Emsam or/and Ativan for anxiety and d... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Emsam or/and Ativan for anxiety and depression?

marheart profile image
95 Replies

How do you vote?

Are you using either one or both?

Since ingesting meds causes gastric problems, the Dr told me about Emsam patch and is leaving it up to me to tell him what a want to do.

It's one of those questions that ask if I want to chance getting big time sick with Emsam or Ativan?

I have most of the side symptoms of the Emsam now without taking it. Ativan has to be ingested.

Back to thinking about Emsam. It might help and it might make those side effects miserable.

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95 Replies
socratesanne profile image

I think nausea it the worst and I can understand why you have problems as it is upsetting on all levels. It is involuntary and this causes once again that loss of control. If a patch is indicated, you are your own research, give it a try and explain to doc that this is the plan to regulate costs or whatever bothers you about trying it as he can give you answers from you team doc.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply tosocratesanne

Today's medical workers leave the learning and decisions up to the patient.

Ex: Hernia now the size of a child's football. 4 Drs. later and no one will give their opinion. Gave me list of pros and cons, then it's up to me. Surgery could be fatal at this point, or it could help or I'd need surgery often to keep it under control.

Pain and hospital mean surgery. For now I have to decide myself. I'm at the one year point and am very uncomfortable, not in pain.

socratesanne profile image
socratesanne in reply tomarheart

Did not see this entry esterday. This is a very difficult place for you to be in. Hope you can just relax in the decision instead of increase your anxiety. In reality therapy they talk about these kinds of decisions where you are totally on the fence for a decision that creates severe ambivalence, to just wait. Although, I cannot help your ultimate decision, reality therapy makes it clear to wait as you sit on this fence as there will be a shift that pushes you in the direction you need to be.

Hope it is the body to reconvene, to miraculously heal this blockage and balance your system. Water retention is difficult but I know that there are affective health issues that can improve once the system begins to heal. After I had a particular solution In LA they put into me for weeks to allow stem cells to grow to heal my hip, that fluid caused me more and more issues the entire next year.

Now that all that has cleared my system I am improved but once in awhile the lymphatic system rears its ugly head and I find a build up. I do very well on days I move a lot and keep busy, but not overdo, are my best days. I avoid salt as I have had that predeposition since the birth of my first child. I take water pills ever since my first child was born, per the doctors demands. It helped my system. Once in awhile they threatne to remove them, I fight back. When I get worried I have taken it far too long, I add in taurine which is a natural diuretic. I do know just looking at salt adds to my fluid retention and being immobile. Salt is hidden in so much of what we eat. I know your answers to what you eat is exceptionally complicated,

Hope you have a great dietitician to work with you. Often that can make a world of difference. I think my answer is organic vegetables. I love lettuce so that helps me a lot and I instantly feel better, but some people cannot digest rouphage easily. I also know I never eat fruit and that is a mistake but just do not like anything but blueberries and cherries. I wish for you a calm mind and the war between you and food to disolve. Please reach out as often as you need to this group as there are som remarkable folks to help and give yourself time I need to move as I have been on here all too long for my body not to rebel. Hope you find the grabber you need. I will try later to see if I can put the pix of the one I have that has lasted me since 2002, while others bit the dust.

in reply tosocratesanne

Think the extra virgin olive oil with juice of lemon, and some honey is a good way of helping depression and digestive problems such as fluid retention. I never knew it was a ready source of vitamin D3 and is cheaper than buying expensive supplements.

Marheart is on the right track with her use of vitamin D for health. Hubby has a hernia with belly fat so am going to try the olive oil with lemon juice and honey. Just wait for the protests!

in reply tosocratesanne

Hi agree with you entirely. Do you find nausea goes along with lack of sleep and tiredness. Can u private message me with any g information or sleep therapies? Thanks.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Don't really have any info. to share on sleep therapies except the usual write in your gratitude journal, then go to bed. No reading, watching TV, eating, etc. before bed time. Keeps the mind spinning when it must be calm to sleep.

I belong to a USA HMO and follow their rules which are for the patient to be presented with pros and cons and then the patient decides on the treatment. I need more guidance on what to do but...

Yes, nausea can enter the scene. I can't tell the cause because I also have Gastro Cancer.

My oxygen level was measured in a lab study and a take home study 4 yrs. apart, as a bit low when sleeping. Probably robbed by the anxiety/panic disorder. Couldn't tolerate the 3 convertors leased to me by insur co. Banging and Clanging noises from the 3 most quiet ones.

Now newer ones are on the market. There are so many body and mind problems, I can't cope with all of them.

I feel better about myself when I help others. This site gives me the opportunity to learn from the members and share what I've learned. Keep asking, keep looking. It's never ending.

in reply tomarheart

That is good info. Thank you.

Hi Marheart - I guess your specialist has told you that the patch might have side effects.

It seems you are stumped about your budget. When my dad was ill, I was able to have a third party mandate card from the bank. He could use his card online himself but if he needed extra help with online shopping, I would use my third party mandate card to order goods online. This meant we had partial control over his account as his advocates for his health and financial affairs. It is stressful when you are ill to have to deal with other problems but expect you like your own financial independence. You could always contact your bank, and ask for a new card, and for a card for your son. That gives you control over your affairs. It is your life. You are obviously able to check your balances.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

I have a USA, HMO provider. Money is not the issue with these drugs. My body rejects them. Have tried taking one from every category for past 4 yrs. due to anxiety disorder.

For decades I Fall asleep okay. Never stay asleep all night.

in reply tomarheart

An article "Foods to avoid with MAOIS"


author's address saklad@uthseso.edu

hope this reaches you - computer erratic.

Hi Marheart another helpful drug is Prochlorperazine which is used for both as an antiemetic drug for motion sickness, balance, with inner ear problems, and for sickness with cancer. It relaxes you and can be used as a suppository if your stomach is delicate.

I have used this for balance and nausea with Meniere's syndrome, at a low dose, and it helped tremendously. As I am drug sensitive too, I understand where you are coming from so the suppository might be helpful with anxiety depression and nausea.

