I’ve suffered slightly with anxiety and being withdrawn for few years now. Nothing major though. I decided to try HRT and can’t say if it did much for me. I was panicking about my daughter coming back to work (in the same job as me) as I’d be babysitting twice a week with a 6 month old. I think everything built up. I stopped the HRT because I was anxious. But it might have been me not the HRT... Now I’m on sertraline only 25mg for three weeks. I had quite nasty side effects and while some have lessened some haven’t. One doctor says stick with it and maybe up it. One says to come off and try citalopram. Conflicting advice. I don’t know which way to turn. Give HRT another go or not. I’m very withdrawn and have to make a real effort to involve myself with my kids and three grandkids. I’m not the person I want to be. My eldest two have been great. Very supportive. My husband has been amazing and sleeping in the spare room as I’m not sleeping well at all but I can hear him snoring/cough and I struggle then getting back to sleep. Feel very lost and isolated. I’m off with this atm but due bs n week after next. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as it’s a lonely existence
On a plus note I did my first babysitting yesterday and we survived. It was tiring but we made it. Got him again today.