Fluoxetine help: Hello. I’m totally new... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Fluoxetine help

Tjsmammy profile image
45 Replies

Hello. I’m totally new to any sort of forum. I have just been started on fluoxetine (20mg) night 1 was fine then last night I was up all night, feeling sick and restless. I hardly got a wink of sleep. I’ve been nauseous all day at work and now I’m scared to take another tonight. I know I need to stick it out for a few weeks so it gets in my system but it’s really scary. Any advice wouldn’t be greatly appreciated.

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Tjsmammy profile image
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45 Replies

I could not tolerate fluoxetine as it made me very restless too. I know with some people they can get used to it and the side effects pass. If it is too difficult then I would ask to go on another medication. I am now on vortioxetine and I tolerate that well.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to

Thank you for your reply. I’m shocked at how hard this is. I tried citalapram first a couple of weeks ago and vomited all night straight away. So stopped! I feel like I need to give this one more of a chance but feeling low and nauseous and sleep deprived is worse than just feeling low.

in reply to Tjsmammy

I really do sympathise. It is such an awful feeling. It took me years before I found the right medication. Please do not push yourself if it is making me unwell as that will only make your mental health even harder for you.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to

Thank you. I’ll see how tonight goes then see my GP if no improvement.

in reply to Tjsmammy

I wish you luck. I wonder if it is possible to take an anti sickness tablet with it to reduce the nausea.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to

That was my thoughts. I’ll ring tomorrow and ask. Thanks again for your replies.

lorianxiety profile image
lorianxiety in reply to Tjsmammy

Hi,apart from the 2 types of meds .have you ever been on this type of medication before sickness is probably caused by the actual meds as it would state on all side effects,tho you you haven't been on them too long ,could it be an element of fear too?are they for depression and anxiety.

trishj46 profile image
trishj46 in reply to lorianxiety

Is this medicine the same as prozac??? If so it has a high side effect of anxiety and restlessness. trishj46

Butterfly109 profile image

Hi! I'm a newbie as well. I'm sorry that your medication has you sick. Have you consulted with your doctor? If not, I would if I were you. I've experienced that with a past medication. In the meantime try drinking ginger ale or a 7 up. Maybe your doctor can prescribe you something for the nausea. I'll be praying for you!

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to Butterfly109

Thank you. I was thinking of visiting a pharmacy and seeing if that had any remedies for the sickness.

Butterfly109 profile image
Butterfly109 in reply to Tjsmammy

You're welcome! I hope you find some relief soon!

lorianxiety profile image
lorianxiety in reply to Tjsmammy

ginger root,from any supermarket would help with nausea,but Not fizzy drinks.

Want2BHappy3 profile image

What's the medication for? Sounds like you're having a reaction to it? Is it a prescription? If it is? Ask Him/Her to change it.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to Want2BHappy3

It’s for depression. Yes prescription from my GP.

blackblack profile image

consult your doctor if u take fluoxetine at morning!

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to blackblack

I’ve been taking it at night. Seemed the best option to try and sleep through any side effects but that hasn’t worked to plan.

Quando62 profile image

Oh, so very sorry your having these most common side effects. It's great for some, paxil was magic for me... Here is another spin on Prozac, the SAME sciencetist in the late 50's that created LSD which in FACT, at the correct dose proved perfect for Dopanine receptors, Serotonin and stopped ADHD and depression dead perfectly... SO, they went on and made prozac in the 70's from LSD.. Sounds crazy, check it out... Now that doesn't help your question. But a little background on it's roots might give some clues to your bad side effects. Weed never did ONE thing for me, but the next guy was on a euphoria, my euphoria was laughing at him... Each person's matabolism is totally different... Prozac, I quit in one week after torment. A 70 year old woman, friends in the choir sits next to my mom is on cloud nine. Perhaps a smaller dose is a choice and slowly over a 2 weeks period increase.. I have to do that with Dexamethosone and then tritrate off for a month or have viscious partial seizures... DANG MEDICATIONS !!!!!! Thanks for asking, eduacate yourself, I have been in medical research now 25 years and my doctor asks me the last 5 years what to write.... LOL

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to Quando62

I love this. I never thought of looking into the background. If anything this most made me smile :) especially remembering how much I laughed when I smoked some weed as a kid. I thought I was going to die laughing. I never did it again.

