Hello! I’m not sure how this works? But I’m going to give it a try because we’ll im in need of help which i hate to admit.
Last year i was diagnosed with anxiety and depressed, i pretty much had a mental breakdown after my work became infested with bed bugs. I have OCD and well bugs and germs are on my list of things to avoid. I wasn’t sleeping, eating, or leaving my bed if i didn’t have to. I started taking anti anxiety meds and visited a therapist, which started to help.
After i got through all that mess, i was on a better path to manage my mental health. I thought i have been doing good recently but i keep falling into this same depressive state. My motivation is at a -1 if that’s even possible and it’s a struggle everyday for me to do anything besides sleep. I feel like I’m just waiting for 1 more bad thing to happen before i just crawl under my bed and hide.
Any suggestions on how to get me out of this?! I stopped seeing my therapist awhile ago since i switched jobs. I’m also taking an anti-anxiety med daily.