Antihistamine drugs are used for nausea. Copper bangles might be useful round your wrists as a form of acupressure. Advice for nausea is to sip as much water as you can through the day. You could ask your specialist about the drug used as a suppository if you don't like taking tablets orally. Take care.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

New plan. Taking Vitamin D liquid. When I'm okay on that, I add SAM E.

Holistic finally. Sorry Big Pharma. You will have to do without my adding to your wallet.

Who else out there can speak to that plan with positivity? Let's Not add our anxiety fears to it.

in reply tomarheart

Vitamin D liquid may help your immune system - vitamin d deficiency as you know may contribute to breast and other types of cancer. There are two types of vitamin D. D2 can be found in foods from animal or plants but D3 is derived from other sources. D3 is the sunshine vitamin. If you can get 15 minutes of daylight on a small area of your skin such as your arms this can be enough to produce the vitamin D3 in your body.

You may not like strong sunlight, which is said to be needed to create the vitamin D, so it is good to know it may not be necessary to go out in the sun. You could sit in your living room by an open or shut window. D3 is the activated vitamin/hormone whilst D2 is the stored vitamin. Does your health care team provide tests of your vitamin/mineral levels such as B group and D levels as they can be prescribed for you if you have these deficiencies? An article you may find interesting is

Is Vitamin D Harmful without Vitamin K

healthline.com/nutrition-d-... k

I agree with you entirely about holistic health - the treatment recommended by US gov

is based on PNC 27 peptide anti cancer tumour cells necrosis- the peptide inhibits the growth of the cancer and is a natural therapy.


If you type in PNC 27 peptide anti cancer peptide some links may appear-

canceractive.com/article/pn... that- kills-cancer-cells

The Northern Baha Wellness centre in California as featured on the

Hope4Cancer Institute website. It is giving hope to people that natural methods

can help some people.

Vitamin K can be found in pork and ham may be part of your diet. It is not indicated as creating uric acid if the ham is fresh country ham with no processing.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Blood tests will be taken as we move on down the line with the changes.

The anxiety disorder is the main problem. It takes over and overwhelms me. Makes it so difficult to take better care of myself by way of going thru the medical hoops.

in reply tomarheart

Yep get it - even going for a check up can make you feel anxious.

May be the Ativan along with the Propanalol might be be ok - ask your health team Some people swear by it - it is just the drug sensitivity which is a problem.

As you have no trouble with the Valium it most likely will be ok. Coconut oil is helpful for both anxiety and depression. Most of the links I tried to send aren't sent with BT my server. Healthline.com can be found through your search. If you look up coconut oil through health online you may find how anxiety can be helped by using a couple of teaspoons a day. It is solid not runny, so you can spread it on a biscuit or put on top of your cooked meal - it will melt and will taste ok.

Even renowned doctors in the US recommend it for Alzheimers, and other mental health problems - Dr Mercola has a very interesting website with loads of articles

so does Medscape.com. Over the years guess you have tried a lot of these drugs but they have had side effects. If you can write them down, you can see what class of drugs they are, on drugs.com. As Valium is the same class as Ativan but a different formulation - then you can check with your health team if Ativan will suit you. The other home remedies can complement your healthcare plan - such as coconut and extra virgin olive oil. When you have used up your supplement vitamin D then the other foods may be easier on the pocket. No need to reply.

in reply tomarheart

Extra Virgin olive oil is a natural source of D3. This may be cheaper than buying supplements. Half a table spoon of extra virgin oil with half a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tea spoon of honey can help detoxify your liver and digestion. You just mix the squeezed lemon with the olive oil and honey, and have some on a small spoon several times a day. Not only does this mixture help your skin, but can prevent infections and protect your heart. It can also decrease stomach fat, round your middle, and aid fluid retention. Am going to try my husband on this, as he has a lot of fat on his abdomen with a hernia. When he eats too many pastries and goodies - his hernia is like a football too. Thanks for making me look up olive oil benefits for vitamins - and for home remedies on videos to help digestion and football stomachs!

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Good to know.

in reply tomarheart

Selenium zinc and high doses of vitamin C are essential to your health. If your levels are deficient of zinc and selenium this can affect your mental health. I take a supplement with all three in soluble tablet in a drink. Selenium can be found in beef and ox liver, and in brazil nuts. These three can help your cancer, along with vitamin d3 the active form of vitamin d with colon cancer and skin cancer. An insufficiency rather than deficiency can promote some cancers, so vitamin k with vitamin D will help your immune system. Am glad you getting there. You asked about natural ways of helping anxiety -there are foods with Gaba in them which can be taken as a supplement or which can be found in lemon balm and other herbs.

Valerian is another helpful calming herb - Have used valerian in a special tonic which was marvellous - but it was on it's own not with any other medication for mental health.

in reply tomarheart

PS the olive oil organic can help lower blood pressure too.

in reply tomarheart

Have been on another Anxiety Support website linked to health unlocked. Noticed someone called Agora was helped by hypnotherapy. As you are frightened of the medical environment tests, and drugs which are increasing your anxiety, may be this will help in the management of the anxiety. Opening the windows and sitting in day light might help stimulate your metabolism. Daylight encourages you to wake up, whereas the bedroom with closed curtains will make you sleepy. May be a combination of the Ativan with a recommended hypnotherapist at the top of the profession will help.

Do you think the drugs you are on are causing the nausea problems? As Socratesanne has mentioned, when you have fluid retention, this can make you uncomfortable. She repeats my experience with diuretics. They bring your blood pressure down naturally, and stop the fluids from being retained in your system. This may in turn help the nausea. I have to take them and when I tried a different brand, the formulation was not the same and I felt ill.

The hernia is a problem but is made worse with the fluid retention. Your nausea is still at stage 1 with chemotherapy. Another route with anti emetics is to use antihistamines which can stop the histamine and swelling to do with your fluid retention. At the moment it seems your cancer is under control, but the symptoms of fluid build up are making you worse. If you were going to take the Ativan -this is the same group of drugs as Valium which you already take. Taking both antihistamines and diuretics could very well make you feel so much better. Antihistamines help drug responses, and the diuretics would help discomfort and fluid build up. The drug prochlorperazine in minute does can help so much with the depression and anxiety and as an anti emetic, and is administered so it is not absorbed in your directly through the digestive system in the liver which gives you the nausea effects. The conflict of having to have surgery at the moment which could affect you so badly, either way, may be so anxiety causing you are getting worse anxiety.

