how things can come full's funny how one word can stir up so many emotions, thoughts and feelings....that word for me today was mainstream.....wish it were that easy....nothing about the help I need is easy....
it's funny....: how things can come... - Anxiety and Depre...
it's funny....

My trigger word is "No". My ex would always start off a sentence with "No" to disagree with me, even on topics that we agreed on. I'm so glad to be rid of him.
Working in Corrections for over 2 decades has made me a calloused and sometimes cynical person.....I have a mainstream a world where i need an extraordinary person who understands the struggles i go through.....can never really make my mainstream understand my 'perils',,...he tries to just doesnt usually turn out that way
I think you said in a previous post that there might be an opportunity to talk with a therapist over the telephone that is qualified in the realm of public safety?
yes....but i'm not as comfortable with a phone or telemed visit as I am with a face to face visit.....working to overcome that but it's a struggle
that’s understandable. it does have a sense of depersonalization. you want and need someone that understands you can meet in person. I’m sorry you’re left all alone to sort through these difficult emotions.
oh believe me....I am not alone....went through a program last year that really helped me develop a sometimes my problems are I get the benefit....just struggling a little bit....has been a tough couple of weeks
but the help I need is more specialized because of my chosen profession.....sometimes when I'm with my mainstream mental health professional.....I feel even more anxious after the appointment than I do before......I've learned over the last 2 years how important self care is.....I will never go backwards on it....but it can also be detrimental if a person doesn't have a general understanding
I’m just the opposite. I would rather talk to someone who can’t see me. I see an online therapist and it has taken me some 6 months to just be able to open up to her.
I'm so sorry if I've triggered you into an escalated episode...I feel really bad 😞