Hey everyone I’m just looking for some positive reinforcement from people who have had anxiety drag them to the lowest points in their life but found ways to overcome it. I’ve always been an anxious person but haven’t really had it amplify until the last month or so to the point where I’m starting to realize I actually have a disorder. It’s new for me cause at 26 I felt like the way I managed stress, while not necessarily healthy, wasn’t anything detrimental. But after going through a weeklong period of almost daily panic/anxiety attacks and obsessing for weeks over something being medically wrong with me such as cancer or a tumor it’s really affected my body. I took Lexapro for two days but called my PA and told her it spaced me out and basically made everything worse. That was about a month ago but I still have constant dizziness and eye strain mixed with pressure on the front of my head. I feel physically normal though besides the issues with my head and vision and still find myself laughing with coworkers throughout the day but the constant feeling in my head and eyes increases my anxiety. I’ve done tons of research on it and can see that obviously these are symptoms of the stress released chemicals in your body. I’m really just looking for anyone who may have went through the same thing or something similar and has come out the other end sane and better. Or any words of encouragement at all!
P.S. I’m trying to use naturally remedies before I commit back to medication because I had such a shock experience with it but I’m starting to see that I may ultimately need it. I’ve gone to two counseling sessions over the last month and that does seem to help but doesn’t ultimately solve the physical issues.