Hi all,
I am relatively new here and hoping that by talking to people who can relate, I can possibly make sense of a few things.
A quick background... I have suffered from generalized anxiety disorder and depression since 18 years old. I watched my father die of cancer slowly at a young age and that has caused me to struggle with the fear of loss over my lifetime (now 28). I've been medicated with a variety of SSRI's since I was 18 and have received professional help from several therapists.
My biggest struggle currently in my life is dating and prospective romantic relationships. I find myself not only struggling with opening up out of fear of rejection but the anxiety attacks that come from the whole dating process, specifically online dating. Unfortunately, I find myself scaring people away because I find myself trying to "hold on" to the friendship and relationship. My head then spirals out of control with thoughts of "I'm never good enough", "why can't I get someone to stay in my life", etc..
I recently spent the night with a gentleman who I met through a mutual friend. It was honestly the best night I have had in a long time because I felt close to this person emotionally, intellectually, physically... But after 24 hours he seemed to care less about speaking with me despite the amazing night we spent together and consistent conversation days leading up to it. Since, this has sent me into the biggest depression I have felt in a long time (and I have been on tons of dates in the last three years). I am isolating myself, can't eat, don't know where to go, don't want to talk, and I just cry. All while my head is racing with all the horrible thoughts.
Has anyone ever experienced anything similar going through the dating process? I know logically one date should not impact me like this. I am struggling to go on and continue to put myself out there, as this occurrence is tearing me up feeling "loss" once again. Any help, tips, or encouragement would be helpful.