Hello everyone on here. I hope everyone is having a peaceful and tranquil Monday morning. Just wanted to know if anyone on here has had the experience of telling someone that they’ve met for dating about their mental condition. I recently met a girl, on an online dating site and after talking and texting for a few dates, I told her about my depression. Her answer was, everyone goes through days when they’re sad. Obviously she didn’t know the difference between some bouts of depression and severe clinical depression. I didn’t want to get into it with her, till she asked......You’re not on any meds are you? To which I said, yes I am, is that a problem??? She told me that taking meds for depression is not a good idea cause they have to many side effects etc etc. That’s like telling someone who has diabetes not to take their meds cause of the side effects. But anyways, I knew that with what she was saying and her lack of compassion I had to cut her off. My thing is, if I start chatting with someone, should I tell them about my depression from the beginning or should I wait? I feel like I don’t want to hide anything, so I rather tell them. SAMSON
Dating and depression : Hello everyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
Dating and depression

Hey Samson, I personally think it’s a good idea to be upfront in some cases and she might have just asked out of curiosity and it quiet easy to read Tone to Text. Maybe a chance to at least meet and enlighten her if y’all clicked. Being upfront definitely works for me and definitely saves everyone’s time also. Best
I'd wait. If things doing work out then you haven't put too much of yourself out there. The person may not be worth opening up to.
I would wait also. She's gonna have her own baggage and I assure you won't see it for a while. When I went on the first date with my husband he told me that he had been on meds since he was a child. Since I hadn't yet experienced anything myself I was worried and wondered if I should take that on and wondered what the details were but too early to ask. Luckily I stuck around but I almost had second thoughts.
It has been a difficult life together dealing with depression between the two of us. So I do think you should be honest but not until you really see a future with her and you know you loves you no matter what. These things you don't just put out there so soon.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your feedback. I believe that waiting in the best bet.
Your welcome.