Anyone struggle with increased anxiety right after starting new antidepressant? I started fluoxetine Sunday and yesterday and today my anxiety is through the roof. I read online it’s normal but wanted to hear others experiences with it.
Fluoxetine : Anyone struggle with... - Anxiety and Depre...

New meds suck for about a month with me.
The first two-weeks are terrible: anxiety, depression, hot flashes, nausea, skin crawling, headache. I take half them at night and half in the morning to minimize their affect. Week three the symptoms become tolerable. Week four begins to normalize.
I think the second week is the worse for me.
If it's too much talk to your doc.
I used to be on Celexa for about 5 years. Stopped working. I was just put on 40 mg of prozac 2 weeks ago. I have no appetite. Will decreasing my dosage help? I'm tired of being patient because I am small and can't afford to lose all this weight. I am also weak from not eating.
I don't know what will help you as I'm not a doc. When I change meds or dosages the second week is the toughest for me. It's a month's worth of 'suck' and then it begins to even out. Unfortunately that is the way SSRI's seem to function. Your brain and body need time to get used to them.
If your losing weight due to lack of appetite, nausea, etc. I suggest when you eat make sure it is something that is calorie dense. During med transition time I generally force myself to eat at designated times during the day. I set a reminder and have what I'm eating picked out and ready.
You'll get through this.
I have no appetite, raised Anxiety, my tummy hurts from tensing up .. mornings are hard. It will ease, hang on in there. I was on 20 mg and that dosage gave me the initial side effects so I would imagine 40 mg would certainly give you side effects in the beginning. Speak with your GP in relation to dropping to 20 mg.
You need to allow about five weeks for the medication to work.
Give yourself that time to get used to it and hopefully you will feel that much better.
Changing medications to early can become problematic as you would still need to give more time for the drugs to work. Stay with the one you are on
Yes, the two times in my life when I have taken Lexapro - my anxiety shot through the roof.
Yes. Me too.
You might feel all over the place for a few weeks, but I found that once it's starts working it is brilliant for depression and anxiety etc. You want to get some diazapam from your doctor to help with the anxiety during the first couple of weeks. Good luck, don't give up.
Yep. I don’t take that one but it’s pretty much the same with sertraline. Sometimes I’m so anxious I could scream. Other times I can barely stay awake.
I almost always experience an increase in anxiety when going with a different antidepressant.
It sent my Anxiety very high when I first started them, even panic .. it will soon ease. Been on them in the past and they are very good.