If I were you I would go back to your specialist and tell him that you do not know what sort of drug could help you reduce the fluid, and if taking antihistamines will quell the effects of drugs which are making you sick. In the UK we are told to take Omeprazole to prevent our digestive tract getting upset with the other drugs taken. I know you are frightened of all drugs but the right low dose of diuretics may help you feel better.

There are interesting ideas on the Hope4cancer institute website in Mexico. It has a special centre which uses various methods to kill the cancer cells, and different chemotherapy such as LDN which is calming and used for cancer but mainly for alcoholics in the US. Bio resonance treatment may be used at this centre and this is a non toxic therapy based on research on sound and bio photo resonance which again is non invasive and kills the cancer cells. It is accessing these different treatments which your health providers might have information on.

Neither- Emsam might be ok if you screen out monoxidase inhibitors but you are extra sensitive - the Ativan is the same group as Valium - so you would need to know what symptom you are treating - Valium is more for anxiety.

If you can find underlying reasons why your chemo is reacting to your current medication

- and if you are still taking Propanalol for anxiety and BP - then you need a medication which can help the depression.

By helping your active vitamin D3 found in organic olive oil - extra virgin olive oil preferred as it is the first press, then you are helping your digestive system, and your brain with moods, with the mono unsaturated fats which aid your cholesterol levels so bad cholesterol which can cause embolisms, is reduced.

Other vitamin and mineral deficiencies all work against the immune system.

As you may like homeopathic remedies or some herbal foods, then substances such as valerian, passiflora, or lemon balm, can help the balance of hormones in your brain.

Your problem is sensitivity and reactions to your chemo - so you are painstakingly making logical decisions about your medication. Coconut oil is a useful aid for anxiety and depression and has the added benefit of warding off some bacterial and virus infections.



Take care. No need to reply.

Are you staying with your health team oncology or staying with mental health team?

Think you are wise to stay with your oncology team but help your mental health with other helpful immune support supplements, as well as drugs you have found helpful.

The food supplements such as Gaba are food supplements, but there are other herbal remedies such as lemon balm, which can help your nerves. Selenium can be found in mfoods including beef brazil nuts . You would only need to eat a couple of brazil nuts a day or just one to top up your selenium levels. Zinc and copper can be found in plain chocolate. They help in the digestion of selenium. Thyroid unlocked Uk is a helpful web site as if you are some drugs such as Gleevec it may slow your thyroid down. Another member on this website has been helped with Gaba supplements.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

I'm staying with the Behavior Health team And the Oncologist.

Anxiety drives everything I do. Since my body has continued to reject meds that go thru the Gastro system, I have to keep looking for ways to get around the problems.

Individual differences and ever changing life and body keep me constantly looking for today's answers.

Do you use the Mindfulness therapy? Some days I can stay close to the here and now. Other days I'm way out there in my negative thinking and depression. No consistency!

in reply tomarheart

Just a caught up with the therapy you were talking about. There is a series of short film clips, by psychiatrists, who use psychology techniques. They recommend CBT

and give examples of types of counselling on how to release anxiety Pat Ogden.

How to help patients feel safe. how to help the client come back into the window of tolerance. The mindfulness technique can use meditation as an aid to help calm the brain. It is a misleading title called Treating Trauma Master Series - and can be found through your search engine, with free downloads and PDFs from the group of specialists who deal with stress and anxiety linked problems. This if part of the government advisory department so the recommendations are within guidelines for US. The free films are only online for a week - so hope they will be still online if you log on to utube.com. Very interesting about somatic pain control which comes from the tension and anxiety and how to control, anxiety through the ventral nerve. Let me know if you enjoyed the master series.

I don't know of this therapy but have just been reading a very easy to understand article

by Janette Schoknappe " How to stimulate the ventral nerve." This is going to help me -

tell me if you think it will be useful. My links let me down but if you just search for the title

sure you will find it. I will look up mindfulness therapy. Thanks for feedback.


marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

In the US it's called CBT or Cognitive Behavior Therapy which is talk therapy and medications for depression and anxiety.

in reply tomarheart

Yes- have heard of this therapy - it is very helpful for many - but as you have phobias over the hospital and medical environment, hypnotherapy can help you more quickly.

The article about how to stimulate the ventral gives various breathing exercises, and other methods of calming you down such as putting a bit of ice in a plastic bag and holding it against the cheek, - this can calm you down. Other exercises like crossing your arms holding your shoulders and then patting each shoulder with your hands can help calm you as well. Are you hot in your area. it has turned cold in the UK.

The name of the author is Jannette Strokappe - she is a family and expert therapist who writes books The Ventral Vagus, www,counseling.proventherapy.com/ventral-vagal

Glad the medication patch and the therapy is helping.

marheart profile image

Yes, therapy helps. Therapist on vacation for 2 weeks. Staying home in the quiet is wonderful. Also miserable to be spending my time on the couch resting and feeling miserable.

No patch. New "adventure" into non Rx medical land. I've always been a mouth breather. Haven't slept thru the night for decades. Waking up startled and scared for past couple of years. Dry throat led me to be my own Dr. to figure out what's going on.

Dr. said to use Biotene to overcome loss of saliva from breathing. It works!

Unfortunately it only lasts for 4 hrs. So I'm still getting up during night. Crossing fingers, toes and eyes that this will take the edge off being startled and scared first thing in AM.

Eating breakfast continues to give me high anxiety.

It's only been 5 days on the Biotene. Doing my best to think Positivity.

in reply tomarheart

That's a break through with the Biotene. There is helpful information on the ventral nerve which can if activated help calm you down.

Jannette Schopakke has written an article with simple exercises and techniques to help activate the ventral nerve, to help calm anxiety.

