I have had anxiety through highschool alot and even most of college, mainly when in the classroom id panic and have to leave or even call home in most cases when in high school. now im 23, about to be 24 in feburary. i became agoraphobic a little after turning 22, a few months after and my symptoms were panic attacks (not too too bad but still bad) legs feeling tingly, arms tingly, hot forhead and just messing with my sleep etc. I went on Prozac for 3-4 months or so and somewhere between month 2 i started to have visual or eye problems that have since not gone away. it was a symptom i got when first starting prozac but went away i think i cant remember fully a few weeks after taking the medication. the meds were interrupting my sleep, giving me more anxiety at times and just made me feel worse. i stopped taking them and 3-4 months later (still dealing with vision issues, fog, dreamlike vision state) i go back to my doctor and i start taking Paxil and i was on that for 7-8ish months and stopped taking it, vision issue still persists and anxiety isnt as bad, in fact i dont have anxiety really at home. i still have minor panic and most certainly the vision problem which is now my trigger for anxiety when im out. im clean off the meds for about a month and a half now and still the vision issue persists. idk if its due to prozac, or if its due to my thoughts and worry or if its built up tension around my eyes or what. or if i need to see a massage therapist or something like that like ive seen some suggest. im so irritated and it makes me not want to live anymore. im so mentally drained from my vision problem, brain fog, dream like state thats very persistent over the past year i cant even try to focus on being positive etc. i wake up and boom all the vision symptoms still there. i need clarity back and i have yet to have that. things just dont feel real, like my body is on autopilot sometimes and its just scary. i really need help and dont have the answer.
i wonder if meds arent the answer for my vision, maybe i need massage therapy or some shit. idk if im tense in my neck, behind my eyes or what. if anyone relates or has these exact symptoms i want to know the solution if you have one. if i could see normally im sure id be able to get out and do alot more but i see things in a dream like state it seems for the most part. lost, confused, and as always need help. really working on the being positive and let it be and accept it and it will go away but i cant help to think it could be more than that idk.