My name is amber. I have anxiety and depression... I've been struggling with this for as long as I can remember... although it wasn't all too bad when I was a child in school. My anxiety and depression worsened as I got older. It's so bad it has caused me to have a skin picking disorder. I struggle day to day to not pick at the pimples on my face but at times I hardly know I'm doing it. Usually pick when my mind is racing. The picking makes me more depressed because I dig and pick so bad that my face at times will be filed with scabs the life I chose to live since I was 18 probably doesn't help ether... in a mental and emotional abusive relationship but I love him and have a 7 year old little boy with him which makes it harder to walk away. I have anxiety attacks when he threatens to leave me or if he cheats on me and I find which I am proaddicted to say that he hasn't in just a little over two years but that doesn't mean he won't again. He may have changed and stopped cheating on me but he is still a mean man. Puts me down. Always calling me names, yelling at me, having control over everything and can do what ever he wants when he wants no matter what I say. Acts like I'm his child instead of spouse. I'm so so tired all the time, major headaches that never go away but lighten up some times when I take medicine but they seem to be getting worse, neck pain, back pain... I just feel like sleeping all day every day and being by my self which I wish wasn't the case. I avoid people and I don't want to be like that. I want a social life and not to feel like I can't breath at times. This is a heavy burden I carry... so heavy. I have never been treated for this ether. I tried talking to my Dr about it but she threw me on some generic anxiety and depression pills that I took for months and never helped but she says it would not be healthy to switch... what ever that means so I am looking to change where I go for Dr appointments. A friend of mine recommend the dr office in chatham il so I think im going to call some time and get a appointment lined up. Ugh I could Wright so much more but really I'm not even sure this was ment for me to tell my hole life story...
Curious does any one suffer from skin picking disorder due to anxiety and depression?