Desperate for help : I’m so scared of... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Desperate for help

Wwerty profile image
16 Replies

I’m so scared of everything, I’ve suffered anxiety for most of my adult life(I’m 41) and can normally cope with it, but recently I have been diagnosed with an under active thyroid and with drs messing around with meds for that then stopping them it’s left me feeling very anxious, I’m scared to leave the house, my minds racing constantly, I keep getting the “what ifs” going through my mind, I’m crying all the time because I just want to fix whatever is wrong with me and get my life back and I can’t, I’ve got 2 beautiful daughters that need me and a lovely husband (but he doesn’t understand anxiety) I feel like my whole world is crumbling around me, dr gave me mirtazipine, I took one tablet and it made me feel horrible, I just felt like my body was numb but my mind was in overdrive, felt very sedated and drugged so not taken it again, I’ve tried citalipram but after 2 days it made my heart race and frightened me so stopped, I now think it caused a panic attack which I know they make you worse before better, how can I fix me

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Wwerty profile image
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16 Replies
Coloradowalker profile image

I’m sorry you are having a difficult time. I can certainly empathize with your struggle. There can be so much frustration with finding the right medication and coping with side effects. I’ve taken Citalopram for about 6 weeks and have noticed improved mood but continue to have anxiety and to increase the dose can cause more side effects. I’m trying to be patient and, like you, have 2 daughters and an amazing husband that I want to enjoy and be present for. So hard to be patient as the meds work or this anxiety finally runs it’s course. I find myself getting really pissed at this illness and maybe that’s a good thing because I continue to fight it, go to work when I have symptoms, smile when I’m a ball of nerves, engage when I want to run, etc.... I know I have felt peaceful and pray that the contentment will be mine again. I’m thinking of you and know that Anxiety will not define us. ❤️

Wwerty profile image
Wwerty in reply to Coloradowalker

Thank you for replying, I’m currently on sick leave from work because I just can’t handle the stress of my job, I work in district nursing so I’m alone in my car most of the day, I just want my mind to stop x

Coloradowalker profile image
Coloradowalker in reply to Wwerty

I work in healthcare as well. And I think this complicates health anxiety. Because we are so sensitive to changes in our bodies, we’re more hyper vigilant. Sometimes I think ignorance is bliss. Wouldn’t you love to be someone who didn’t respond to every little change in your body or mind? I would.

Wwerty profile image
Wwerty in reply to Coloradowalker

Absolutely, too much knowledge is a bad thing x

Celtic27 profile image

Hi there I'm sorry to hear you've had anxiety got so long it's made worse by you feeling that your husband doesn't understand anxiety have you tried to get some information for him to read through men are usually told to carry on regardless of there mental state which is maybe the reason why he is having trouble understanding your anxiety! I'm afraid it maybe a case of seeing what your doctor can give you that works for you the thing is most medications have side effects so please persevere and you will get the best one for you! Please take care and all the best david!

Wwerty profile image
Wwerty in reply to Celtic27

Thanks for replying, he just feels helpless because he wants to make me well, I’m going back to my gp who is actually fantastic and will see/ring me at the drop of a hat

Crazy-Crafter profile image

I so understand this. More than I'd like to admit. For one, we need to stop thinking of ourselves as broken, but maybe hyper-aware? I've been struggling with my anxiety for what seems like my whole life. My husband and children really didn't understand until I "had a mini vacation" that I meant it when I said I needed support. I hope it doesn't get that far with you. Something that helps me is my morning yoga. I do it before I get out of bed, so it's less painful and I'm a little more awake. It's not a miracle, but it's a baby step.

