I don't know why people just say things that are so dumb. I was extremely frustrated with an "acquaintance" today at work. He just asked how old I was, I said "yeah I look younger I get that alot" But then it just goes to hell from there, with him saying no its just no offense but you're really short. I acted passive aggressive and basically explained how sick and tired of hearing that I was over the years. He just starts speaking less and I feel psycho once again, also I felt bad, but I quickly let it go realizing he was never going to give a crap anyways. He just made me feel worse saying "yeah being short sucks has its advantages, dont know what they are but it does." What kind of crap is that?
Its just I know im pretty short, but I hate when people infer that I am shorter than my actual height, makes me feel even more pathetic, with people even being surprised that im 5 ft 3 in the past.
I just wish I didn't care, but I am really starting to realize why I dislike certain people so much and why I close myself off.