I posted a week or so back that I was really ill with a virus. So I’m still really ill. Ended up at the GP as an emergency last Friday morning as I was in an acute anxiety attack, as well as still have diarrhoea and feeling so sick. My husband and youngest daughter came and I can’t tell you how appallingly awful my husband was. I was shaking, crying and in a real state. My husband has a head cold and I was beside myself that he would get as ill as me. He had a go at me in the waiting room and my youngest (17) told him to stop being to arrogant and support me. He then refused to come into the consulting room. I was so humiliated and I just cried and cried. The GP was very kind and could see I was acutely anxious. She decided I had developed gastritis and gave me a tablet and a liquid to help with that (Pantoprazole and Peptac). She also gave me a stronger diazepam and something for nausea.
I perked up for a few days, but on Christmas Eve I became really ill again with diarrhoea, same on Christmas morning. The family all still came for Christmas dinner and I did a little, but everyone else did most of the work. Then I slept for a about two hours. After that, terrible stomach pain, more trips to the loo and the same during the night. I took some Imodium and refused to get out of bed on Boxing Day, I felt too awful and so depressed. I missed yet another family day and my youngest stayed home with me, bless her.
My husband decided I should get to the GP again this moring. I was suicidal last night. I told my husband that I didn’t want to wake up in the morning and wished I would die in my sleep. I’ve had IBS all my life and I just can’t take anymore. He told me he couldn’t live without me and would do everything he could at the GP. Yet, he sat and said nothing at the appointment. Nothing. He’s a pharma manager and it was his idea that I should take Imodium. I remember asking him if Imodium was a good idea because maybe I should be letting nature get rid of my virus (this was before I went to the GP the first time). He gave me a lecture about the fact that he knows all about viruses and that my bowel was over working and I needed to take it. GP said today that taking Imodium hadn’t helped at all. My stool sample was clear of bacteria or c-diff, so she felt I had had a viral infection (which doesn’t require antibiotics) and that I had to try and drink more and not take any Imodium or any of my antacids, because this was slowing the process of getting rid of it. She also took bloods to check my kidney function because I can barely drink.
Of course, my husband has said nothing about him being wrong about the Imodium. He’s been snapping at the girls all day and “needed out the house”. I asked him to dry and fold some towels and he’s dumped them in a heap.
He is the most arrogant, mean man I have ever met and I just feel so depressed. If I didn’t have my children, I would end my life today. He doesn’t understand that I’m worried this might be a life changing virus and my bowel will take months to settle. I’m exhausted, I’m done and I have never been this ill in my life. I suffer with chronic daily headache, chronic pain in my back and hips and IBS. But those are a walk in the park compared to this.
My girls are 17 and 20 and they are strong young women. One is training to be a teacher and living with her absolutely lovely boyfriend in the city. She is home just now and my husband is just being horrible to her (not new). My other daughter is applying for a nursing degree (has an unconditional place with one uni so far!). They are caring, strong, wonderful young women and I adore them. But they’re worried about me and my husband can give them no comfort.
I hate him. I really, really hate him. I will never, ever look back on difficult periods of my life - with mental health - and be able to say he was there for me and patient. He was and is always impatient and horrible. Both my girls have told me recently that they can’t stand him either.
Such a mess. Such a mess 😞