I once had a friend who was my best friend for about 5 years she said she didn't wanna be my friend anymore for unexplained reasons. A year later we reconcile but I still had trouble trusting her as she was my only friend at the time and she knew I would then be all alone. Anyways I grew to trust her again and felt like I actually had love for her as a friend. Not even a year later while I was going through a tough time with anxiety and depression she wouldn't text me so I spammed her and she let me know how she could not be there for me anymore and she ended the friendship again. I cried and it still hurts she was the first friend I was open to about my mental health and actual feelings. The end.
Story : I once had a friend who was my... - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm sorry. It is hard to trust others when we feel less than strong.
Thank you for replying. You are awesome
So sorry. This doesn’t have a happy ending. Her loss.
Thank you RoxieDawn, I appreciate you
Hopefully you'll make new friends even if it's just online to start with. Here is a good place. It's hard when a good friend goes.
Thaaaaanks for your support it is hard to lose a friendship
hi there I am 56 years old and the one thing I have learnt is that you have to have people who you can depend on fair weather friends do more harm than good, you will make new better ones in time you just need to hold on and not hold on the the friendship it will bring you down at the worst time in your life even further and make it harder to get up again
I truly appreciate your wise words.
Maybe you have heard this saying. I think it applies here. 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' Pam
True that's exactly what came to my mind right after. Shame on me I guess

Well, really , you need to protect yourself. When someone shows you who/what they are, believe them.
I try to learn from that experience now. Thank you for the advice.