I have been feeling ok these past few days , eventhough times are rough im doing ok , i have been getting bad irrational fears like going crazy , i also get physical symptoms of anxiety like many of us here , for me its numbness , and derealization , like im in control of my body, but i just dont feel it, even saying things like that makes me feel really ashamed and weirded out, but i just get these brain fogs, confusion,
I do have alot of triggers and scary irrational fears, think these feelings intensify in times like this where we feel trapped and hopeless, away from support, comfort, and therapy ..the only thing that crosses my mind all the time is that, im not even 20 yet and im this messed up, how worse can it get, will it get worse , is this the beginning thats already unbearable at times, do we get better with time or build up more bad things , memories, experiences ..i feel better at times but sometimes i feel like imdont know myself , psychology is such a vast world and thinking about all the things we dont know is scary to me, and im a very knowledgable person who likes to learn , and i always learn about things that either trigger me or help me get better ..i just dont want to go crazy , because the world and whats in it between some people, some diseases and conditions between mental and physical , sad things going around the world , family and friends , accidents, money , life can be hell sometimes
Sorry for bumming people out , i know life has so many broght sides and im not saying im only focusing on the bad , im just saying it overwhelms me regardless of my point of view as someone with anxiety
My graduation, exams that i took a gap year to retake , and all of my senior events are cancelled , things just dont excite me or make me sad anymore , i want to cry , not that im feeling like i want to, No i literally wish to cry , for some reason i dont have the ability to , i wish that i can let it out but even if i try to, i feel silly or it just doesnt work
Overthinking really sucks , and the fact that we worry about things that didnt happen also sucks because i can live a very calm life , but i worry about rarities and live with things that build my whole fears , making me think that life is designed to be a living hell and every sungle fear should come true and i know its not true but its how it feels sometimes, i can go on but imthink for those who made it thus far are too bored already or tired , not looking fir feedback, doesmt mean its not appreciated , just dont really know whats next but i hope its good