Feeling horrible : Ever since my... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Feeling horrible

Stephanie89 profile image
51 Replies

Ever since my surgery on Wednesday I been going downhill on my anxiety why did they have to tell me they heard a heart murmur and now my mind keeps thinking the worst

I feel so dizzy and weak and just sick to my stomach I keep thinking I’m having a complication from the cold knife biopsy but i know I’m not it was minor and good news the part the took no cancer or showing no pre cancer cells i should be so happy but instead I’m feeling like crap and thinking the worst feeling so dizzy I can’t even stand I hate this and it’s Mother’s Day weekend how am I suppose to enjoy these days wirh my family and kids 😭

When all I want to do is go to hospital cuz I feel so horrible

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Stephanie89 profile image
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51 Replies
Minnie87 profile image

Oh hun!

I totally feel your pain.honestly I feel like this everyday.

I was told I had a heart murmur once years ago and worried myself sick! since then whenever my heart has been listen to or checked there’s no sign of one!i just don’t think about it anymore.i know exactly how you feel!its horrible!always here if you want a chat x

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toMinnie87

It’s horrible today I feel so dizzy and weak and I haven’t felt this horrible since about a month ago but now that I found that out I’m worried sick it’s because of my heart murmur which they said they have no proof but I already had a ultrasound of my heart and Holter monitor and everything came back fine

Pearl67 profile image
Pearl67 in reply toStephanie89

Are you hydrated? Are you eating well? This is the time to focus on doing those self care things even if you do NOT feel like it! Those two things alone can make you feel plumb awful! Can you get ahold of some “Cup of Calm” tea? Sold pretty much in grocery stores...Walmart, local grocers, Target. Good stuff! I was told I had one too years ago and quite a few female friends🤷🏻‍♀️ Not one of us has ever had a heart issue. I think if they were super concerned there is NO way they would have put you under any sedation for your cold knife. They refuse people if they do not pass pre-op intakes. Just a reasuring factoid🤗

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toPearl67

No I’m not eating well I eat once a day I know I need to eat well and exercise but thank you for this I will definitely be drinking my cup of teas regularly like before

My aunt terrified me when she if I keep it up with my anxiety I will stress out my body and have a heart attack so that didn’t make the situation better :(

Pearl67 profile image
Pearl67 in reply toStephanie89

Omg! Thank you/No thsnk you, Silly Auntie😒😆 I would have died YEARS ago!!!! I kid you not! And I can hear many more weighing in on this. She was just trying to rattle you back to reality, not realizing people with real Phobic anxiety take those comments literally!!!

Buh bye👋🏻 Sweet Auntie! Thank you for the casserole! 😂

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toPearl67

Lol thank you this made me laugh yes I know she had good intentions but it honestly made me worse and now I’m obsessing I’m going to die from a heart attack now just didn’t need another thing added to my plate but I will be ok I am strong

jkl5500 profile image


Did you get a chance to call your doctor and ask about the murmur?

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply tojkl5500

No i haven’t i been to scared to get reassurance from him because I don’t want to have another issue 😟

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply toStephanie89

I don't want to upset you any further, but here's my advice:

You already have the issue! You're torturing yourself nonstop worrying about a murmur which, probably, is innocent and of no concern. A short talk with your doc can verify that you are worrying for nothing. I really want you to have some peace of mind. Please call your doc and give yourself some peace.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply tojkl5500

Thank u I have an appointment at the beginning of next month and I will tel him my concern which I know is probably nothing I already had the test

Sorry to hear of your pain. I wish you could have a great Mother’s Day as you most definitely deserve it.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to

Thank you :)

hypercat54 profile image

Oh dear it's no wonder you are feeling so awful. I will say from what I have heard a heart murmer is rarely anything to worry about and is quite common. Please don't let fear overwhelm you as I am sure you have many healthy years yet.