hen-house profile image

Hi Sweet, my daughter has just been put on this herself and the Dr told me that they should start at 10mg and if it messes with your sleep to take it earlier in the day - she said it will make you feel sick and maybe be sick for the first week or two but to try and stick with it, but she said it should be started on 10mg then uped to 20mg after 4-6 weeks - they also said that you will feel worse for a week or two, more anxious more depressed so to keep an eye on your feelings, was you put straight on 20mg by a Dr? this is all fresh in my mind as my daughter was put on it yesterday and we sat and had an hour consult with the Dr explaining everything twice, and she said they always start on 10mg and usually the max dose is only 20mg. Hope this helps you - keep an eye on how you feel - big hugs xx

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to hen-house

Thank you for your reply. Yes they started me straight on 20mg. I’ve spoken to a doctor today and she has said to start taking them in the morning with a decent breakfast and if things don’t improve in a few days just stop taking them. I’ll give it a go. I hope your daughter has an easier time with them xx

hen-house profile image
hen-house in reply to Tjsmammy

Hi sweet, thank you - i hope your doing ok and that the sickness is not too bad today? Let me know how your getting on xx :-)

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to hen-house

Morning! Not good. I’ve managed to get 3 hours sleep last night which is an improvement on the previous nights but I’m shattered. I’ve called in work today and took the day off so I can try and nap. I just feel so sick, just constant nausea. How’s your daughter doing?

mwsimms profile image

I have been on it now since 1991 and have had no issues with it. Usually new meds take some time to adjust. What other meds are you on?

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to mwsimms

I’m in no other meds. Just B12 injections.

Blueflower1 profile image


Call your doctor as soon as you can. There maybe something that is triggering an alergic reaction.

I too take that medication and have no issues. Drink lots of water to help.

I hope you feel better soon !!

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to Blueflower1

Thank you. It would just be my luck.

Blh111 profile image

I felt like that when I started 20 of fluoxetine. It took weeks but it got better and the nausea went away.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to Blh111

Im hoping this might be the same for me. The doctor I spoke to today had to google it so I didn’t have much faith. I could have done that.

Manu79 profile image

Hi welcome to the forum.. is this your first time taking antidepressants? Have you tried other alternatives yet? You might want to do some research and see what else you can do before you start this drugs. Nowadays you go to the doctor and say you feel sad or anxious and the only thing they do is prescribe this dangerous drugs, they don’t look for the root of the problem.

Try counseling, yoga, exercise, meditation

Good luck

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to Manu79

Thanks. Yes it’s my first time apart from amitriptyline which was prescribed for something unrelated. I’ve had beater blockers in the past too but nothing has made me feel like this. I do regular exercise including Pilates and cycling and it helps my mood but due to health issues it’s not been easy to do it as much which I think is having a huge effect on my mood.

I have always been given these meds with instructions to take half dose for the first week or two. Abrupt changes are happening to us with these meds.

Also when stopping them reduce down slowly.

You usually take it in the morning as it will keep you awake. It also takes 2 weeks for most of the shit side effects to go away. So best to take a week sick leave and basically camp out in your sofa watching tv x

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to

In hindsight I wish I’d taken some time off work. I just didn’t think I’d feel this poorly. Let’s hope what makes you bad makes you better eh!

If you google the symptoms, it suggests taking lots of naps to help with the tiredness and water for the headaches. It’s definitely sick leave-rather than leave! For me the headaches never left and after 4 months I’m just about to try some different ones as these are not working x

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to

Ah bless you. Well done sticking it out so long though. I’m ready to give up already and it’s not even been a week. My fear is I’m a single parent and I don’t want a drug that’s going to space me out too much or make me drowsy. That’s been why this one seemed the good option.


So the first time I was on fluoxetine (10 years ago)... I started on 20mg and I was wicked sick for prob 4-6 weeks. Nauseous, and just sick! I stuck it out and was SO miserable but it got better once it was in my system. It worked for a while but also made me gain soooo much weight! About 30lbs!

