When I'm having and anxiety attack, I usually feel very worried about my anxiety itself ("What if the lack of confidence it causes means that I'll never do good things in my life, or be happy?") My mind feels completely full of these thoughts.
So I really feel lonely on two fronts:
1) I am preoccupied, and not connecting with others. Even people I just pass on the street, I feel so different from them.
2) Because the anxiety is the thing on my mind, I could talk about that, but I often don't because I know it's not really productive. It's too tempting for me to ask for reassurance, which usually doesn't help, and sometimes leaves me feeling worse. The people I do talk to about it (e.g. my husband) have already heard all about it, so there's not much left to say.
I'm wondering if others share these feelings of loneliness, and whether you have any advice for coping with it.