Trapped: I have OCD. Lately my... - Anxiety and Depre...

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15 Replies

I have OCD. Lately my instructive thoughts have gone from inappropriate to violent. I’m scared I’m gonna hurt myself or others. I know I won’t but the line between reality and my head is thinning. I feel in a fog and like life isn’t really happening. Suddenly I’ll be back to normal and then it’s back. I feel like I’m going into psychosis but my counselor and family has said since I understand it’s not normal, I’m not. But I built up such a fear I can’t get out of it. I normally have anxiety flare ups where I have a couple days of high anxiety and they go away but this has been a whole different level. I’m scared to be left alone. I feel like my personality is slipping away. My dr gave me Zoloft and after half a 50mg pill I lost my mind. It wasn’t the meds and that was almost a week ago so it’s long gone out of my system but it’s like it triggered something. I considered going to the hospital but they don’t admit you unless you’re a real dmnger and I’m not since I can still function and care for my daughter. I don’t know what’s happened to me and nobody can relate to the violent thoughts. I feel like I’m going to snap. I feel like my brain is dying. I go to a new therapist tonight. I hope that’ll help. I’ve considered edibles to help relax me too. Idk but I felt good last night then had two nightmares. It’s making me really depressed which is not normal for me. I used to just be anxious not sad and very fearful. Anyone else felt like this? Advice?!

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15 Replies
fauxartist profile image

Yes!..I'm no therapist and this is just my lay person opinion immediate help..go somewhere else and keep trying till somebody listens to you.....and tell the idiots that you may be dissociating and having thoughts of self harm and harming others, and you have a child in your care....please get help.... I'm sorry this is happening to you, but this is serious....for you and others.

Tado profile image
Tado in reply to fauxartist

What do you think caused it?! It’s nearly out of nowhere.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Tado

no one here is qualified to answer that for you....and it's why it's really important for you to keep trying till someone will listen to you and help you get a proper diagnosis. I am so sorry your in this state, it must be very confusing and frustrating...but don't give up...

Calm_mama profile image

HI Tado,

My recommendations are as follows!

1) See a doc if you haven't already, just to check basic stuff (thyroid, chemistries) and review all your meds. There are medical causes of anxiety and those should be ruled out if not done already

2) Please see my profile! I recommend listening to dr. Claire Weekes' Enlightenment video right away- it is my favorite of the resources I list, and it's also available ASAP for you to hear.

It sounds to me like this is just good old-fashioned anxiety. And of course we know that OCD is an anxiety -based condition! Not to minimize your intrusive thoughts and all that you are feeling, but honestly, reducing your reaction to it (minimizing it!) is the key to starting on the road to recovery. Please take a listen to Dr. Weekes. She explains very clearly how the pattern unfolds. And it sounds like you fit that pattern to a "T".

Try not be startled by your thoughts. They are just thoughts. People in a sensitized state get bizarre thoughts all the time and they "stick" because Anxiety reacts to them. People in a non-sensitized state can get these thoughts and they just slip right through. The only thing that matters is your behavior. And you already know you are not going to act on your thoughts. So you can stop worrying about that :) Most anxious people I've met have such an incredibly well-developed conscience, they are in no way at risk of acting on these strange, instrusive thoughts. But anxiety tries to tell us otherwise! Ignore the thoughts. Ignore Anxiety's reaction to them. Let them come and go. Pay them no mind. As you practice this new approach, the thoughts will lessen, no longer startle and bewilder you, and you will see them for what they are - "Don't be bluffed by a thought" ~ Dr. Claire Weekes.

Lastly, if you end up in the ER, that's OK. It is part of the journey for most of us with high anxiety. Most likely they will send you right back home. Anxiety learns from this, too. "Hmmm Maybe there is no danger? Maybe I'm making something out of nothing?" It takes a lot of practice and patience to go through the recovery process, and stumbling through is par for the course.

Check out all the resources I list! Instrusive thoughts are addressed in most if not all of them. Start with Dr. Weekes' audio :) I know for me, I listened to it ~ 50 times in the 1st week of desperately needing it. I had to "shove it in there". Do that if you are finding it helpful. I think I know the whole thing by heart at this point. She will teach you a new way to look at all of this and start accepting all your strange symptoms- even the intrusive thoughts- as part of anxiety. And this, my friend, is the key to total recovery.

Tado profile image
Tado in reply to Calm_mama

Thank you so much! I will definitely check it all out. I’m at work and just had a customer come in and I was totally find. I stopped pouring sweat stopped thinking about it all. So I think it is just SEVERE anxiety. I just keep getting hung up on psychosis and it scares the hell out of me.

Tado profile image
Tado in reply to Calm_mama

I’m listening to her now and I love her calling it “Nervous Illness”. It’s comforting.

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to Tado

She is a genius. She figured it all out. She had it herself and figured out how to recover. She is a lifesaver to so, so many :)

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to Tado

And this one by her too:

It's important to hear the whole thing for all of its genius and all the context but she discusses frightening, violent thoughts in the sensitized person at ~ minute 34

Tado profile image
Tado in reply to Calm_mama

Thank you. I messaged you.

I’ve struggled with OCD intrusive thoughts before too, it is from extreme anxiety. has information and an OCD workshop that is $24 a month I found helpful. You are not going insane. I know how awful it is, and you feel crazy but it’s really just highly keyed up anxiety.

Tado profile image
Tado in reply to

How can I ensure it’s not psychosis or a warning sign of it?

in reply to Tado

Psychosis is being out of touch with reality, people who are psychotic don’t ask if they are psychotic, they think they are completely sane

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Tado in reply to

Okay. Even during the “early signs” they never ask? What’s concerning me is like these “spells” of altered reality but obviously it’s not because I’m able to articulate I feel that way.

What concerns me is part of my OCD is reassurance (I.e this but also googling) so when I google psychosis and early signs it says things like:

Pulling away from family

Loss of “happy” emotions or elevated “happy” emotions

Increased anxiety


Loss of interest

Loss of reality

Loss of focus

Fast talking

And I have all of these but they can also be triggered by my anxiety and OCD. I keep searching (because of the OCD) the differences between OCD and psychosis and they seem extremely similar and often misdiagnosed. And i feel like it’s not psychosis now because I question these thoughts but I’m afraid I am approaching that. Like do I have the warning signs of psychosis? I also had a “flare up” of intrusive thoughts a few weeks ago so it mentions psychosis is rarely a “snap” but gradual so is that what I’m doing?! I just don’t understand how one minute I can be 100% normal and then the next, feeling like I’m out of touch with reality...

in reply to Tado

I’ve had periods of time where I thought I was psychotic. My thoughts were spinning in my head and I felt like an alien being on this planet. I had extreme OCD intrusive thoughts. Going on Lexapro did help calm those down. I don’t think I ever lost touch with reality but it felt close

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Tado in reply to

That’s me right now. I am in reality because I’m still functioning as normal but I feel so odd and disconnected mentally.

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