You have had a long time of being sensitive to different foods, and now you are finding that supplements such as vitamin D and the Biotene are helping symptoms. Your healthcare provider should have given you vitamin D tests along with vitamin B12 and iron deficiency tests. If your tests are low the amount of vitamin D should be loaded to at least 50.000iu a week for 6 weeks. This should be part of your specialist team approach to your illness. They should be part of your healthcare prescription.

I'm glad you have meals which you know do not set you off. Vitamin K levels( found in ham,) should be monitored too as it helps your blood supply keeping your arteries free from calcium.

Do you think you could have hypnotherapy sessions with the other therapy that is working? Your mind set to keep positive may be helped by hypnotherapy, so your fears which are a permanent restless anxiety could be relieved.

Ecoqol D I Y caster oil pack Tutorial is a series of five videos on how to apply the pack. US.

youtube.com /ecoqol

The a castor oil pack on your abdomen may help rid your body of toxins in the liver. There are interesting videos on how to make the pack using a towel soaking it in The pack can help inflammation and swelling. video The castor oil video is made by a naturopath doctor, - it looks really helpful. She puts a warm pad on top of the oil soaked cloth. You could adapt the video by placing a thin oil soaked cloth, in a bowl, laying it on your stomach placing a hand towel over the cloth and then a microwave heat pad on top. You can lie down and rest for an hour. She spared herself having fibroids, and cysts removed when she was told she had to have surgery. Worth watching. Castor oil was used years ago as a laxative but now it is not recommended for internal use. it would be good if these packs could be sold ready to apply and be a prescription! The lavender smell must be heavenly and lift your mood. Have helped myself with a large goitre by eating iodine rich food, have cured my diabetes, and Irritable Bowel syndrome by myself! So pleased you are finding out all this information - it gives you a lift doesn't it!

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Thank you so much for the helpful info.

I changed Therapists last year because the Insurance Co. was able to hire someone who is a Hypnotherapist. Last week I asked to use it more often than every month or so. We also use breathing and tapping, along with Talk Therapy.

Since I don't know the health lingo I started off asking for Hypnosis. That met with resistance until my Therapist at the time believed in me. I know hypnosis is often regarded as entertainment on a stage. Hypnotherapist is a more technical and accepted terminology.

Also youtube.com has free meditation and hypnosis picks. I attach headphones to my computer, get into bed and listen.

Yet, with all those tools I'm not getting any better. I'm grateful the Psychiatrist is willing to suggest a more holistic natural approach.

in reply tomarheart

The hypnotherapist has to work on your unconscious mind - it is hard to do this with headphone picks - you have a therapist who is qualified to do this so when she comes back from her holiday may be you could have more sessions with hypnotherapy? It's like anything - if it is not a therapy with a one to one, professional who is experienced, then you end up laughing and you are being entertained! After your head phone picks, your conscious mind turns off the info which shows the hypnotherapy is not working. Ha! You are a bit like myself I think -you don't want anyone playing with your consciousness - but if you have this somatic anxiety, then may be the right person can help you.

Is it hot and sunny in your region? It has been quite warm here. Expect the climate in your area is pleasant! Hope things are all fine, and you have a chance to sit in your room in daylight to top up your vitamin D - you only have to have your arm in natural daylight for 15 minutes a day rather than sunlight, to boost your vitamin D.

Are you fed up of all the politics in the news? We have had it up to our ears with the government being ruled by people who want to remain in the EU because they are thinking short term. The referendum we had does not count - so what a lot of fat heads the Uk population is to have voted for something that does not matter?

I think our cat could make better decisions than some top brass - my cat is excellent at shredding my papers and knocking off my specs from the table to make me give her some food.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Working with a Therapist is also more personal than the generic youtube selections.

She can create the sessions to meet my specific goals and needs.

Rarely watch TV anymore. It's politics, anger or silly shows. That kind of daily input sure made me feel depressed. I'd rather veg out on the couch and do nothing than deal with all that negativity.

Cable TV is expensive in USA. The Co. provides choices. I am not able to tell them which channels I want, just which plan they offer that I am willing to buy.

TV watchers are a captive audience to their choices, not our own.

in reply tomarheart

So right and so wise - all that political pulp is so negative. We have digital television where the signal breaks up - the presenters look so ugly when their faces get scrambled - more like reptiles than humans - some of these presenters are so up themselves. The networks are so biased then forced opinions with these stars who work with auto and visual cues sometimes look like robots! The Oscar awards are sometimes painful to watch with pretence they don't know who has won the awards - gossip spreads fast in this industry. Sometimes you can see the join of their false eyelashes and their infills, and botox lips which suddenly look like rubber as they are too big. We don't get that we pay for as most of the programmes are repeats - we pay for old films and rehashed drama which were paid for with old licence fees - must not grumble . I got this fab tip from someone on this site. She told me when I wake up before getting out of bed to clasp my hands behind my head and wait until I yawn or my mouth opens, this can help calm you down before getting up. When you get up, sit up slowly, so you don't feel wobbly - it does help me. I think you are wonderful coping with everything. When you go into freeze mode it is difficult to work out a routine. We have a lot of flowers and trees out -

it such a lovely time of year. Hope you enjoy a restful time without therapy which is so helpful. bet you feel much more confident with a change of therapist.

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marheart in reply to

The "new" therapist and I have been working together for a year. She is a Social Worker who has worked with Cancer patients and others too.

It's a tuff job to listen to peoples problems all day long. Sometimes she is "in a mood". Oh well, that's life.

Here I go. I'd rather talk about someone else than talk about myself. Do you have that problem? Wonder if that's part of the anxiety disorder.

in reply tomarheart

Thought you had a change of therapist as you were not happy with the outcome of your therapy - but pleased you are back on board as it does help. It's tough luck when the therapist is in a bad mood - and you are meant to be getting her calm undivided attention! When you said you get nervous when you have your breakfast is that because you don't feel hungry, and build up tension as you feel you have to stick to routine? If you have your brekky early in the morning do you think you need to eat it later as when you have been resting, you may not feel like eating until 11am.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Tried to vary my schedule to eat breakfast. Don't know why that meal is so much more difficult to eat. Thinking back to my history, breakfast was never a good meal for me.