I went on it again within the last year for my anxiety and this time around it didn’t help me at all and I gained a ton of weight again. I went from 130 to 150 instantly and now it’s wicked hard to lose. The hard thing about these drugs is that you have to try them for at least 6 weeks to find out if they work. It sucks!! Good luck.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to

Hi, I have read that you can pile on the weight. This is such a nightmare. I was so optimistic last week that I was going to feel better and it’s gone from bad to worse.

in reply to Tjsmammy

I also agree with a lot of the other responses where they say you should start small. When I went back on meds, I started with the lowest dose and worked my way up because my body is so sensitive. If you are seeing your regular doctor, I would recommend you see a psychiatrist instead. They care more about you getting better than your regular PCP. My regular Dr just threw me on a high dose and I got sick. Psychiatrist will listen more.

1947treble profile image

If it is a tablet and not a capsule you could find out if it's ok to be broken in half. Or maybe ask your Dr for a lower dose if there is one. Try not to fret too much.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to 1947treble

It’s a capsule unfortunately. Would have been ideal to half them. A lower dose might be a good option.

Kkimm profile image


I really feel for you and know how hard it is to get onto antidepressants but they can also transform your life once you have been through the difficult journey.

The one I take is Venlafaxine, it is the only one I have had to take as it really worked for me. I was never anxious or depressed before suddenly developing GAD and depression two years ago following a life trauma.

It has been a life saver for me and I have stayed very well and happy since starting it in August 2017.

It was a complete nightmare for the first few weeks and I was then up and down for a few months. The real transformation came after around 4 months, the depression lifted and the anxiety reduced greatly. This was after two dose increases. I think it is important to reach the dose that is effective for your condition and one advantage for you in having started on a higher dose than usual is that you may not need so many dose increases. These can be tough as well but in my experience nothing like as bad as starting. Phasing off one antidepressant and starting another is also very tough so I was lucky I got one that worked well first time. It is easier to change early on if your doctor thinks it is not the right one for you.

I carried on improving for another year on Venlafaxine having reached an effective dose for GAD of 150 mg. I am now even better than before I was ill, more sociable and better able to take on new challenges. There are minor down sides but these are nothing by comparison to the benefits.

The very worst I felt was the first couple of weeks. The nausea only lasted a few days for me. I found the increase in anxiety the worst side effect and that went away largely after around 10 days but continued on and off to a lesser degree for about 3 months, along with new random symptoms which would come and go. I go strangely afraid of alot more things during this period which was very worrying at the time.

I was constantly thinking of giving up for the first month or so but am so glad I didn't.

With regards to which antidepressant works best for you it seems a really difficult question to answer. Mine is seen as very effective for anxiety, often works when all else has failed but can also be one of the hardest to get on and to get off again.

I have heard that Lexapro is a good effective one which has the least side effects in many people.

Very good luck with your journey and feel free to message me anytime if you feel it will help.

Very best wishes.


Tjsmammy profile image

Thank you for this. Hearing that there is light at the end of the tunnel helps loads, it’s just hard not to want to give up. I think if I had more support around me it would be easier but I need to be well for my kids. My son is autistic and he suffers from terrible anxiety so for him to see me poorly effects his mood. I just need to power through.

Shadow19422 profile image


I was just reading on the forum and noted this was a while ago, how are you now, are you better

I have been on fluoxetine started on 20m and two weeks or so ago was put up to 40m, I am six weeks this Tuesday taking it in total, I seem to get one or two good days as though the low mood has lifted, and then I go back to feeling pretty awful again, I would be interested to hear from you especially if you are feeling your self again.

And what the recovery was like.

Tjsmammy profile image
Tjsmammy in reply to Shadow19422

Hiya. Honestly, it got too much and I stopped taking it. I wasn’t sleeping, having panic attacks and felt sick constantly. I wish I’d been able to stick it out but as a single parent I just couldn’t function enough on them. I haven’t tried any others as I’m to scared and to busy at work to be off sick again. It’s a bit of a vicious circle as I know I still need help, I hope you start having more good days xx

Shadow19422 profile image
Shadow19422 in reply to Tjsmammy

Oh thank you.

What a pity you must be really struggling, I know what it’s like my Daughter is divorced and has two Children.

I just want to get back to normality, it’s so hard with the side effects.

But I have been on them before, so I shall keep going.

Try to get some help if you feel you need itx

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