I was feeling really low this morning about yesterdays day at work, but now after some sleep and some researching I feel so much better. I just feel frustrated and depressed, I can’t be myself outside of my house and feel comfortable being myself. It’s like a switch that gets triggered, its a thin line between me feeling comfortable being myself and me being anxious and depressed. I just hope it will work out eventually.
When I’m at home I feel so much bette... - Anxiety and Depre...
When I’m at home I feel so much better and feel like myself

Thank u for sharing. Most things dont work out on their own. Do you like the line of work you're in? Do you like your coworkers? Im just trying to help pin point exactly what is making you feel depressed when you are out.
I don’t mind my job and I used to enjoy it until this new job. I do like my co-workers but I find that they maybe they misinterpret my social anxiety and depression for being rude or sensitive. I just find it hard to fit in now and now I feel like they all avoid me, I feel like I’m that person they all hate in the office.
If you dont talk to them you could be coming across as not liking them.
It's not that they dont like you, you havent given them the time to get to know you.
I understand you have social anxiety. I know what that feels like. It's terrible. However, the only way to get through anxiety is to face it. Take small steps to try to connect with people at work. Is there someone who seems nice to talk to?
Start there and start w small talk, maybe about the weather.
You are the same person inside or outdoors. The only difference is that in your case anxiety makes you feel vulnerable outside the safety zone of your home.
Just accept the feeling for the moment. Don't let anxiety make you a prisoner in your own home. What you can successfully deal with at home you can successfully deal with outdoors or at work. Just keep accepting the uncomfortable feeling for the time being. You will then discover that you can function equally well with or without it. That's when you stop worrying about being outside your home, you stop releasing the stress hormone and your nerves calm and recover. It's all going to go well.
Yes you’re right, thank you. My mindset instantly changes and I feel like I’m exposed and people can tell and instantly think theres something wrong with me. I’m also extremely self conscious about my eyes and my facial expression in general because I fear looking rude or grumpy or a bad person to other people, but when I’m anxious I get this heavy feeling on my eyes and sudden low mood. Sorry for the long rant. I hope it goes well for you too. 🙂