Be determined to put it out of your mind as much as possible and enjoy your Mothers Day. Think of us who aren't mothers and envy you having a family. x

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply tohypercat54

Thank you :)

I will try and not let it get in the way of enjoying This weekend especially with my kids and my family I know I feel dizzy and horrible because I’m feeding off my anxiety

I just want my mind to stop wondering and let me enjoy life

Dperez1223 profile image

I’m so sorry I know how you feel I just try to think positive and in the shower have a good cry I feel paranoid about me having s disease it’s hard to smile and pretend to be ok when inside your not it’s hard but know your not alone

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toDperez1223

Thank you yes it is very hard and I actually did cry earlier because of it’s not one thing it’s another if it’s not physical anxiety symptoms I still feel anxious and worry just want this cycle to stop

Tikirob profile image
Tikirob in reply toStephanie89

Hi Stephanie. If you can try to distract yourself for one minute every half hour. Pick up a pen and paper and draw something or write something or list 10 of your favorite songs. Pat yourself on the back for that one minute of distraction. Try it again soon after but if you worry let yourself worry but then try to distract from the worry after a while by doing something. Once you start to create a little space in between the worry you then have an opportunity to ground yourself.

Jeff1943 profile image

Stephanie, what people are telling you here is correct: most heart murmurs are innocent and require no treatment. Your doctor should be able to tell by listening to your heart whether it's an innocent one or maybe needs further investigation. As a mother you are clearly quite young, it is usually only with older people that there can be reason for concern.

Did the doctor say you required further tests or referrals to a specialist?

I do think you are worrying unnecessarily, you just got the o.k. about a possible cancer, you should be rejoicing.

If worry about the murmur continues to worry you go see your primary care doctor who will have had a report on your recent procedure and they should have indicated in that report whether the murmur needed following up or it was innocent.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toJeff1943

Yes it is reassuring

My dr said all my heart testing came back great and I didn’t need any further testing idk why the doctors for my surgery said they heard me have one and to follow up with my dr

But I am happy about my results that’s something that weighed me down

But I will be seeing next month I will talk with him then about my concerns and enjoy my time with my kids and famiky

lottiejemma profile image

I hope this reassures you, I have had a heart Murmur for years, since I was 24 !!! I am now 77, although I am on a pill for Angina, and I have to take a Statin, but I don't think it has anything to do with my heart murmur??? so please try and not worry about it, and Enjoy yourself Take care , love, Lottie

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply tolottiejemma

Thank you for this :)

I am 29 and I worry so much this helped me a lot I am happy I can come on here and I feel a little better now I will try and not let these physical symptoms from my anxiety weigh me down to enjoy my day

I know talk is cheap, but I wish you well and a full recovery. Stay strong and keep fighting.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to

Thank you :)

North123 profile image

You will be just fine, I understand completely but a lot of it is all in you're head , it's the negative thoughts that makes you feel so bad. I lived with anxiety for year's it's pretty awful. If you can calm you're mind you will calm you're body. You need something to distract and take you're mind off yourself.. meditation focusing on something ... And don't worry about the heart murmur my dad was born with a heart murmur and he lived until he was 87 year's old he just passed away in March from dementia. And I was told by Drs I have one too.. hope this helps. Happy Mother's day. You will feel better tomorrow...

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toNorth123

Thank you :)

That’s my current issue I can’t get my mind to stop thinking and worrying and I hate it I can’t watch a good show or movie without me starting to panic cuz I’m over thinking everything every pain I feel in my body goes to I’m dying and it’s horrible I’m trying harder to think positive and it helps sometimes but not always

Thank u for reassurance I know it’s probably nothing

You will be fine, just have a good rest everything will be ok.

Toosad65 profile image

Our minds are very powerful. Stress is also powerful. My dad had a heart murmur and lived to the age of 80. If they thought it was serious I am sure more test would have been done right away. You can live a very healthy life with a murmur. You can be causing how you feel right now. Try thinking positive and celebrate life.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toToosad65

Thank u I know I cause my symptoms cuz I can’t stop my mind from thinking the worst all day everyday it’s a constant battle with myself I need to celebrate this life I been given

First happy mothers day, and I hope you are able to enjoy time with your family.

