High hemoglobin/hematocrit questions - Anxiety and Depre...

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High hemoglobin/hematocrit questions

Mike7777 profile image
32 Replies

Second time ive gotten a CBC and both times these have been elevated. Ive posted various posts of my symptoms. Brain fog, mild headaches, shock or stabbing pains in side of head of left side abdomen, sometimes kidneys,spleen area/stomach , fainting almost, stiff neck, blurred and double vision, almost sometimes like things are in slow motion, itchiness, bowel pressure, slight blood in stool and wiping, fatigue everyday, weakness. If anyone has ever had high levels of red blood cells/hemoglobin have you experienced these or know what i may have? Im seeing a hematologist soon as well as GI. Currently on lexapro and ativan. Ativan helps the most. The ssris havent done much.

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Mike7777 profile image
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32 Replies
Brightfuture22 profile image

Hi Mike,

What were your levels specifically, if I can ask? Are they elevated very high, or only slightly out of range? I recently had an elevated RBC, but my doctor wasn’t concerned. I got it rechecked a few weeks later and it was back in the normal range. Is there anything that can mess with the tests results? I have almost, if not all, of the same symptoms you’ve mention. My PC is chalking it up to anxiety, so idk. :/


Mike7777 profile image

Slightly i believe, hemoglobin was 18.7 and hematocrit was 53% this was the first test. Second im not sure yet. My rbc 5.98. Im a male, 27rs old. You?

Do you have the actual results - all numbers including the normal range in brackets and any comments by lab or doctor to add in here ? Was Ferritin also tested? As already mentioned, numbers just outside range are often ignored.

Do you drink alcohol regularly ? Do you drink Red Wine?

You could phone the Haematology department and ask how soon you will be seen as your symptoms are painful and causing you concern? ?

Until seen a fully investigated, difficult as it may be, try to relax. Try some distraction. Anxiety can exacerbate symptoms , main pain much worse. The constipation can cause bleeding due to straining at stool. Constipation can cause lots of symptoms and pain.

Hope you get seen soon by Haematology, hopefully they will fully test you and run a Full Iron Panel.

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I dont drink, my iron levels are normal as well. All those i listed are above the normal range. Ive been trying everything. But appreciate your support. Thank you.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Mike7777

Yes, I thought I remember you saying you only drink water.

It depends, I think , upon how high above range they are . Always helpful to ask for a print out of your results.

Hope the Haematologist and the Gastroenterologist can help.

You may want to ask about a referal to a Colorectal Specialist too. Or see how the other two Consultations go first ?


If this were me then I would definitely chase up Haematology department and ask for Urgent appointment.

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I do have a print out. The max for rbc was 5.84, mine was 5.98. Hemoglobin max was 17, mine was 18.7. Hematocrit was max 50% mine was 53

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Mike7777

What were the ranges.

They are all slightly elevated as you can see.

Did you have Ferritin tested?

Transferrin Saturation?

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Im not sure if i had those tested i think so, the ranges for rbc was 4.31-5.84 for hemo it was 13-17 for hematocrit it was 40-50

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Mike7777

So, small ranges, but slightly elevated . Surely Haematology department can help - treat if necessary? I'm not medically qualified but it seems to me you have been referred to the right specialists. I would want to be seen in Haematology department.

I have rock bottom Ferritin which has a very long range. With just inside normal Haemaglobin . I also have absorption issues. I would like an iron panel / referal to Haematology but been refused.

Hope you get sorted soon.

Let's know how Haematology appoinment goes . Keep in touch x


What did you mean by - you've tried everything ? What have you 'tried'

TrustnGod profile image
TrustnGod in reply to Mike7777

Did they mention that they were concerned about it to you? I’ve had CBCs where certain numbers are lower or higher but they’ve never brought it up to me. They’ve always said “all your levels look good. Textbook”. Then I see that certain numbers are outside the range but my doctor has told me that slight changes aren’t much to worry about. I obviously can’t say the same for you but if they didn’t mention anything to you about it, I wouldn’t look too deep in it.

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to TrustnGod

Yes they did mention it to me, hence why he referred me to a hematologist doctor

TrustnGod profile image
TrustnGod in reply to Mike7777

That’s so odd. I swear one of my levels was a good like 5 points off and they just said everything looks good. You said your iron levels are good correct?

