I was diagnosed with anxiety and mild depression about a year ago and they got me on Prozac, I take 20mg every day. It took a while for me to actually notice a difference, I have significantly less anxiety and the depression feels less strong and less common but definitely still there. However, I did notice the 'emotional numbing' that is associated with taking an SSRI and that is still present. I don't necessarily feel happy, I just feel like very monotone and emotionless most of the time and just very disconnected emotionally. I also have a hard time in the bed with my man, I can't get finish which is getting pretty frustrating also. I'm not sure what to do, I don't know if I should try getting off these meds? or if I should just stay on them.. idk. What should I do? any advice or similar experiences with prozac? Lots of love -E
I don't know if I want to keep taking... - Anxiety and Depre...
I don't know if I want to keep taking my medication

There are many kinds of antidepressants to try out. It's a trial and error to find the right one that works best for you. The zombie- monotone feel comes with most of these meds. Sexual libido is affected, while other ssri have less sexual side effect. Ive tried many ssri, had same issues. I recently came off seroquel (not ssri) for for depression and anxiety . My seroquel side effects were not that bad. They are inconvenient! In the end the choice is up to you. 🤗👍take care Ela !
Losing the highs along with the lows is one of the trade offs. Luckily there are now so many options with meds. Whatever you do don't just stop taking your meds. You can really mess yourself up stopping without guidance from a doc. You have to wean off of them.
Hello ela, I too am on Prozac and it took time to get my dosage right. If it was too strong I was a zombie, if it was too weak, I was still an emotional wreck. I saw my doctor once a month for 3 months and we played with the milligrams of the prozac until we found what seemed to improve my depression. I don't believe any anti- depressant can take away depression completely, but the right dosage can definitely help balance a lot of the emotional instabilities that come with this disease. Keep fighting and seeing the doctor and work together to find what is right for you. Best of luck!
I agree about loss of emotions that antidepressants cause. I’m on lexapro

I was prescribed lexapro
how do you like it ?
does it make a difference especially with the heart fluttering?
It was ok until a year ago when anxiety was really bad. It’s working ok again now though. Heart flutters still there. I’ve read that antidepressants can cause them.
I went through a time when I wanted to stop the med I got down to 5mg and freaked out with the withdrawals.