Mom finally told me I had to eat at least a piece of toast before going to school in the snow covered environment and freezing temperatures. Most people are hungry for breakfast. I'm not.

Must be something psychological. Maybe in a past life I was hung high after breakfast for being a mean, guilty person. LOL

The last Therapist thought it was because I don't have anything to look forward to except a day of nothingness, so I don't want that meal.

Sometimes Anxiety takes over the job for lunch and dinner too. Rare, but it happens.

My son cooks egg casserole, cuts rectangular pieces and all I have to do is Microwave one each morning. No cooking or I wouldn't eat at all with the shakes and fears going on in my body and mind.

in reply tomarheart

This could be a biological problem as well as a psychological one - those memories of not wanting to eat toast are part of the teen age and child rebellion not wanting to eat certain foods may be to do with the early morning pressure of getting off to school. Many kids don't feel hungry first thing in the morning, and as long as they have a drink, to stop dehydration will feel perfectly alright until later on. Fasting is recommended to help people with digestive problems, by that I mean eating may be 14 hours after eating the last meal instead of 8 hours. Your mind set is frozen and anxiety is created by not sticking to your given schedule and at the same time your body is rejecting food as it does not need it, until you feel a bit hungry.

You have food sensitivities so stick to what you know to eat - very sensible.

The drugs such as Valium are benzodiazepines, and are the same as passion flower and valerian. If you had a valerian tea, or passionflower tea this would give you the same as 5mg of Valium - this would calm you down naturally. You could ask your therapist/doctor about this to help anxiety.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

My sensitive body can tolerate 1/2 of the lowest dose of Valium to calm me down.. It rejected everything else for 3 years. The Psychiatrist (I call him the medicine man) said research shows it is more safe than before, for the age 70 and younger crowd. The cut off age used to be age 65. I'm past the age band, but ......

It helps while other meds continue to made me sick, so I'm sticking to your suggestion and keeping Valium.

HEMP is a big ticket item in USA, in states where it is legal. Scares me.

Tried Hemp oil and of course it made me sick like everything else that is supposed to help me.

I'll continue to vary the eating times. I do know that with my inconsistent results all the time I will be writing down what I take and when. Looking at that chart after a week it shows more meds or less meds giving a clear view of which were problem days with Anxiety in charge. Doesn't help for the future. It does reveal that it's true--- Inconsistent results vary.

in reply tomarheart

Hemp oil may be applied to the skin. Castor oil can be put on a wet wipe cloth and placed on abdomen. - then lie down for an hour and remove it. Guess you prefer to leave well alone. Other oils which are good for relaxation are chamomile oil, rosemary, and thyme oils. Chamomile tea and Green tea can make a difference to your immune system too.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

I have a plug in of lavender. Don't know if the past couple of weeks I've been sick due to that or ????

I have hemp oil that disagrees with Gastro system. How to apply to skin?

in reply tomarheart

If you had a toxic effect by taking some - I would not use it. Before you apply any oil try it on a tiny patch of skin first the leave it for a day in case you have a response.

You must be wary with the effects of your drugs. Grapefruit can affect the Gleevec and increase it's effectiveness - may be there is grape fruit seed or fruit in the drug?

If the lavender did upset you then don't touch it - some scents can affect you. I like eau de cologne and Roger Gallet' soap. Fresh air and drinking more water may help if you feel wobbly - Bet it is hot now where you live.

in reply tomarheart

Breathing waking at night with .mouth breathing as you know is a sign of sleep apnea . Is there a reason why you cannot sleep with mouth closed such as nasal congestion. As your oxygen levels go down at night drinking sips of water throughout the day every fifteen minutes and until you go bed may help oxygen levels . Shaking a bottle of water with air strip of bottle can increase the oxygen in the water. When you wake up this is a sign of oxygen levels lowering and your mouth and throat are dry with mouth open when you wake sip some water. Water can help confusional and panic attacks . There are natural methods to help sleep apnea which might up the night terrors.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Used CPAP for 3 yrs. Got rid of 94 lbs 5 yrs ago. Bye, bye CPAP. The Sleep issues have been going on for decades.

Discovered dry mouth when I wake up startled and scared. Dr. suggested OTC

Biotene. It does help to moisten the tongue and throat. Doesn't stop the waking up during the night altogether.

A idea is to try and delay your breakfast by 15 minutes every day - to see if you can break the pattern. You can take your meds with water and then wait for half an hour until you have got up then take the medicine. May be it will help you gain control over when you eat. If you feel alright with the delay, then follow the same pattern the next day, may be watching the telly for a bit longer until 9. 30.then eating breakfast. Drinking throughout the morning and day should help flush out toxins Your appestat is probably affected by the routine - if you feel you have managed to delay for 15 minutes and you want to eat then follow your need to eat. Good idea?

TriggerPoint profile image

First Of All "Ativan" Is A "Clutch Med" For A Actual "Anxiety/ Panic Attack" & Not GAD. & Emsam IS For "Major Depressive Disorder"... If You Are Deeply Depressed & Have Anxiety & Panic Attacks ? It's Worth A Try. BUT ! If You Feel ANY Bad Side Effects From The Emsam ? Call The Doc Immediately.....

Prayers For Ya~*


Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: fainting, mental/mood changes (e.g., agitation, confusion), muscle stiffness/twitching, changes in sexual ability/interest, shaking (tremor), shivering, swollen ankles/legs, unusual weight gain/loss, eye pain/swelling/redness, vision changes (e.g., double/blurred vision), severe stomach/abdominal pain, persistent nausea/vomiting, seizures, dark urine, yellowing eyes/skin.

This drug may rarely cause an attack of extremely high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), which may be fatal. Many drug and food interactions can increase this risk (See also Drug Interaction section.) Stop using selegiline and get medical help right away if any of these very serious side effects occur: frequent/severe headache, fast/slow/irregular/pounding heartbeat, chest pain, neck stiffness/soreness, severe nausea/vomiting, sweating/clammy skin (sometimes with fever), widened pupils, sudden sensitivity to light (photophobia).

marheart profile image
marheart in reply toTriggerPoint

Thanks for the info. The crisis has passed. Had fluid drained from Abdomen. I survived, but barely due to the anxiety it caused in my life.