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to TrustnGod

Yep iron levels fine

BonnieSue profile image

Hi Mike,

You have slightly elevated levels, the hemoglobin being the only one I would even consider a teensy bit significant. But I am not a doctor and it's great you will have follow up app'ts. with the right specialists. I am going to guess it's one or more of your symptoms that has your doctor sending you to specialists just to make sure you're A-OK. Honestly. I would relax if I were you. Do you by any chance, smoke? Smokers have these tests elevated and that would be normal for them. I am an old Hematology/Chemistry laboratorian from years ago. I hope all goes well for you!

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to BonnieSue

Nope no smoking, in the past yes like 5+ years. I have used many workout supplements though.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Mike7777

What supplements?

Your results are not reliable if taking supplements.

Did you tell your doctor everything you were taking.

Bud221977 profile image
Bud221977 in reply to BonnieSue

Hi Bonnie I just had a hemoglobin of 18.5 in February and was a smoker but quit then and there and in may it was 18.0 my question was how long after quiting smoking would my hemoglobin come down to normal range if that is the only problem with it ? Thank you

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to Bud221977

Hi Bud,Congratulations on quitting!!!!

I googled the answer and found multiple people's time until their Hgb normalizes to run 3-4 months. Hopefully, you will see a change of some sort in 1 month or so, but I think you will take longer than these folks. Maybe at 6 months you might be close to normal. This is just my guestimate. My experience lies primarily with with children's medicine. I wish I could be more helpful.

Think about this: If that May Hgb was accurate, it's telling you how badly your body was under the influence of cigarettes. You would seem to have been in worse shape than the average quitter. This is fantastic for you to get out from under this health problem, even though it's taking longer. Especially because it's taking longer. IF that Hgb was accurate.

Best wishes for a speedier change!

Bud221977 profile image
Bud221977 in reply to BonnieSue

Thank you for the reply and I hope in a couple months my level gets back to normal range because this has made me nervous and my anxiety is bad and thank you again

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to Bud221977

You are most welcome. Is your doctor aware of your anxiety? Do you think it's bad enough to talk with a doctor about?

Want2BHappy3 profile image

WOW, that's alot to deal with, can't say I know what you're going through, prays for you 🙏

hzhang35 profile image

Your Hb and RBC levels are slightly higher, which is called erythrocytosis. Living in areas of high altitude can give your higher RBC. Dehydration and vigorous exercise can temporarily raise your RBC too. So it could just a reactive process. It would be a good idea to see a hematologist if you have some bleeding (nose, GI as you mentioned in the post), especially if your other CBC parameters like WBC and platelet are also above normal range.

You've " tried everything "

What exactly.

No one should take any supplements unless tested and found deficient in a nutrient. Then any / each deficiency should be treated and retested after a while on the appropriate supplement.

I would talk to your doctor.

Waswelderdave12 profile image

Did you see the hematologist and find out the cause

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to Waswelderdave12

He doesnt know the cause, but i have seen the hematologist many times and will continue to get tests done.

pandaeyes1 profile image

Hmmm. I’d definitely check in with your hematologist soon. Could be some genetic problem. I’m not sure how old you are or your ethnicity, but there are specific blood diseases more common for each category. That said, agree with sooner appointment because usually higher hgb is associated with increased viscosity in blood, which makes you more prone to blood clots and stroke.

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to pandaeyes1

Im 27 and im half hispanic. But yes i know. Its weird that it went down for a bit then shot back up.

pandaeyes1 profile image
pandaeyes1 in reply to Mike7777

If it’s not by a lot, it might because you’re dehydrated. Blood can get thicker if you don’t have enough water.

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to pandaeyes1

Possibly. But i drink quite a bit of water.

VJ81 profile image

I had very high red cell level and doctor diagnosed me with Polycythemia Vera (blood cancer) treatment for 2.5 years and I monitored my hemoglobin/Hematocrit and felt something was off. Long story short 2nd opinion bunch of new blood tests and blood cancer was ruled out. I always told my old and new Hematologist that it must be related to stress/anxiety. Both said impossible but no explanation why my red cells are elevated sometimes. I’m convinced it’s related to stress/anxiety…

Bud221977 profile image
Bud221977 in reply to VJ81

When did your high hemoglobin start if you don't mind me asking cause I found out mine was high this past February

Bud221977 profile image

Hey Mike how did things turn out because im having high hemoglobin and supposed to see a hematologist soon

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