Firstly thank you to everyone who commented on my last post. They provided me with a glimmer of hope and comfort.
Unfortunately despite my best efforts, I was dismissed today.
I'll never get to the true reason why and I can't fight it as was one month under 2 years service. They used something small to get rid of me and nothing to do with my actual job performance. It's unfair and sly.
The last 4 days have been horrific, I've lost nearly a stone in weight from not being able to eat and took enough valium to put out a horse.
I don't no how to feel, I feel everything and also nothing. Numb, Shocked, embarrassed, sad, scared, angry, powerless, confused, no closure...what could I of done differently? Where did I go wrong. Ive put so much hard work in there and for what?
what do I say to new jobs I'm interviewing for? What will they think?
I've got 2 months paid leave, 2 months to think and wallow, I'm scared how I will react and cope. I'm lucky to have a supportive partner and my 2 dogs but me and my mind are not friends and should not be left for long periods of time alone.
Cant believe it...when will I wake up?