The listing of side effects on meds is enough to make anyone go bonkers when Dr. says take this. The websites show anxiety, panic and depression are serious offenders.

Be aware and do what? The choices are now in the hands of the uninformed patient without a medical background of learning what to do.

Hope you had a chance to rest today. Lovely weather here but how long will it last.

marheart profile image

That's all I do is rest on the couch. This isn't living. When I do go out or someone comes in I usually settle down.

However, the build up can be for days of being afraid of the unknown. Then when the scary event occurs and is over, I'm depressed and critical of my ridiculous reactions called anxiety and depression.

They might be ridiculous to normal people but they are exhausting to those of us who suffer from it.

in reply tomarheart

Hi marheart know you are under oncologist. Have been reading about new immunotherapy . C . A. R. T for abdominal cancer . New Yórk is the centre. Patient T cells are engineered into cells which target the rogue cells

which are killed by the body defence mechanism. This new treatment is proving successful in other countries. Expect you already have this info which your team may be able to advise you of as, it is used for terminal and late stages.

Coping with your disease and fear on a daily basis is not a good position to be in. You say you feel better with someone dropping in - so having a bit of company helps you. Do you think if you sent a text message once a day at a certain time to your son, and have a chat with him for several minutes a day this would help? I know I phoned my dad when he lived miles away to see how he was during the day. Of course if you are resting you may not want visitors, but it would be nice to catch up throughout your week to know you have support. Are there any support social services in the US which can help you get out and start living? You need contact to help your morale - and having a chat can make all the difference. It would be natural to blame yourself for your anxiety. Have been looking at your drug and it is associated with a lot of the symptoms you are experiencing. Expect when your therapist returns from holiday you will feel better but it is a shame there are no other therapists to help during an interim holiday period to keep you focussed. Does she come back next week?

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Which medication are you referencing?

Therapist will be back in a week.

in reply tomarheart

The Gleevec loss of appetite liver problems skin changes rashes redness and sensitivity to sun increased sweating at night watery blurred eyes difficulty sleeping hair loss pain in muscles joints indigestion bloating and passing wind dry mouth or taste changes swollen face and joints - these symptoms are mentioned from Cancer research Today but oedema is mentioned on drugs.com. If you had a combination of these symptoms then anyone would feel the effects of the drugs and this would increase anxiety and depression. The drug works by blocking a protein called tyrosine kinase that tell cells to divide and grow. Strawberries are one food which can block the tyrosine kinase. You could get this in strawberry Ribena. You could ask your specialist if this would be ok to drink. Not long till you get back to therapy next week - it does help so much. Are you still taking the propranolol, which seems ok and the Valium?

It seems strange you can't find another antidepressant which won't give you side effects. The modern ones take up to six weeks to work and people can feel suicidal whilst taking them so they should be banned as people start jumping off cliffs! Patients need a fast acting drug, which works to lift their mood. I went on one called concordin I was brilliant. It came in when the Concorde aircraft was made, and had phenomenal speeds so you could travel to New York within 2 hours. We have gone backwards since then with 737 with crashes due to faulty over ride systems!

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

It's all an individual matter and the thinking does change along the way.

I'd rather some one knock on the door, than call and give me a time they will be here causing me to stress out, waiting and waiting for that time to come.

Therapist is back from vacation. Requested Hypnotherapy again.

Due to start next week.

Therapists aren't as trained and qualified as back in the day when Psychiatrists and Psychologists were the go to people called Counselors--- in secret of course.

And not on insur. of course.

Those days are over. Researched a lot to learn about the changes in mental health. Now I understand why my expectations were too great for what's available in today's world.

in reply tomarheart

You know so much about treatment and counselling guess you could do this on your head. Have had experience of beginners learning the ropes so now ask for the best help available . When you have hypernsensitivity and stress you have to feel confident so hope you won't have a therapist in a grouchy mood or who is not experienced. I ask now about experience and if it does not work out I give feedback and it helps to find the right person. Have read some of your recent posts they are really interesting and inspiring as you have had such a struggle. Hope therapy is ok now

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Hope Therapy. That's an interesting concept.

Probably like everyone in this support group, we lose hope at various times.

Since I've escalated from Anxiety to Panic, I understand why the Psych. is trying to approach the Depression with holistic supps. Fine and even better than fine with that approach.

Rx don't settle well in my sensitive body. Ran that treatment for 2 yrs of being sick with every category available.

If I sound hopeful in my postings, I'm glad to help you and in turn to help me.

Let's keep the positivity going.

in reply tomarheart

Yes positivity is what we all need especially when you are growing older and are living with a long term illness. It's the quality of life we want but we are living in an era of unfairness. The new immunotherapy for cancer has only been available since 2018 . C A R. T

Patients are not aware of new therapies which can give a new lease of life. The patient has to find the information and discuss with the oncology the benefits to you of non invasive and drug free treatment. So we live in hope that we will not be turned away from a treatment that may give quality of life and make you feel better. You live in a more positive country than the UK when the word no is used more frequently than yes. May be it is big pharma ? Thanks for great posts full of Hope and may be we will have the courage to ask and ask again for new treatments when treatment needs changing.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Agreed to! Thanks for caring.

marheart profile image

My system rejects meds. Valium is not usually advised, but it does give me some relief, which is better than no relief. No propranolol.

in reply tomarheart

Were you on propanalol before ? Not long now until your therapist comes back. Hope you had a good week end - the vitamin d you are taking sounds good - was looking up vitamin K and d in olive oil, it does contain a little vitamin k, but not nearly enough and vitamins d is low in ordinary olive oil. The highest level of vitamin D is in cod liver oil. Weather here been cloudy but cool but guess your area is warming up. Off with the woolly sweaters and on to the loose blouses!

marheart profile image

Took propranolo when I used to get migraines. It saved my life.

