Everyone back to work hearing about how great all their coworkers' weekends were? What were you all doing? Or trying to do?
It's Just Another Morbid Monday - Anxiety and Depre...
It's Just Another Morbid Monday
I took my daughter shopping for school, went grocery shopping with my husband and managed to pour out two bottles of vodka I bought in a weak moment. Doing okay at the moment. What did you do?
Picked up dogs cremains, went to the grocery store and refrained from insulting the genetic defect in front of me in line who can't understand the complexity of expiration dates on coupons, didn't finish a bottle of wine (moment of not quite weakness?), did some laundry. A full life in the North Country.
Sorry about your doggie. Sounds like a full weekend.
Thank you about the doggy thoughts. She was an old bulldog with breathing issues so it was time. Odd thing is my anxiety increases because when she was alive, if you didn't hear her chortling/snarkling away it meant she was getting into mischief or outside. So now the silence is nerve wracking....god knows what hijinks she's up to now that she's fully combat effective again.
Now I’m going to have that Manic Monday song stuck in my head all day! 😆😆.
I hope you have a great day and defy your coworkers odds!!
I work remotely, and actually *wish* I had annoying coworkers, haha. I guess that's weird...
But I went to a baby shower this weekend, and had a lot of anxiety during it, thinking I would be a bad parent if I ever had a chance to be one, due to my anxiety. Everyone else seems to have it so "together", sigh.
Speaking of children, I omitted Friday afternoon somehow. I don't have children myself but my girlfriend nannies for a small boy and girl and they went to play with my gf's niece in an inflatable sprinkler funland type apparatus and I went because.....I had to. I brought each child a pirate sword, a water pistol, and a play ball. Wouldn't you know I became the only target of said weaponry. Backstabbin' little bastards. So I'm not sure if I'd be a good father because of my depression or anxiety because my little larva would probably murder me before it became an issue. I wish I worked from home.
Also I wonder if we're just seeing things so differently that they're "together" seems together to us because we spend so much time inside and can't conceptualize it. Like think of trying to explain water to a fish if you could, it's just it's world and we're outside of it looking in. Or maybe they just pretend so much better than we can.
I didn't want to be alone much this weekend so I drove up to Raleigh to see my mom and older sister and I made them go out to the movies with me. We saw Crawl. It was very scary! Then Saturday i saw my younger sister and her kids and we went to the pool for a few hours. Sunday I was lonely so I went to the gym and then went to have my car oil changed at Wal-Mart. I watched Netflix and took a melatonin so I could go to sleep early. I'm glad I have work tonight.
Netflix recommendation, Dark and Sinner. So good if you want to binge. 👍
I'll have to investigate. My dvd./blu ray player has a Netflix button on it. I don't understand how it works so I just assume it's witchcraft of some sort.
Sat at home. Suffered panic attacks. Got around to staining some wood shelves. After ten years of panic free they came back 😞. The only difference now I understand them and cope better. I was doing really well for a long time. Maybe the stress of working and driving finally hit a tipping point? I don’t know. Just makes me sad.
From what I can gather that can happen. I'm sorry after such a long stretch it came back.