I had a heart mummer diagnosed as an infant, I'm in my 30's now. Mine was so minor there was no complications only thing I needed to do was take antibiotics before dentist appointments. But now because of new research I don't even have to do that. I'm just trying to say, even if you do have one it's probably a mild one and if so there really isn't anything to do or really issues that go along with it. Also I had that happen to where some doc could hear it some couldn't, I'm not sure what that means but that's what happened.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toAnonymoususername83

Thank you :)

Yeah I been going to drs and emergency room for the past 1yr and half at least 2 times a month and this is the first time I heard this so maybe I’m thinking it’s my anxiety I was very anxious when they checked my heart but I know I will be ok thank you

Nolapaint profile image

Aww Im sorry!! Try to relax with meditation music, slow breathing to distract your mind.. i know what it feels like

I suffer from PTSD from a medical situation when I had my first child and ever since then any medical procedure scares the crap out of me . The dizziness and heartbeat could be a panic attacks

Not to mention feeling like that doesn’t help

Pahasapa profile image

A heart murmur is nothing serious at all. Most people have it

ge99 profile image

Hi, so glad that you got the all clear on the cancer scare. Sometimes I wonder why people are given any other information from their doctors which is not helpful. Given your anxious nature you should have been given the heart murmur details with more information later, when you had recovered from your surgery. Then you could have been thinking about the info in a better mood.

All the symptoms you were having after the operation were shock and trauma reactions, they will disappear overtime.

Enjoy your time with your family as it could have been a very different experience if you had a diagnosis of cancer. You have been given a second chance, so dont waste it, thinking of what MIGHT be in the future.

Sending all my very best wishes.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toge99

Thank you so much for this :)

I know that’s exactly what I thought they should have told me anything

But I know deep down it’s me my anxiety making it bigger than it is and I knew I would freak out after this procedure cuz I did after my gallbladder removal thinking I was having an air embolism and I was going to die I got great news fantastic news and I am blessed because drs were sure it was worse but didn’t know for sure I need to rejoice because I have my life and I want to enjoy it

jessy_jad profile image

Try to see the worst cases to know that you are in a better situation to create in your brain a strong cause to improve yourself and your case to not be like them, catch hope, search hope, remeber the Bad situations that ALLAH help you to pass and already you passed the thses Bad days and will pass any Bad days.. Trust in ALLAH and in yourself

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply tojessy_jad

Thank you and I definitely will I keep getting good news from all my testing and I know I am ok I have to overcome this anxiety

VaNillaRunner profile image

Happy Mother's Day! Good news on being cancer free as well. Stay positive!

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toVaNillaRunner

Thank you 💜

Hi Stephanie thyrotoxicosis, or Graves disease, may give rise to heart fibrillation. Some heart murmurs are harmless. If they were concerned about your heart murmur they would have referred you to a heart specialist. If you have not sent your thyroid test results to thyroid unlocked, then may be you should ask for information of what sort of thyroid disease you have. To produce more T3 which is converted from T4 you may need selenium zinc and vitamin C supplements which you may find combined in a drink form

whitelotusclinic.ca/blog has an article on how selenium zinc interact to help promote your T3 and T4.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to

Thank you I had my thyroid check and testing came back great all my testing did actually

in reply toStephanie89

That's what emotion does to us with word association - the soon as you hear a phrase like heart murmur it sends you into over drive. I had thyrotoxicosis, and at the same time my daughter was diagnosed with a heart murmur. It made me feel so anxious and ill . It was not a serious heart murmur but my daughter was quite chubby and inlaws would ignore any warning signs and give her bowls of thick cream and fruit. Fighting in laws over your family's diet is not easy!

copasedic profile image

Keep in mind that every beat of your heart is a gift from God. You can’t will it to beat. It, as well as everything is in God’s hands. For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord....

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply tocopasedic

Thank you for this 💜

copasedic profile image
copasedic in reply toStephanie89

Thank God, for everything!

Seachell71 profile image

Hi Stephanie, you must stop worrying and making your anxiety worse. It's brilliant news that you don't have cancer. There's lots of people who live with heart murmurs for years and years. You have to accept your ok and accept yourself for who you are and your anxiety I'll diserpate. Don't let it win and make you feel like crap. Enjoy your life with your kids. Find Nicola bird on fbook.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toSeachell71

Thank you and I will beat this anxiety 💜

Dutch-girl profile image

I have a slight heart murmur and have absolutely no physical distress from it. Now if I can just get my anxious and depressed head to follow....hope you had a nice day.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toDutch-girl

Thank you I am trying the same to get my body and mind in tune with each other

Emmlish profile image

I am also here with you :) It sounds like you are having a really hard time.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply toEmmlish

Thank you 💜

Okay take some slow deep breaths..in through your nose, out through your mouth...keep doing it..it will help to calm you...my daughter has a heart murmur..has for years..she's fine...I sure hope this gives you some comfort.....so happy your surgery went well....stay strong!

Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy n hugs!!!

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