Therapists here are Talk Therapists. Psychiatrics order meds. in U.S.

in reply tomarheart

BP ok now it helps both anxiety and BP. It saved my hubby over twenty six years ago.

Quite interested in chakras and other philosophies to help your inner strength and confidence." Discover the easiest way to open your solar plexus," can be found at

chakras.info/open-solar-plexus. There is a 2 minute test, which can help you analyse how you feel. The questions are quite self analytical and don't know if people answer honestly or with insight into themselves but the questions alone can help you measure your own reactions. The philosophy helps you to accept, and find yourself. I was negative when I first read this about a year ago, but it is unlocking the unconscious mind, and how to make yourself stronger, which can help. Hope you had a good therapy session this week.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Thanks for the link. I never studied about Chakras. So much to learn, so little time.

The color scheme in my kitchen is yellow. Wonder if my body and mind directed me to that color to help me --- 21 yrs. ago.

in reply tomarheart

It could be - research shows blue is a calming colour and red increases anxiety and aggression. I like yellow in sun flowers, and in sky with sun sets and sunshine but tend to stick to cream or white backgrounds and use paintings to give different colours. My colour scheme has gone down the creek with my pet a cat who likes scratching sofas, and furniture, so everything is covered with rugs, and covers. My daughter is the same she has a spaniel and two cats bought expensive furniture but has had to cover them with rugs to prevent the scratching. When I loom at magazines with yards of cream carpet and pale tones, I can't think how real people live in these pristine surroundings.

Whatever colour helps you, makes you happy. Yellow sounds great.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

When I moved into my house, my friends described it as Easter Egg colors.

I still like soft, calm colors. The living room, dining room and carpeting are soft blue.

My clothes closet used to have bright colors. We change our favorite color likes as we change ourselves. Now I like darker colors.

That change all started when the anxiety and depression came to live with me.

in reply tomarheart

Your colour sense sounds so cool - was reading an article about someone who had migraine, and anxiety and headaches, and she painted her rooms in dark colours, and it helped her. She had a large picture window to let in the light, but could use blinds if it was too light. Bottle green walls, grey, navy blue, can be trendy

now a days. Have spent ages tidying up - find it takes longer to sort things, but at least I can do it myself.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Part of your posting vanished.

in reply tomarheart

Is it the computer - or the operator? I sometimes touch a button thinking I am scrolling and the whole page vanishes ha! The chakras look really interesting because you can use them to calm yourself, and your immediate responses when you feel upset. It is a type of mind awareness as you are telling yourself you accept the situation, and also to tell yourself you can overcome the barriers that are blocking your progress - it is self therapy rather than discussion with therapists. A combination of these two methods could be very helpful to prevent the adrenalin fight and flight hormones from draining you from emotions. I have found saying "om" to myself, does calm me down, so if I feel angry, it can calm me down before saying something I might regret. If you look up Om online you will see how this chant originated, and might find it useful. I do believe enjoying your surroundings with a change in décor, with a bit of paint or removing clutter can improve your sense of well being and control.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Can you start a new title for our discussions? It is no longer relevant as is. Maybe that's the message.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Where can I find easy to understand directions on how to use Chakras for clearing the anxiety?

You could use the pm message service if you are not comfortable with extending the range of information concerning taking the patch which you decided was not right for you.

Think you have given a lot of useful information through this post about other ways of helping anxiety and depression. I do not want to invade your message service if information is not applicable to you - but it is trial and error finding some information which you might find helpful in addition to your therapy. Hope you have a good week end.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

I'm not that computer savvy.

Wanted more people to be able to get some help from my ideas. They don't do much for me but every little bit helps.

As long as the title is not what we talk about, I thought some people might not read it.

in reply tomarheart

Think the title was relevant as there are many people who are sensitive to drugs so need to know how much they can take and how to help themselves. It is a popular post as it touches on so many different aspects of how to help mental health. May be you should put out a new post on something that interests you and me such as has anyone benefitted from studying chakras, as an aid to control their anxiety and moods as an additional help in their treatment. I don't get much response from posts, so I don't write them but you have written several successfully.

Use your search engine and ask for information on chakras. I use Bing as I don't like Google.

Hi - have just cooked tea - have printed some information on chakras/info solar -plexus

this provided by Jeffrey Allen who has a 7 minute free master class online. Learn four powerful yet simple energy techniques to tap inot your soul to create a formidable inner power to change your physical world and discover how much more powerful you can be.

is another energy guide. His logo is Mind Valley. There is a chakra test for free.

I did this and found it enlightening to try and answer the questions.

Chakras are energy pointers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. Seven chakras are positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency. This might seem unscientific but to enable the chakras to synergise, you have to believe in the positive value of the chakra balancing - chakra meditation might be most helpful if you don't want to feel uncomfortable by changing your posture. To help the third chakra a short meditation might be helpful.

Healing the third chakra with daily affirmations saying phrases such as I believe in myself

I deserve to be loved and respected by those around me I love and accept myself or by writing them down and reading them to yourself or aloud may help. You can find some music which inspires you and use your meditations whilst listening to the music.

Shut your eyes and imagine a bright yellow flower opening over your navel. A golden ball of light or a burning flame are also good meditations for opening Manipura. Imagine these images several times a day for a few minutes at a time while taking in deep calm breaths.

Jeffrey Allen has free spiritual energy energy, masterclass plus a ten page workbook.

Other facets of the chakra are to do with certain foods, and essential oil and certain stones which can calm you. The solar plexus is closely related to the digestive system. Using the chakra meditation may help your digestive system. Think this is more practical and spiritual than some philosophies but the chakras are based on Hindu meditation. Guess you can find videos on people practising their meditations and you can join in with them by watching. Hope you have a good weekend.

marheart profile image

Typed a long reply and it vanished from the page. Must be a force in the air.

Anyway, I'm going to research for Chakras. Thanks.