Wwerty profile image
Wwerty in reply to Crazy-Crafter

My husband just feels helpless because he doesn’t know how to fix me, I love him dearly and just worry that he will leave because I can’t get well( mr anxiety raising his head again) x

Crazy-Crafter profile image

Maybe it's time to try therapy with him? Not couples therapy, but someone else explaining things. I love my husband dearly, but he can be emotionally vapid when it comes to my anxiety and depression. Or maybe even watch a medical documentary or Ted Talk. Either way, "Do not go gentle into that dark night. Rage! Rage, against the dying of the light." I may have misquoted it, but it's Dylan Thomas, and you got this! Just don't give up. Sometimes I have to try multiple ways of saying the same thing before it clicks. The trick is not to look or sound frustrating when you do. It seems like he wants to be able to be there for you. He just doesn't know what to do, or what you need from him. It's going to be alright 🎈

Crazy-Crafter profile image

And you don't need to be fixed. You just need help coping with this layer of you.

What Thyroid medication are you on now?

Once diagnosed, Thyroxine replacement medication is for life.

You haven't been treated long enough to see the benefits. It takes time for the Levothyroxine to get into your system, might be a while before you feel better.

I would ask to be referred to an Endocrinologist.

And ask for an Ultrasound scan of your Thyroid.

You also need your Vitamin D, B12 Folate and Ferritin levels testing so ask GP to do them.

You have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism - so why has Levothyroxine been stopped?

I would put a fresh post on Thyroid forum. Can't understand why your last one was apparently missed by Admin. You didn't get many answers.

State on your post exactly what medication you are now taking , any supplements you have taken and your last blood results with dates done.

Also list your symptoms and state last time you took Levothyroxine and what dose.

You need to get your Thyroid meds sorted , and eat healthily and drink lots of water.

And be tested to see if you need prescribed supplements or injections (eg B12 )

Some meds for depression and anxiety can have a bad affect on Levothyroxine.

Timing when taking Levothyroxine is crucial.

Being left untreated for years for your Thyroid conditions (as you probably were like most of us on the Thyroid forum ) is most likely a root cause of your Anxiety.

No part of the body can work properly without enough Thyroxine. Every cell in the body needs an adequate supply to function.

Don't give up on getting your Hypothyroidism treated - take your husband or a friend with you to see GP for moral support. Insist on a referal to an Endocrinologist and having the Nutrients levels blood tests (Vit D & B12 etc)

Wwerty profile image
Wwerty in reply to Mary-intussuception

I’m not on any meds for my thyroid because now the dr doesn’t think I’ve got a thyroid problem 🤷‍♀️ Even though I’ve tested positive for antibodies, my anxiety started when they dropped my dose and then stopped it, I’ve got another blood test in a week to see if my tsh and t4 have changed, i will have been off meds for a month when they check my bloods I’m just hoping it’s gone back up so they will give me something

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Wwerty

I can only repeat - ask GP to send you for an Ultrasound scan of your Thyroid.


Ask GP to refer you to an Endocrinologist.

Is there anyone you can take with you?

Can you see a different GP at the practice?

What's the Practice Manager like? Approachable?

Could you & your husband see them about your concerns.

You could phone the hospital and ask for the Endocrinologist's Secretary . Briefly explain your situation to her and ask how you can get to see the Endocrinologist.

You can also ask your GP what your Diagnosis is.

I thought you didn't like the Levothyroxine because you felt you had new symptoms ?

How are your nutrients levels?

Keep pestering GPs for referals, if refused then ask what is your diagnosis.

After next week's blood test you could ask again.

Make sure to get a print out of your results.

The target therapeutic level of TSH for those with Hypothyroidism is maximum of 2. Which is much lower than the normal range. Thyroid UK and many patients & specialists say it should be no more than 1.

We have to keep the TSH down to stop the Pituitary Gland from over working by producing too much.

If our T4 (Thyroxine level) drops low then are TSH will go up.

Hi again

I've just noticed I sent you a private message a month ago.

(I sent one earlier today ).

So I'm wondering if you've seen them?


Wwerty profile image
Wwerty in reply to Mary-intussuception

No I’ve not seen them sorry, I’m new to all this and technology isn’t my forte lol, I will look now

reaThua9 profile image

Hi there, just want to say I'm so sorry for everything you're going through, and I'm praying for you. You sound really overwhelmed, just try to hold on to when things were going better, knowing it will be that way again soon if you just hang in there. God bless!

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