I’m a 33 year old wife and mother of 2 beautiful young children. I am struggling with severe anxiety every single day and it’s making me rather depressed. I have found a good therapist and my primary is nice. I was started on Lexapro this month but I think it’s making me feel worse which upsets me because everyone said it was a big help to them but I seem to be having reactions to it. I know I had postpartum anxiety and intrusive thoughts after my firstborn that I just toughed out, my first panic attack ever was 5 hours after I had my second child in 2020. I struggled connecting to them which carried a lot of guilt. I developed bad social anxiety but felt better after I would cancel plans. Then in June of this year I had a long stomach bug and began having panic attacks, I lost my sense of self, didn’t connect to my family for days. It was really scary! Ever since then for the last 3 months nearly every day sometimes every moment of the day I have crippling anxiety and panic. I can’t seem to understand why? I have the family, stability, support, physical health, everything I’ve ever wanted! I should be the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, I worked so hard to get here! Yet I struggle making it moment to moment without panic. It makes me cry for hours/days at a time. I hardly sleep. I made my whole life about being super mom and am usually very good at it, it’s primarily my whole identity so now struggling with mental health I feel like my identity is gone. I don’t know how to feel better even with grounding techniques, the stigma of mental illness is hard to overcome. How can I be a mother, an individual, my own savior? It’s a lot to take care of all at once. Everyone says it gets better, but after 3 months of daily excruciating mental health struggles that doesn’t feel possible. I know I just started treatment but when the first treatment doesn’t work after so much hope I feel discouraged. I find it hard to get out of bed to face another day of the anxiety mental marathon but have no choice my children need me.