I'm on my last semester, I'm a senior. I wish i could say these have been the best 4 years but it hasn't. I feel lonely and outcasted. I never have had many friends in high school and have lost some of the ones along the way. I have maybe 2 close friends but that's it. It hurts seeing everyone else with tons of friends. I keep thinking what is wrong with me? What is so wrong with me that everyone doesn't like me? Im just really tired if it. Im afraid of being alone.
High school is a lonely place - Anxiety and Depre...
High school is a lonely place

i’m sorry you feel this way lindsey. high school does suck majorly! i was like you in high school, losing friends, having only one or two close friends..please don’t envy the friends others have or how they look like they’re having so much fun and all that hoopla. cherish the closeness of the friends, honestly one true friend engulfs a sea of fakers! there’s nothing wrong with you...people live in their own reality! high school is an awkward time and very cliquey and all that good stuff but it all comes to an end! after high school half of the people you went to school with will have made new friends and have new realities as will you! it feels like the whole world but high school is a blip!!
I agree with torpe, it is only school, you have so much living to do. My Mother told me when I was young, we only get 2 or 3 good friends in our lives, and she was right. People may look like they are having fun and have lots of friends, most of it is shallow and phony. There is nothing wrong with you, you are probably different, I was. I was quiet and shy, so did not attract friends, but I had my hobbies and we did things as a family. Trust in yourself, know your are lovable and liked, also be sure to love and like yourself, be your own best friend, I am, it does not bother me one bit to be by myself, I am a learner and doer, do not have time for gossip, or shallow conversations. I am my own person and present myself that way, people like me. Go ahead and live your life the way You want to you will be glad when you get older. I send you strength, peace, courage to be yourself, love and hugs....Sprinkle 1.....
I am 66, I remember my high school days, felt much like you. We moved alot, I was shy. I only had one friend then and no dates. When I look back at my pics, I was pretty cute. I thought I was fat and ugly. I was not. Anyway, life with change for you soon. You will pursue your dreams. You will meet people along the way with similar interests and they will be more mature. It’s important that you... like and love yourself... that you believe in yourself.
I graduated from high school almost forty years ago but felt like you do. I couldn't wait to graduate and move on. You don't need to have a lot of friends. If you have two good friends that's ok. After high school people go in their own direction. My two best friends in high school are still my best friends. There were times we weren't in touch every day because of jobs, children and other responsibilities but when we were together we made the most of it. Please try to enjoy your last semester.
I had one close friend in high school. There was a cheerleader, very popular, who once told me she envied me my friendship. I said, you have lots of friends. She said, No I don't. We all hang out, but they're not friends. I was shocked. They always looked like they were having the best of times. So cherish your two friends. High school is not the real world and you'll be surprised at the relief you'll feel when you graduate and you're not closed in by all the cliques. You have your whole life ahead of you. !!!
I was just like you. I had almost no friends, still don't. I didn't even take a senior Pic, buy a yearbook, go to prom or even graduation. Once it's over it's a whole new life and those years and even friends are gone. Off to bigger and better things.
Your experience sounds just like mine Mel
I don't regret it and have never looked back.
Me neither... it was all forced friendships.. none lasted.. everyone forgot each other and got on with real life .

Yeah I had a very similar experience Mel
I understand how you feel. I'm a senior in high school also and I don't have many friends. I see people look at me weird all the time and I wonder the same thing about myself but then I try to say to myself, there is nothing wrong with me and they are probably not good people for me to have in my life. That probably didn't make any sense but I understand what you are going through.
You're not alone sweetie. My daughter liked schoolwork but hated the environment (so many cliques). She also found herself without friends because everyone seemed so shallow. She ended up graduating a year early and went off to college where she found new friends with similar interests and outlook on life. She's now 37 and very successful and happy with lots of friends. My advice? Finish school and start a new jouney!