Sorry the page vanished in mid air someone recommended a book on the meditations and is going to send me the details as different meditations are useful. I started my lying down and thinking of a bright yellow sunflower and a golden ball of light shining over my navel. I then said some meditations - I accept myself, I love myself and I deserve to be respcted and loved by other people. Then I got out of bed slowly sitting on the bed so my bp did not go too low, then did some slow side to side head exercises. Then I stood up and put my hands and elbows behind my neck to open my ventral nerve, and airways. I took several deep breaths with my mouth closed and breathed out slowly. I am going to try the the same again through the day.

marheart profile image

Lots to learn!

You can heal your life by Louise Hay is the book recommended by someone - it is in a free download PDF. I did not look up the website - just the title of the book and author and the information came up quickly. Hope you had a good week last week with therapy and are enjoying better weather.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Hay House is a valuable resource.

I haven't been able to shake the escalating anxiety. Therapist insists I must go out in the world even if it hurts to deal with the negativity. I continue to resist. That's not the me from my past life as a teacher and helper of others.

Thought I would have outlasted the resistance and moved forward by now. The suffering either way is torture to me.

Staying home is depressing and upsetting. Same with going out. I'm focusing on the comfort I get from this support group even tho none of you know I'm elderly and have about a dozen health issues.

in reply tomarheart

Have found the same after a period of poor health. I just want to stick to familiar faces. I am lucky as I have a companion to share my ups and downs. I think you are very strong to have coped with all the health problems, and all the annoyances of communication, delayed post, and coping with every day events.

You sound young at heart. Liked both new posts about colour schemes - people like that sort of thing. I saw an article today on how dark colour scan help migraine sufferers and can calm their mind but for women migraines can be set off by extra bright colours, and other factors such as hormones, during women's lives. White walls can set off migraines too but I don't find this. Saw a great picture of a pale dove grey with white sofas, and a monochrome flower in grey black outline which subtle. I like fresh flowers to give colour

we have hydrangeas and roses, the end of rhododendrons and azalea. Do you therapist help you go round the shops to build your confidence, or g out for a cup of tea in a café. Mya be you could ask for volunteers to help you get out. Having some help opening doors and getting in and out of cars can be positive. We have women s voluntary movements and others who can help. You can but ask it is part of standard therapy in the UK,

other organsiations which may help .

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

There are many volunteers in USA. Very giving people.

The Agencies in my area are based on income. They won't reveal it before going thru testing and intake sessions. Last times I asked for cooking help, my income was $75 over the threshold so I didn't qualify.

I keep searching for quality and not quantity.

Why live longer if it means being 100 yrs. old and have a history of 30 yrs. of being sick. Now there are many people in the 80-95 age category who are questioning that joyous pat on the back from scientists who have enabled us to live longer.

in reply tomarheart

This is narrow view of voluntary care orgs, being based on an income rather than essential living costs. I would write to a volunteer org, and mention that income is not necessarily the same as your essential living costs which are rising all the time.

If this service is means tested then ask how it is means tested, when you have living costs which are rising, Perhaps you could ask the auditors of a voluntary how cases are evaluated, as you have cancer, and have to pay large health care subscriptions, then surely these should be taken into consideration. If you don't ask an org then you don't get. You could express your concern that mobility and energy levels are low whilst on chemotherapy, and that this has worsened over a period of time. You need that extra help for cleaning and cooking.

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

We do think alike on the issues of getting help.

Much to my disappointments over the past couple of years asking for help, I've learned the agencies in my area don't care about my expenses. Help is income based. They have a secretive individual agency Grant threshold level.

After in home intake visits, filling out paperwork and lots of aggravating and depressing conversations, I kept finding out that all that anxiety was not necessary to be put on me.

Once they saw I had an income from Social Security my requests were denied.

in reply tomarheart

This is denial - and a voluntary org should be able to be compassionate to those who need help. I can imagine the stress of all that form filling and getting nowhere.

The secretive monopoly for distribution of funds sounds like a government middleman to me - ha! We have similar problems with people who need food and go to food banks. Some are living on the streets and have no address or phone - but you have to have an address to get food from a food bank. We now have wireless money banks where people can feed money into a machine for dispersal for charities - but who runs and empties the machine the mafia ha!

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Definitely the Gov't in USA. They want the rich to stay here and the poor to find their own way without expecting social welfare or leave the country.

That means it's okay for the rich to take from the poor.

Anxiety victims continue to grow.

in reply tomarheart

yes - privatisation is on the increase in the UK. Most services are run by American data and US consultancies. Private companies are paid to do government work so they have no come back. We have privatised blood tests done by health care assistants, who know nothing about blood conditions. Some nurses are so bad they leave me black and blue and in pain as they try several veins, and cannot get the blood without bruising. I know now who to avoid as reckon people have practised on oranges and don't know the difference between a capillary and an orange vein ha! No wonder people get traumatised by having blood tests and visiting their doctor - they are too scared to go!

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Sounds like health care providers just do their jobs and that's that no matter what country we live in.

Are you on the Hay House email list to find out what is available free and for sale?

Today's email : harnessing the power is what you’ll learn in the first part of Alberto Villoldos new free webinar series, Sacred Ceremony: Commemorating Life with Intention.

in reply tomarheart

Thank you so much for the info will log onto this soon. it does give you hope when you find how you can help yourself pull out of behaviour patterns and negative thoughts.

Have stuck to the free 10 meditations from pdf from Louise Hay. I have found the positive way at looking at life when your glass is half full rather than half empty, does put problems into perspective. Have you found any of he meditations from the free e mail list as my message box gets clogged with too many e mails. Hope you are keeping calmer. We are going away for a few weeks. it must be lovely to be living in your own home. Have you written any more posts as the membership list has now changed, so it is difficult to keep track of old posts and members.

marheart profile image

I do respond to messages daily. Also started a few new posts, such as

Anti-depression kit:

> An ERASER, so that you can make all your mistakes disappear

> A PENNY, so you’ll never have to say ”I’m broke.”

> A MARBLE, in case someone says you’re losing yours.

> A RUBBER BAND, to stretch yourself beyond your limit.

> A STRING, to tie things together when everything falls apart.

> A HUG and KISS and Hershey’s chocolate candy, to remind you

that someone, somewhere cares.

Not what you're looking for?

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