It's so easy to tell a depressed person to be happy. But those people who say that don't understand depression at all. It's not easy to be happy. You can't just say be happy as if that person will wake up then next day with a genuine smile. If a depressed person is present, don't just say be happy. They will look at you as of you haven't seen life's bitterness. You won't be happy in a snap of a finger. I get that person wants to help but some words we think help actually harm more. Just listen because saying "why cant you just be happy" is really just annoying. If it was that easy, don't you think I would have done that....
"Why can't you just be happy" - Anxiety and Depre...
"Why can't you just be happy"

Yeah really!!! (Sarcasm) I've been told that or get over it, that's life. Times like those I just want to scream that is not helpful, and yes harmful. I've never thought about it that way but it is because I feel like less of a person and/or judged because "I'm not happy" and should be according to them. I woke up a bit ago and I'm not happy - maybe tomorrow. You speak the truth my friend.
I just love it when people ask me what I’m depressed about. NOT.
I’m depressed about being depressed. If I knew what I was depressed about, I could merely engage in some “talk therapy” and fix it.
That’s just another way to say “get over it.”
So true. People who say that just don’t understand depression and how it works. I say to them - if it were that easy to fix don’t you think I would have tried that by now.? Rather than suffer for all these years?