucille Ball, Betty White, Robin Williams, Bill Hicks
Rowan Atkinson or Mr Bean

Of course, see I have forgotten some,thanks!!!

Blackadder, brilliant✔, Mr. Bean🥱
The Two Ronnies- the classic four candles sketch .Morecambe and Wise
Oh and also Danny Bhoy live at the appollo, the bagpipe sketch, and kers not forget Billy connelly 🤣
Too many to list, but the late Richard Lewis will always be my comedic spirit animal.
Dave Allen was classic comedy.
Oh snd let's not forget Mike Yarwood !!!
Not everyones favourite but the embassy club in Manchester Bernard Manning
How about Les Dawson 🤔 😏
I saw an American comedian live who I had never heard of - Rich something. He was absolutely brilliant.
When he said Dylan had got a bit sloppy and he himself played the harmonica sloppily I actually screamed with laughter.
The other American i like was John pinette, doing the Chinese takeaway sketch, absolutely hilarious 😂
Laurel and Hardy, Cheech and Chong, Penn and Teller
Oh yeah, that's another fine mess you've got me into 🤣
Did you ever watch Hee Haw 🤠 in the 70s-80s?
Hee Haw in Scotland is having nothing like money food general things.
Here's a YouTube clip from hee haw in the 70s
Steve Martin, Dana carvey, John Belushi, Richard prior, John Candy, dan akroid, Chris Farley, Phil Hartman
Steptoe and son.
Ken Dodd, he could keep you going for hours🤗
Yes, my mum and dad went to see him, and they reckoned he told the taxi drivers outside he'd keep the audience in until the last train left!🤣
Buster Keaton, very underrated!👍
How about Kenny Everett? He was funny in his day.
Hilarious. At least to me, but I'm a sicko.
⚠️ If you're easily offended, don't watch the video. ⚠️
The writers know what a great comic talent Hugh Laurie has, and they write to it.
A forgetful old gasman named Dieter
Who went poking around his gas heater
Touched a leak with his light
He blew out of sight
And as everyone who knows anything about poetry can tell you, he also ruined the meter
Jimmy Kimmel, Wanda Skyes 😄
Kevin Hart, Dave Chappel
Ah very interesting 😊
Love Billy connollly
Wasn't he in "White Oleander"?
Rodney Dangerfield.
Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall,Eddie izzard, Bill hicks, Robin Williams,
Doc Brown, Matt Rife, Ricky Gervais, Rowan Atkinson, John Cleese.
I loved Dame Edna Everage, her outrageous humour was wonderful.
Mickey flanagan 😂
Canadian here. Rick Mercer (22 Minutes, and his political rants), Red Green (The Red Green Show).. Great post!
You must have heard of SCTV? Maybe you;re too young.
Who is your favourite Comedian?A funny one 😆😆😆
I love lots some far out ones around today that people may not have heard of but also the oldies like Morecambe and Wise, Peter and Dudley, The Two Ronnies , The Goons, Joyce Grenfell, Hinge and Brackett, Victoria Wood, Julian Clary , Eddie Izzard , David Frost, The not the nine o'clock news Gang, Les Dawson's piano playing because he was such a good pianist but could pretend to play so badly.
Even guys like Will Haye, Harold Lloyd , WC Fields, The Crazy Gang, The Little Rascals
I suppose my favourite would be Tommy Cooper because I chatted with him often as a child because he was friends with my Dad , and I was at first a little scared then really liked Ken Dodd because he was a friend of my Grandparents and occasionally came over for Sunday tea, He was very clever and kind , he only scared me when I was very little because he had such huge hands( which made him very sad).
He gave me a cute little child's mug with Diddymen characters on and a little tickling stick , I've still got them.
George Carlin was one of my all-time favorite comedians. I also liked Eddie Murphy.
Eddy Murphy was hysterical on Saturday Night Live. I’m Jewish. And Murray’s impersonation of an old Jewish man on the show was spot on.
How about "Mr Robinson's Neighborhood"?
George Carlin was one of my All Time Favs. Saw him live in Reno with my Sig. Other! He opened the show with, "Pussy Farts," ops, can I write that! When he started on religion, a couple of the people in the rows in back of us started to walk out!!! Geez, they apparently didn't KNOW Geo. Carlin. He was one of the "biting" BEST! What a brilliant mind, and So much truth in his biting, and oh so funny words, and delivery!
Haha. George Carlin spoke his mind and that's what I loved about him. Yes his delivery was stellar...perfection. Im glad you enjoyed seeing him. I saw him in 1978 at the Hookers Ball in San Francisco. It was a very unique event i should say.
Yep, he was Perfection! Never went to the Hookers Ball in S.F. --had meant to, but never got there!!!
George Carlin was the best,,, I miss him

Me, too --Miss him!
No more CD's to listen to on the NY/FL trips. Made us laugh. Hard to replace.

Yes, too bad!
Laughter is good and I enjoy comedy whenever I can tune in to a good comedian.
Thanks for the question! I love the opportunity to think about comedians....some of my favorite people! I see you're in the UK, and I don't recognize many of the names people have shared. I'm a native are some of my favorites: Jerry Seinfeld, Ellen DeGeneres, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Steve Martin, Martin Short, many of the SNL crew (not sure if you get SNL where you are)....Phil Hartman, Jan Hooks, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Dana Carvey, Will Farrell, Mike Meyers, ....oh, there's so many! Someone else mentioned David of the best! This is one of his bits: When he rode the subway, he always put some newspaper down on the seat before sitting down because it was always so dirty, and one day the guy sitting across from him pointed to the newspaper he was sitting on and asked, "Are you reading that?" So he got up, turned the page, sat back down and said, "Yes." Ha!
I've heard and seen a few American comedian's on your list, but not all of them, abd yes the one's I've seen have been extremely funny 😄 thanks for your reply 👍
Nothing's funnier than SNL. Chris Rock is the funniest!
Yes! Love all those SNL people you mentioned. They make "the Best Of.... DVD's for all of them. I've almost worn them all out! Can't wait for their 50th Anniversary Special. So nice to see all their faces again. Their 40th was great, with all the celebrity fans.
Oh, and Jon Stewart!
George Carlin Richard Pryr and Dave Chappell
I'd add Dylan Moran, Danny Bhoy and the youngster, Larry Dean.I think Billy Connolly and Robin Williams are my top two.
How about Chris Rock? His DVD's make me laugh until I cry!
How about SCTV? So funny - many SNL start started there. I think it's out of Canada.

The only time I see other comedian's is on a television programme called live at the Appollo , they're usually from different countries as a guest on the show